June 3rd-14th
For two weeks this summer, SAS will be offering a Summer Camp. Below are descriptions of activities begin offered. Please contact the teacher listed for more information regarding sign-up deadlines and payment.
Age: 3 and 4 year olds
June 3-14
Time: 9am-12pm
This program will focus on structured activities that will prepare the new SAS 3 year old child for Pre-Kinder in the Montessori environment. Current students will have an opportunity to advance their math and language skills.
Cost: $125.00 per week (includes all materials and snack)
Teacher: Ms. Annie Gonzalez
Minimum of 5 students
Age-Kinder thru 3rd Grade
Session One: June 3-7
Session Two: June 10-14
Time: 9am-12pm
Attend Camp Read-A-Lot and enjoy activities such as: Reading Bingo, Roll, Bowl and Read, Jenga Reading, Flashlight Friday and lots MORE!
Cost per session: $125.00 per week(includes all materials and snack)
Teacher: Mrs. Jane Lozano
Minimum of 10 students
Just Add MUSIC (and LIGHTS)
Age: 1st grade-6th grade
June 3-14
Time: 9am-12pm
CAMERA, LIGHTS, ACTION! Join in the fun and explore the world of Performing Arts and Theatre. This camp is designed for the student who is interested in developing their singing abilities and strengthening their knowledge of musical theatre as an art. As a finale, the class will participate in a culminating showcase performance at the end of the camp.
Cost: $125.00 per week
Teacher: Mrs. LaBeau
Minimum of 20
Age: 3rd grade-6th grade
June 3-7 (one week only)
Time: 9am-12pm
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) camp will consist of 5 days of hands-on activities to create a learning experience that engages the mind. Each student will have a kit that will be theirs to keep!
Cost: $150.00 (includes individual STEM kit and snacks)
Teacher: Mr. Dimas
Minimum of 5 students
Age: 1st grade-6th grade
June 3-14
Time: 9am-12pm
Want to stay in shape and refine your skills at the same time? This camp will help beginners and advanced athletes keep in shape by engaging in a combination of a variety of sports and physical activities.
Cost: $125.00 per week
Teacher: Coach Salas
Minimum of 10 students
Age: Rising Kindergarten
June 3-14
Time: 9am-12pm
Why wait???? Get a FUN jumpstart into 1st grade by learning reading strategies, accurately decode, and learn grade level sight words through various games and activities.
Cost: $125.00 per week (includes all materials and snacks)
Teacher: Ms. Valdez
Minimum of 3 students