PLA@103 Friday Family News
The PLA@103 Phalen Falcons are SOARING TO SUCCESS!
PLA@103 Friday Family News
November 17, 2023
PLA@103 Falcons are Soaring to Success!
PLA@103 news below! Be sure to read and make note of the important information and dates. See more information below regarding PLA Gear, a dental program, Christmas assistance, a message from our nurse, and other important dates.
It's Time to Order Your School Spirit Gear!
The PLA@103 Gear Store opens on Monday, November 27. Adult and Child sizes are available.
Scan the QR code below or go to https://sportsplusincstore.itemorder.com and enter code E2B3C
Choose your items and add them to your cart.
Securely checkout with your credit card.
Online store closes December 9th at 11:59p.m.
Orders will be available to pick up at the school AFTER Winter Break.
Ropa de la Escuela Phalen 103 de Invierno de 2023
Ahora puedes adquirir tus artÃculos en linea en 3 sencillos pasos:
1. Escanee el código QR o acceda en lÃnea a https://sportsplusincstoreitemorder.com e
ingrese el código de venta: E2B3C
- Elige tus artÃculos y agrégalos a tu carrito.
- Pague de forma segura con su tarjeta de crédito
Fecha lÃmite de la tienda online: Sábado 9 de Diciembre de 2023 (11:59 CST
Lunchroom Policy
* Scholars should not be sharing food at lunch
* Scholars who are eating a school-provided lunch are not to have chips/snacks/candy from home in the lunchroom
* Scholars who bring their lunch to school from home should have a complete lunch, not just chips/snacks/candy
We have a visiting dentist coming to the school on December 4th and 8th. Please sign up your scholar to see the dentist.
Website for Parents to Enroll: https://www.myschooldentist.com/PLPCIN_schsrm
Christmas Assistance 2023
Christmas Assistance 2023
Kingdom Apostolic Ministries 4900 East 38th Street, Indianapolis
IN, 46218 317-549-1200 Registration: Nov 27-Dec 15, 2023 --
Pickup and Delivery: Dec 22, 2023
Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center 2990 West 71st Street,
Indianapolis IN, 46268 317-293-2600 Registration: Oct 2nd-Nov 20th, 2023; Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Fletcher Place Community Center (FPCC) 1637 Prospect Street,
Indianapolis, IN 46203 317-636-3466 ext. 404 Call for specific details
Salvation Army 725 E Washington St, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Telephone (317) 236-1255
Catholic Charities Indianapolis 1435 N Illinois St, Indianapolis, IN
46202. Call (317) 236-1512
CME Church of Phillips Temple 210 East 34th Street, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46205. Telephone - (317) 925-2000
Mother Against Violence Healing Ministry 4039 Graceland Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 46208. Phone: 317-400-5511
We MUST keep our scholars safe and we need your help doing it.
Please note- bus riders should be prepared for their bus to arrive at their stop 20 minutes before or after the stated pick-up/drop-off time.
**Doors open at 7:20am. DO NOT drop off your scholar (or have them walk to school) any earlier than 7:20am as this becomes a safety issue.
What we need from you:
* please only drop off on the circle drive.
* do not drop off where your scholar needs to cross the street. This is an unsafe practice.
* in the drop off line, please stay in line. Do not cut line to drop off your scholar.
* Do not drop off outside of the line. Scholars crossing the parking lot is very unsafe.
* please encourage your scholar to exit the car quickly so we may keep the line moving.
* please keep your speed at a safe level- speeding on the circle puts our scholars in danger.
* please pull up as far as possible. We have staff standing on the circle drive to direct traffic. When they motion to you to pull up, please pull up as far as possible.
DISMISSAL Procedures
There will be NO early pick-up of scholars after 1:30 p.m. Please plan accordingly.
Please make sure your scholar(s) are aware of how they are to get home each and every day.
Please communicate transportation changes with your scholar’s teacher.
walkers are typically dismissed after bus riders
If you have walked to school to pick up your child/walk them home, please do not come to the door. Please wait for your scholar to be dismissed by announcements.
- dismissal begins at 2:10 p.m. Please plan accordingly; scholars should be picked up no later than 2:30 p.m.
If you have driven to school to pick up your scholar, you MUST be in the car rider line. DO NOT PARK. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR. STAY IN THE LINE.
You MUST give your car rider number to the staff member at the entrance to the parking lot.
The line will be long, please be patient as we work to get your scholars out of the building and into your vehicle quickly and safely.
Please STAY IN LINE. Do not make a new line or park. Do not encourage your scholar to cross the parking lot.
Please follow directions of staff members; we pull cars as far forward as possible in order to move the line as efficiently as possible.
Please don’t honk. Please don’t encourage your scholars to move to your car if they haven’t been instructed to do so. This is a safety issue.
Please encourage your scholars to enter the vehicle on the passenger side and as swiftly as possible so the line can continue moving forward quickly and safely.
Information from the School Nurse
Please find past information from Nurse Sara in our previous newsletter HERE.
Phalen Leadership Academy @103 follows the guidelines laws, and
recommendations for the Indiana Department of Health, Marion
County Health Department, Community Health Network, and Indiana
State Code to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If the
nurse should call you to pick up your scholar, she/he is acting in
accordance with these laws and directives.
*Please do NOT send your scholar to school if one or more of the following
symptoms are present: diarrhea, vomiting (two or more times in 24-hour period),
undiagnosed body rash, sore throat with swollen lymph nodes, severe coughing,
eye redness/discharge, or fever of 100 degrees or above.
*Please do NOT send your scholar back to school until he/she has been fever,
diarrhea, and or vomiting free for 24 hours. This includes giving medications
during this time to keep symptoms away (example; Tylenol for fever)
Scholars sent home ill by the nurse for (fever, vomiting, diarrhea) will have the
following day excused per sickness policy. This will help prevent the spread of
infection to others and ensure that the scholar is well enough to learn. If your child
needs more time to get well please call and talk to school nurse for absences to be
If you cannot pick up your child, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to have
someone from your emergency contact list come and pick up the
child. They cannot stay at school. This helps prevent the spread of
illness to the entire school.
Scholars that have been prescribed antibiotics for any type of infection will need to be
on those medications for 24 hours before the scholar may return to school.
The school nurse may request a doctor’s note for return to school if there are symptoms
of communicable disease. Scholars that have had any type of surgery, cast, crutches,
and or activity restriction must provide a doctor’s note to return to school along with
instructions that indicated length of time, and any special considerations for the school to take.
2023-2024 Uniform Policy
Upcoming dates, please mark your calendar.
*After-school clubs are meeting. Contact the club's sponsor with questions.
*November 21, 2023- Early Dismissal at 11:20am
*November 22-24, 2023- NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
*November 30, 2023- PICTURE RETAKES
*December 4 and 8, 2023- Mobile Dentist- (more information coming soon)
*December 20, 2023- Early Dismissal at 11:20am
*December 21-January 8, 2024- WINTER BREAK; Scholars return on January 9, 2024
*January 15, 2024- No School in Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
*January 24, 2024- Early Dismissal at 11:20am
After School Clubs
For scholars who signed up and were accepted into these after school clubs, we meet on the following days unless you hear otherwise from the club's leader.
**Green Team- Thursday at 2:30-3:30
**Book Club- Tuesday at 2:25-3:25
**Dance Club- Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:30
5th-6th Grade Basketball Schedule
11-30-23 6:00pm at PLA@103 (vs. KIPP)
12-7-23 6:00pm at Charles Fairbanks 105
PLA@103 Images From Around the School
* The Green Team cleaned up our garden
* 3rd graders working on division with equal groups
* Scholars acting out a play they were reading
* Some of our best-behaved 5th-6th graders heading to Urban Air with Fight for Life's Building Dreams
* Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more pictures!