Clinic Update
from Nurse Robyn
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!!
Hello Pennington Families,
This will be a place where I can share updates and provide answers to frequently asked questions....
Medication at school?
Does you student have a medication that must be given during school hours? Or has an over-the-counter medication that's as needed and would be helpful to have stored in the clinic?
Please fill out the medication administration form. (Prescription medication form must be signed by healthcare provider). All medications must be dropped off and picked up by parent/guardian, no meds will be taken from or given to student.
Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of unless otherwise arranged with me.
Does your student have a Medical Action Plan (Diabetes, Asthma, Seizure, Allergy, etc...)?
Please see forms at the bottom of this newsletter to print out or pick up from the front office.
Does your student have all required immunizations completed to start school for the 2024-2025 year? Check here: School Requirements - Immunization (
Please consider putting an emergency change of clothes, underwear and socks in your student's backpack. I have limited supply in the clinic.
Need volunteer hours? Consider purchasing items for the clinic in exchange for Parent volunteer hours.
Please take a look at the Amazon wish list for the clinic:
2 items= 1 hour volunteer time.Max 2 hours.
(multi pack=1 item)
I will update the Amazon wish list as needed.
please feel free email me anytime:
*If you haven't heard back from me, check your spam folder.
Check back weekly for new updates!
Updated 8/16/24
Immunization Requirements for rising 7th graders 2024-2025
All 7th graders must have proof of a Tdap, Meningococcal and HPV vaccines prior to August 15, 2024. Note-the parent or guardian, at the parent's or guardian's sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine. Students will not be able to start school on August 19, 2024, without proof of the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine.
If your student has already received these vaccines, please provide proof to your student’s school nurse. Parents/guardians can view information about student immunization compliance in ParentVUE . For specific questions about immunization non-compliance or for assistance in setting up ParentVue account, please contact your student’s school.
More information on required immunizations can be found on the PWCS immunization requirements webpage.
Medications at School
Medication cannot be administered to any student without appropriate authorization forms completed and on file. Any medication must be be provided in a new, sealed container with the completed authorization form. Students may NOT transport medication to and from school. Any medication not meeting the PWCS regulations will not be administered to your student.
In accordance with the Code of Virginia 22.1-274.2 and § 8.01-226.5:1, students diagnosed with asthma or anaphylactic reaction may possess and self-administer certain inhaled asthma medications, self-injected epinephrine, or other emergency medication, with the appropriate authorization form on file.
Medical Authorization Forms
- Authorization for Medication Administration (PDF)
- Authorization to Implement Health Treatment Plan (PDF)
- Seizure Action Plan (PDF)
- Asthma Action Plan (PDF)
(Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plans must be submitted annually at the beginning of each school/SACC year dated after May 1, and whenever modifications are made to this plan.)
- Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan (PDF)
- Request for Administration of Medication for Allergic Reactions (PDF)
- Permission for Student to Carry and/or Self-Administer Epinephrine (PDF)
- Severe Allergy Individual Health Care Plan (PDF)
- Student Allergy History Form (PDF)
Management Of Diabetes in the School Setting
Other Medical Forms
Medication Permission Form for Extended Day/Overnight Field Trips (PDF)
Robyn Figueroa, BSN, RN
Location: Historic District, 9305 Stonewall Road, Manassas, VA, USA
Phone: 703-369-6644