Hazelbrook Community Newsletter
Boletín de la comunidad de Hazelbrook
September 23, 2022
Upcoming Dates
September 1–30: HMS fundraiser at The Thirsty Lion
October 12: NO SCHOOL (Staff Inservice Day)
October 24: Picture Retake Day
November 3: HMS Unity Night #1
Principal Message
Greetings HMS Families,
We are three weeks into the school year and our students are making us proud with the new routines and expectations. Now that they’ve had time getting to know where they are supposed to be each period, we brought back the reward system used last year to recognize students being on time to class.
Next week, we will start addressing tardies and skipping. This will include a range of responses including partnering with families, to assigning lunch detention centered around reteaching of the expectations on being responsible. More details can be found on the Hazelbrook Student Handbook site, linked here. Skipping class will result in an office discipline referral, a conversation with an administrator or dean of students to learn what the root cause of them skipping is, a phone call home, and detention to make up lost work time and relearn expectations around being safe and responsible.
This week we also practiced our first fire and evacuation drill. In the event of an emergency where staff and students need to evacuate the building, students are to follow the teachers directions of their teachers.
Lastly, some of our students have chosen to participate in the “one chip challenge” during lunch. We would like to ask that you do not send you child to school with any of these chips and that you discourage them from attempting this challenge. We will be confiscating these chips when we see them and calling home to inform you. Students have experienced so much discomfort and pain which has affected their ability to be present in class and in more severe cases, children have been hospitalized. We care about your child’s well-being and education.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Saludos familias de HMS,
Estamos a tres semanas en el año escolar y nuestros estudiantes nos hacen sentir orgullosos con las nuevas rutinas y expectativas. Ahora que han tenido tiempo para saber dónde se supone que deben estar en cada período, trajimos el sistema de recompensas que se usó el año pasado para reconocer a los estudiantes que llegan a tiempo a clase.
La próxima semana, comenzaremos a abordar las tardanzas y las faltas. Esto incluirá una variedad de respuestas que incluyen asociarse con las familias, asignar detención durante el almuerzo centrada en volver a enseñar las expectativas de ser responsable. Se pueden encontrar más detalles en el sitio del Manual del estudiante de Hazelbrook, vinculado aquí. Faltar a clase resultará en una remisión disciplinaria a la oficina, una conversación con un administrador o decano de estudiantes para saber cuál es la causa raíz de la falta, una llamada telefónica a casa y detención para recuperar el tiempo de trabajo perdido y volver a aprender las expectativas sobre estar seguro y responsable.
Esta semana también practicamos nuestro primer simulacro de incendio y evacuación. En caso de una emergencia en la que el personal y los estudiantes necesiten evacuar el edificio, los estudiantes deben seguir las instrucciones de los maestros de sus maestros.
Por último, algunos de nuestros estudiantes han optado por participar en el "desafío de un chip" durante el almuerzo. Nos gustaría pedirle que no envíe a su hijo a la escuela con ninguno de estos chips y que los desanime de intentar este desafío. Confiscaremos estas fichas cuando las veamos y llamaremos a casa para informarles. Los estudiantes han experimentado tanta incomodidad y dolor que ha afectado su capacidad para estar presentes en clase y, en casos más graves, los niños han sido hospitalizados. Nos preocupamos por el bienestar y la educación de su hijo.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo y colaboración.
News & Updates
Video Replay of Back to School Night
To report an absence or a late student, please call the attendance line directly and leave a message: 503-431-5121
Need to pick up your child early?
Hazelbrook PSO is looking for YOU!
PSO is Hazelbrook's parent organization! We need your help, parents, grandparents and caregivers.
PSO is looking to fill the following positions. Check out the PSO Page on the Hazelbrook website to learn more about each position.
- PSO President
- PSO Vice President
- Book Fair (November)
- FUNd Run Chairs (Spring Event)
We love our volunteers! To volunteer in any activities with Hazelbrook TTSD requires you to go online and fill out a background check form, along with training you can complete online. Click here for more information.
Once completed, this process can take up to a few weeks to be approved to volunteer in the school. The earlier you start the process the faster you can volunteer in any events or just volunteering in the school.
October Volunteer Opportunities:
October 7: Fun Friday board games
Volunteers needed to assist supervising board game activities during lunchtimes on Fridays. Sign up for any or all three lunch times.
October 27: Halloween Dance
Dance will run from one hour before the end of school until one hour after the end of school. Volunteers needed to assist in a variety of chaperone and event activities as needed.
Questions can be sent to: hmspsopresident@gmail.com
Unity Night is coming and we need your help!
Our goals for Unity Night are:
- *To educate students, families and school staff about the various cultures represented within the school community
- *To build social connection among students, family members, school staff and community partners
Please fill out this form to see how you can help out!
Or Contact hmsunitynight@ttsd.k12.or.us
Cold & Flu Season Is Here!
We need your help and your best judgment to keep staff and students at Hazelbrook safe. That includes monitoring your student and your family for symptoms of colds, the flu, strep throat, and Covid-19. Students and staff are welcome to wear masks for comfortability and safety.
We also ask that you please keep your child home if they are sick.
Here are symptoms to be aware of:
- Fever
- Chills
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Extreme fatigue
- Loss of taste or smell
- Stuffy/runny nose
- Dizziness
- High blood sugar
Please remember to do the following:
- If your student feels sick in any way, please keep them home and notify Hazelbrook attendance.
- If you are waiting for Covid-19 test results, please keep your student home until you hear back.
- If your student tests positive for Covid-19, please notify Hazelbrook attendance.
- If you student has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 at home or at an outside activity, please notify Hazelbrook attendance.
Virtual Hazelbrook Student Handbook
Pay For School Meals ONLINE
Meals are no longer free for all. The universal free meals waiver with USDA has expired. Beginning the 2022-2023 school year, meals will be charged to student accounts. TTSD is no longer using the My School Bucks Program. All funds that were in your student's account with My School Bucks have been carried over and will be accessed through Titan.
Families can apply for free meals online and pay for meals on the Titan Program Website. Click here for Titan FAQ's.
*Within the next couple of weeks you will be receiving a green 2022-2023 lunch application mailed to your home. If completing a paper application is more convenient, please do so. Once completed feel free to drop it off at the school.
Meal Prices
Middle School Breakfast: $2.50
Middle School Lunch: $4.00
Milk a la carte: $0.75
For the weekly menus, click here once school starts and select "Hazelbrook Middle School." *Meals are subject to change—supply chain issues are still ongoing!
Hazelbrook Online Store is OPEN
Yearbooks are NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE at this time. There will be a message in the future when yearbooks are available for purchase. This message will come out in the Spring. Thank you for your purchase.
Community Flyers
11300 SW Hazelbrook Rd
Tualatin, OR 97062
Main Office Phone/Teléfono de la oficina principal: 503-431-5100
Attendance Phone/Línea de Asistencia: 503-431-5121
Fax: 503-431-5110
Website/Sitio web: https://www.ttsdschools.org/hazelbrook
Instagram: @officialhazelbrookms
Twitter: @ttsdhazelbrook
Facebook: @hazelbrookmiddleschool
Si necesita servicios de intérprete, favor de llamar al Departamento de Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés (ELL) al: (503)431-4123 (Spanish)
Haddii aad u baahantahay adeegga turjumaan, fadlan u wac Qaybta Barashada Luqada Ingrisiga ee Tel: (503)431-4123 (Somalí) (503)431-4123 (Arabic)
Nếu như ông/bà cần dịch vụ thông dịch, xin vui lòng gọi bộ phận English Language Learner (ELL) của chúng tôi tại: (503) 431-4123
(Vietnamese) 若您需要語言翻譯服務,請聯絡我們的英語學習部門(ELL),電話:(503)431-4123。 (Chinese)
Ika pwe ke mochen an emon epwe anisuk non pekin chiaku kose mochen kopwe kokori ei nampa: (503)431-4123 (Chuukese)
Если Вы нуждаетесь в услугах переводчика, тогда, пожалуйста, звоните в наш Отдел для изучающих английский язык (English Language Learner- ELL), по номеру телефона: (503)431-4123 (Russian)