ACMS: Weekly Newsletter
September 22, 2023

ACMS: September 22, 2023
Thank you for joining us at Back-to-school night. The teachers appreciate you taking the time to meet them, learn about their plans for the year, and witness their joy for middle school. It was wonderful to have faces to names. Please introduce yourself anytime you see me. I am honored to be the principal.
To the left: Three Leadership students who helped direct families to their classes. ALL Leadership students did a great job!
Dates to remember...
9/27: Early release day (students are out of school at 1:45)
9/27: PTSA meeting (ACMS Cafeteria) 4:00-5:00 p.m.
9/29: Cross country meet (4:45 at Twality Middle School)
11/3: Dance (you've likely heard about students asking each other to the dance--which we know results in ignoring each other at the dance!)🙂
Officer Johnson
We are excited to welcome our School Resource Officer (SRO)---Officer Johnson to our building. Since the school is within the West Linn community, he will work with our students. He is responsible for many schools, but say hello when you see him. He came by Athey Creek on 9/18, and worked alongside your students in a Language Arts classroom. He participated in their free write.
WLHS: Football games
We know the football games bring so much joy to students and families. Please remember, middle school students must attend the West Linn home football games with an adult. If a student is being unsafe, or a supervising adult has to redirect their behavior, they will be asked to sit with their adult in the stands. Thank you for your support! We love how supportive they are of high school sports, and it's the perfect time to start representing the Lions responsibly! :)
Important information: Misc.
Bikes: If your student rides a bike to school, we now have bike racks in front. They are able to come in the Willamette Falls Drive entrance and secure them in front of the building.
COVID: There are not a number of days out due to COVID. Instead, absences are based on symptoms. As long as there's no fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medication and any/all symptoms are resolved or improving, your student may return. There is no requirement to wear a mask, though it is encouraged for 10 days following onset of symptoms or positive test.
THANK YOU to everyone that helped provide a wonderful meal to our teachers before Curriculum Night. It was very appreciated.
The first PTSA meeting of the year will be Wednesday September 27th at 4pm. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. You don't need to be a member. The meeting will be in person in the school cafeteria and online via this zoom link.
See this PTSA handout for more information about membership, volunteering, and upcoming events.