Memorial Elementary Newsletter
Our little paws leave big prints!
October 2023
I'm very happy to announce, that Mrs. Christine Rainey has accepted the long-term Administrative Assistant position in the main office. She brings great skill and positivity to our office all day. She is there to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Please continue to help us by remembering to report your student absentee hotline if your child will be absent or tardy @ 856-589-2526.
We kick off October with Custodian Appreciation Day 10/2. Cleaning our school is a BIG job! Thank you to Mr. Torres and Mr. Barr for having pride in Memorial School and keeping it at its best. Pitman has a team of talented maintenance staff that keep our district at its finest.
Respect Pillar
October begins our character education theme of Respect. Throughout the month of October, our students will be participating in various age-appropriate activities to recognize the Week of Respect (October 2nd -6th), NJ School Violence Awareness Week (October 16th - 20th), and Red Ribbon Week (October 23rd - 27th). The primary focus of the activities is to encourage all of our students to make healthy choices and demonstrate respect for themselves, their fellow students, and their community.
Important Reminders:
- Please DO NOT park in the car lines. Parking in the line creates backup and timing issues.
- Use crosswalks. Cutting through the car lines is unsafe for you and unfair to the drivers in the lines. We have a system for a reason.
- Our playground has been the victim of vandalism. If you see something please say something to the Pitman PD. Please remind older children to treat our playground kindly.
- Animals are strictly prohibited on campus. This is for everyone's safety including your pet.
- Please preorder lunch to help ensure your student has the lunch they like. Lunch this year is NOT FREE for everyone. Please see the district web page for more information.
Important Dates
2nd Custodial Staff Appreciation Day
2nd-5th Week of Respect
6th-9th School Closed
9th-13th Fire Prevention Week
19th Home and School at 7:00
23rd-27th Scholastic Book Fair
31st Fall Parade at 1:00 (Details to follow)
Theme Days
Week of Respect 2-6
2 Team Up for Kindness Wear! Wear your favorite sports jersey.
3 Wild About Respect Wear Animals or Animal Print
4 Be Friendly in a Flannel: Wear your favorite flannel.
5 Being a Friend is No Sweat- Wear Sweats!
13 Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
20 We are Pitman. Wear Orange and Black
27 Sweater Weather Wear your coziest sweater/ sweatshirt.
Save the Dates
- Parent/ Teacher Conference Week Early Dismissal November 13-17. These will be early dismissal days.
- Picture Retakes November 27th
School Counselor Corner by Cindy Thompson
In September, I had the opportunity to visit all of the kindergarten and first-grade classes for our SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) lessons. We read Friendshape, A Rainbow of Friends, the Peace Book, and Time for School Little Blue Truck. We discussed the role of the school counselor and the importance of using kind words, kind hands, and a kind heart. After our stories and activities, we practiced Butterfly Breathing and our Positive Affirmations (ex: I am a kind friend).
In October, we will be reading, LLama Llama and the Bully Goat, Not Opposites, It’s Okay to Be Different, One, All kinds of Friends, and When Pencil Met Eraser. All of these stories focus on the importance of treating one another with kindness..Many of these stories can be found on my webpage as well as YouTube.
From the Desk of Home and School
School Store Envelopes are still being accepted.
Boo Gram last day to order is 10/5.
Kiersten Miller
Email: ksagermiller@pitman.k12.nj.us
Website: https://www.pitman.k12.nj.us/Page/13
Location: 400 Hudson Avenue, Pitman, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-589-2526