What's New?
The TEKS Resource System has moved to a new platform!
(/ˈplatˌfôrm/ - an application or website that serves as a base from which a service is provided)
TEKS Resource System has been managed and operated by the Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC), a shared service agreement between the twenty Educational Service Centers (ESCs). In order to better serve teachers and administrators, the TCMPC had to adopt a new platform that would be sophisticated enough to be interactive and intuitive. This new site is https://go.tcmpc.org/.
The Dashboard is the first page you land on when logging in to go.tcmpc.org. The Dashboard provides access to Curriculum and is customized based on the Curriculum you have access to. It can be further customized for direct access to your Classrooms and your Favorites, for starters.
Also on the Dashboard you can use My Classrooms, Browse Curriculum, Sidebar, and Account Tools such as Help, Account Information, and Search.
Click Here to answer "What is the Go TCMPC Dashboard?".
My Classrooms
Click Here to Answer, "What is a Classroom?".
Click Here to Answer, "How do I add a new Classroom?"
District Course Calendars are shared from a district workspace to campuses automatically, making them available to every teacher easily for use in their classrooms. If your campuses need their own calendar that is distinct from the district calendar, additional course calendars can be created in campus workspaces so they are only available to teachers at that campus.
Course Calendars, a teacher's classroom Calendar, show important information like grading periods, non-instructional days, and state testing windows, as well as the specific unit start and end dates for the curriculum. You can have multiple course calendars as needed for your district or campus.
Click Here to start "Printing YAGs."
Click Here to Answer, "What is an Academic Calendar?"
Click Here to Answer, "What is a Course Calendar?".
Click Here to View the Video Tutorial, Creating an Academic Calendar.
For Administrators: How to Create an Academic Calendar
Administrators, you have the ability to create an academic calendar. You are able to create multiple calendars if needed. If your elementary and secondary campuses have different testing dates, this could be helpful. In this short video, you will learn how to create your Academic Calendar including all of the non-instructional days, holidays, teacher workdays, grading periods, and more.
Watch the Creating an Academic Calendar video now.
The user now has the option to view Resources organized into folders in list form for each course. The user can click into each folder to view more resources. From this page, you can also filter resources by key word and see which user added each resource, TCMPC, the district, the campus, or the teacher themselves.
The TEKS Verification Document, or TVD, is now printable.
What About the Current Platform?
TCMPC understands that making the change to a new platform can be difficult and take some time and training. Fro that reason the current, or PLS 3rd Learning, platform will remain accessible throughout the entire 2024-2025 School Year. So as eductors are learning the new platform, you will be able to access the original one.
Region 17 TCMPC Team
The Region 17 TCMPC Team will be rolling out trainings and those will be posted here on the TEKS Resource System / TCMPC page. Be sure to bookmark this Smore so that you stay up to date.
Region 17 TEKS Resource System
Email: jlafuente@esc17.net
Website: https://www.esc17.net/page/ci.teksresourcehome
Location: 1111 West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, USA