News and events
November 16, 2022

November 16, 2022
Upcoming events
No School: November 23-27
Unity Day: Nov. 30th - Wear Orange!
No School: December 2 & 5
P.T.O. Meeting: December 13th 6:30 PM Jefferson Library
School highlights
Job Opportunities: We currently have two Special Education ParaEducator and Teaching positions posted. Please consider applying to these openings! Postings Linked Here
Butterbraid Deadline November 21st
P.T.O. Butterbraid Sale: Butterbraid Flyer
Grade Level T-Shirt Donations: If you have a gently used Jefferson grade level t-shirt that your child doesn't wear anymore, the PTO is collecting these and they will be donated to students in the future. Your child can bring it to their classroom teacher and they will be collected in a box just outside out Volunteer Coordinator's Office.
Volunteer news
When Families, Teachers, Students and others view one another as Partners in Education, students succeed. Thank you to the wonderful Jefferson volunteers who give of their time each day. Our volunteers have put in 335 hours so far this school year!
Thank you for supporting Jefferson Elementary! We are grateful for our volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities
Challenge Reading Group Leader - virtual training provided
Math Plus Group Leader - virtual training provided
Butter Braid Volunteer Sign Up - December 7th
Staff Holiday Treats Sign Up December 12th
Volunteer Application & CRHR
For more information on getting involved at Jefferson, please contact:
Dijana Sivac
Volunteer Services Coordinator
This e-newsletter is published by Jefferson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.