the Savage Beat

March 14, 2023
A Note from the Superintendent
The community passed a Levy to build the "New" Middle School several years ago. The Middle school debt has been paid to the point it is possible to move forward with other facility renovations. Much needed renovations at Savannah High School have been in the planning stage for over seven years. The current financial environment makes it advantageous to move forward with new financing that can be structured to allow for renovations at other district campuses after the high school renovations are complete. These projects will be done without any increase in levy or monies taken from other parts of the budget.
Keep an eye on these endeavors as the Board works to secure financing for these projects.
March Board of Education Meeting Notes
Meet the Candidates
There will be 5 candidates running for 3 open seats on the SR3 Board of Education in the April 4th Election. We encourage all staff members to get to know the candidates and encourages others to do the same!
Don't forget to vote April 4th!
Check your calendar...
Around the District
Counselors are still available
Even though district campuses will be closed next week, the Family Guidance Center will have counselors available Monday, March 20th from 11 am to 4 pm at Savannah First Baptist Church for anyone who wants to come hangout or talk with someone. Games, art supplies, and counselors will be available!
Join us this Summer!
Summer School is available to all students entering Kindergarten through 6th Grade! Classes will be held from 7:40 am to 3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 23rd -- Friday, June 23rd. (There won't be school on Monday, May 29th). Click HERE to enroll online today!
SHS Freshman Pins State
Our boys won 14th overall as a team, Creighton Cook and Lincoln LaFave took 6th place and Cooper Burnsides won 2nd Place.
SHS Freshman Jade Brundridge is the 1st place State Champion!
Amazonia Makes Reading Fun
Minnie Cline Raises Playground Funds
Minnie Cline students and staff would like to thank everyone who participated in the playground raffle! With your help, they were able to raise just over $45,000 towards the playground that will be constructed in the coming months. We can't wait to see this long awaited project begin!
Start Planning for Next Year!
Welcome to the Savage Beat - your resource for all things "staff." If you have ideas for content you'd like to see here, please reach out to communications@savannahr3.com; we would love to hear from you! Savanah R3 wants to put more focus on telling our story. We can't do that without YOU. Let us know what's going on in your classroom, celebrate a coworker's hard work with a #SavageShoutOut, or let us know what we can do to help you be more successful. GO, SAVAGES!