The Bulldog Bulletin

Welcome to the Bulldog Bulletin!
The Bulldog Bulletin is the Principal's (Julie Markussen) weekly newsletter. Please look for all important dates, observations, announcements, good things about BHS, and more each Sunday when school is in session. You can also find the Bulldog Bulletin archive (all issues for the year as they are written) here:
Archive of 2023-2024 Bulldog Bulletins
Have an idea or something to share? Please email Julie Markussen at juliemarkussen@burbankusd.org.
Did You Miss an Edition of the Bulldog Bulletin?
You can always find an archive of the current and past editions of this year's Bulldog Bulletin on the BHS Website. Click this link: https://www.burbankusd.org/domain/1776
This Week's Important Announcements and Updates
This Week and Upcoming at BHS...
This Week:
November 7 Department Chair/ILT Meeting, 3:45 in Room 1142
- Tuesday, November 7, 2023 (For Staff Only) a representative from Grand Canyon University will be in the Teacher’s Lounge during lunch to share their educational opportunities and information about their online programs. Any and all who are interested are welcome to stop by.
November 8 Last day to purchase the AP tests at the regular price. Students must join the AP classroom and make their purchase at the Student Store in order for us to be able to order the test. More information below with links to purchase exams.
November 8 National STEM Day
November 10 Veterans Day (obs.)--NO SCHOOL
November 11 Veteran’s Day
November 11-18 National Homeless and Hunger Awareness Week
November 12 Diwali (Hindu, Jain and Sikh Diwali)
November 13 World Kindness Day
November 14 Early Release , 2:15 PM (Department Meetings); Faculty Meeting, 3:30, Cafeteria
November 15 Education Support Professionals Day
November 15 Senior Panorama Picture, 3rd Period
November 16 Shelter-in-Place Drill, Period 4
November 17 Substitute Educators Day
November 17 Swing Night, IMA
November 17-18 Fall Dance Show
November 20 International World Children’s Day
November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break
November 23 Thanksgiving
November 24 Native American Heritage Day
November 28 Early Release, 2:15 PM (WASC/Supporting EL PD for staff, Cafeteria)
November 30 Critical Care Meeting for select BHS Staff, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, Upstairs Library
Happy Veterans Day! November 11
Thank you to all members of the Armed Forces who have bravely fought for and given their all for this country. A special thank you to our Burbank Armed Services members who fought for justice for all!
San Fernando Valley Veterans Day Parade
Good Evening Bulldog Families!
In honor of Veteran's Day, BHS Baseball, in collaboration with the VFW, will be hosting a Veteran's Appreciation at our Game on Thursday, November 9th!
Live Performance of the National Anthem
Stand Up for Veteran Honors
Hot Dogs
Ceremonies begin at 5:45 pm with the Honorary First Pitch at 6 pm.
Spread the word and let's do what we can to PACK THE STANDS in honor of Those Who have Served our Country!
We encourage all Veterans to attend!
Have a family member who served? BRING 'EM!!
Have a neighbor who served? BRING 'EM!!
No better way to honor our Veterans than a good 'ol BULLDOG Baseball Game!!!!!
November is...
All Month
National American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month
Learn More About The Native American Heritage of the Verdugo Mountain Area
Find information below on the Native American heritage of the Verdugo Mountains and the Los Angeles area (which includes Burbank) .
from https://burbankinfocus.org
Descended from Uto-Aztecan speaking peoples and later named for the Mission which attempted to convert the them to Christianity (Gabrieliño), the original inhabitants of the area spanned all of Los Angeles county, into parts of Riverside and Orange counties, and to the Channel Islands. Life for these Native Americans prior to European contact was that of a hunter-gatherer society. Their population in 1771 is estimated to be around 5,000 people.
Upcoming Events at BHS/Great Things Happening at BHS!
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Info for 2023-24
· Students enrolled in a AP courses must sign up for a College Board online account, join their AP class(es) with the join code provided by the teacher, and select the exam(s) they will be taking at myap.collegeboard.org. This sign up process should be completed by September 29, 2023.
· Exams can be purchase online through the BHS Webstore beginning Monday, October 2, 2023. The price is $97 per exam.
· If you are wishing to take an AP test for a class you are not enrolled in at BHS, you need a join code from Ms. Barzegar in order to add yourself in the “Exam Only” section of that class.
· The deadline to purchase AP exams will be 3:30 pm on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. A $40 late fee will be charged to each test purchased after this date. There are no exceptions for technical difficulties or any other issues. Please do not wait until the last minute to make your selection, and allow time to reach out to troubleshoot.
· If a student chooses not to take the AP test after they purchase it, there is a $40 cancellation fee.
· Spring Semester Exception: Students enrolled in a second semester AP Economics or AP Government class will be eligible to purchase that exam at a later date. The spring sales window will be open from March 1 - March 8, 2023.
· The last day to buy any test is March 8.
Purchase exams online through the BHS Webstore or at the Student Store.
1. Purchase your AP Exam at the…
a. BHS Webstore; https://bhsbulldogs.myschoolcentral.com/
b. BHS Student Store during nutrition and lunch.
2. Log in using the 5-digit student I. D. number.
3. Click on purchase AP test.
4. Select the test subject(s) you need to purchase, and add to cart.
5. Pay with a credit card
** If you have proof of eligibility for a reduced exam fee but are not able to purchase the Scholarship / Free & Reduced on the Webstore, please visit the Student Store or email proof of eligibility from https://www.schoolcafe.com/BurbankUSD to Mrs. Schillaci at HollySchillaci@Burbankusd.org
· To qualify for a fee reduction for the AP exams, please email the letter that states you have been approved for the free and reduced lunch program for the current school year to Ms. Schillaci at HollySchillaci@burbankusd.org.
· The reduced fee for AP testing is $35. Late purchases (Nov 9 – March 8) have an additional $40 late fee.
· To apply for free and reduced lunch, please visit https://www.schoolcafe.com/BurbankUSD.
On Thursday, November 9th at 2:45PM, Burbank High School Athletics will host a mandated CIF Sportsmanship Workshop in the Main Gym.
We ask that Burbank High School coaching staff and players attend. Student-athletes are encouraged to invite parents to be a part of this important session that will highlight the invaluable impact that sports have on our student-athletes at Burbank High School. The environment that we provide our players to train, develop, and thrive in matters to our school. We will have an in-depth discussion on respecting the game, and that includes participants of both the home and away team, coaches, officials, fans, and event protocol. Help us to ensure our athletic community represents Burbank High School with Pride and Excellence. We look forward to your attendance.
Thank you,
Julie Markussen, John Wells, and Alli McKain
Meeting ID: 854 0621 8241
Passcode: Fafsa101
BHS PTSA Announcements
PTSA Still Has BHS Shirts Available!
We still have t-shirts available! We will update you next week on where you can get your shirt now that the football season is over.
$15 Adult sizes S, M, L, XL and $17 for 2XL. Cash, Card, Apple pay accepted.
Messages from Counseling, College and Career Center, & CTE
Educational Opportunity For Burbank High Students — Johns Hopkins University Global Health Leaders Conference
On behalf of the Directors of The Global Health Leaders Conference at Johns Hopkins University, students of Burbank High who are interested in global health and medicine are invited to apply for their 2024 virtual summer program.
The international conference is a Johns Hopkins University student and faculty-led program open to students in grades 9-12. Through the conference, students from around the world learn about issues in global health, public health, and medicine through world-class lectures from leaders in these fields, develop connections with like-minded exceptional students, and share their own work and ideas on global health-related topics at the international scale. Featured speakers at the conference have included leading global health researchers, renowned professors, physicians, policy developers, and Nobel Prize winners. In short, the purpose of the program is to reach passionate students of all backgrounds from around the world and develop the next generation of leaders in global health, public health, and medicine.
Virtual conference programming will be held throughout the summer of 2024. The conference consists of a series of multiple virtual events on multiple days throughout June-August 2024. If an admitted student cannot attend parts of the programming synchronously, there will be asynchronous options for students to watch the content they miss. The conference registration fee for admitted students is 99 USD; if the fee places a significant financial burden on a student’s family, financial assistance is available as John Hopkins does not want the fee to be a barrier for any deserving student. There are also no application fees.
The conference application is available at https://glohea.org and will be accepted until March 1st, 2024. Each year, admission into the program is competitive, so Johns Hopkins highly encourages students to apply at their earliest convenience.
Please do not hesitate to email their team at admissions@glohea.org or visit the website above if you would like any clarification or have any questions. Johns Hopkins hopes interested students will take advantage of this opportunity, and their admissions committee looks forward to reviewing applications!
Students in need of service hours?
Roosevelt Elementary School is having their annual Harry Potter Night on Saturday November 18 and they need student volunteers. If you volunteer to help, you will earn 5.25 service hours. Details: Saturday, November 18, 4 - 9:15 PM (5.25 service hours). Here's how it breaks out: 4 - 5 PM (set up), 5 - 8:30 event help (8:30 - 9:15 PM clean up). You must be able to volunteer for the entire 5.25 hours. If you enjoy interacting with enthusiastic elementary school kids, sign up here.
College Visitors to BHS
College Rep Visits - Upcoming college visits include:
- - Monday, 11/6 - Rutgers at 9:00 in the Career Center
- -Wednesday, 11/8 - University of Redlands at 9:30 in the Career Center
Google Form Link College Visits
We also have LA Valley and GCC visiting on Tuesdays during lunch in November.
Students interested in learning more about the schools or application assistance should sign up in the career center or use the Google Form, College Visits.
Be sure to join the Career Center Google Classroom, code eleq5nd, to stay up to date.
Other Items of Interest
Information on Ways to Report Bullying, Theft, Harassment, and Crime
**NEW** BHS Digital Incident Reports
BHS students now have the ability to fill out digital incident reports from anywhere--the classroom, the Quad, the office, and even at home. Posters are all around the school with QR codes that students can scan. Students can also click link below or visit the BHS website to find the link to the digital incident reports. Students can also use a Chromebook in the Student Center to fill out an incident report.
***Please note that students MUST be logged into their BUSD email accounts in order to report.***
All reports are time-stamped, and administration will triage and address incident reports as soon as possible
QR Code to Report Report Theft or Loss at BHS
Students can scan the QR code below to report theft or loss of items on the BHS campus. Reports are reviewed by administration and addressed as soon as possible.
Addressing Teen Mental Health Challenges
Please check out the LA Department of Public Health's Toolkit for Parents and Guardians of Teens by clicking on the link below.