SFSS Weekly Newsletter
September 22nd, 2023

The walk-a-thon is 1 week away!
It was so lovely to see so many families at our first Take Your Family to Mass. Many families and parishioners were very pleased and had nothing but positive things to say. Thank you for sharing our school spirit! Our next one will be at St. Mary Church in Waterloo on Sunday, October 15th. More information about this Mass will be in next week's newsletter.
We do have our first fundraiser event this coming Friday. Families and spectators are welcomed. We will meet everyone on the playground starting at 12:30 pm. We have the HWS football team coming to cheer us on again. At the time of publication, we have raised $6, 835. We have a long way to go to our goal of $15,000. Please continue to spread the word. Information below.
You will see some of the same items in this week's newsletter because we don't want you to miss anything.
The link to the pledge site is https://app.99pledges.com/fund/7thannuals
Each family received link specific for their child/children.
We do still accept cash and check donations. These can be sent to the office.
Mrs. Christina Prindle has created a letter she sent out to neighbors, family, and friends who are not tech savvy or using email or Facebook. I have attached a copy here you may choose to use and customize.
Class who reach their class fundraising goal will receive a pizza/ice cream party. Students who reach or exceed the $150 fundraising goal will be entered to win one of two gift cards.
The current class standings at the time of publication are as follows:
Preschool/PreK $1220 out of $2100
Kindergarten $1280 out of $2550
1st grade $730 out of $1500
2nd grade $370 out of $1650
3rd grade $800 out of $1650
4th grade $515 out of $1800
5th grade $270 out of $1200
6th grade $1195 out of $1500
7th grade $0 out of $900
8th grade $295 out of $1050
Any little bit helps! Spread the word!
Don't forget to order your child's milk for October. See Oct. 2nd. in FACTS.
Library News
Just a reminder that library books are due each Friday. Students may renew their books for more time.
We had a few incidences with library books getting wet or destroyed by pets or little siblings.
As these things may happen, we do have to charge families for books that are wet or need to be replaced. We have been working hard to update book titles and increase the number of books in our library and it's not an easy task.
If this should happen to you, an email will be sent with the replacement cost.
Additionally, our library is not a public library and only available to students during the day on Friday. Our librarian is not available at pick up or afterschool.
Time to order spirit wear!
Please look at the spirit wear order form in your child's backpack. New students will receive a free short sleeve blue SFSS shirt. Other options of spirit wear are available on the order form.
Spirit wear can be worn on designated spirit wear days, on the school calendar or at school sponsored events.
Thank you for supporting Avicolli's and SFSS! This is the last week!
When your child is sick?
There is a bunch of different bugs and viruses spreading. Although our awareness is heightened due to the last couple of years with COVID, we have seen an uptick in sickness. Do not panic. This is actually typical rates of illness at the beginning of school.
There have been many questions about what to do when your child is sick.
If your child is vomiting or has a fever, your child must be fever free and has not vomited in the last 24 hours in order to return to school.
COVID - This virus is still present. If your child has symptoms and tests positive, it is still the protocol that the child must stay home for 5 days. The day your child tests positive is consider day 0. After day 5 and with a negative test, your child may return to school. It is highly recommended that day 6 - 10 the child masks, especially if still sneezing or coughing.
If someone in the household tests positive, but the child has no symptoms and negative, they may attend school.
Open Houses
This year we will have two separate open houses.
The 1st is just for families with middle school students (Grades 5-8). At this open house, parents will learn about the expectations of middle school, tips for a successful middle school year, and visit each classroom to learn about the curriculum of each subject.
The 2nd is for families with students in preschool - grade 4. At this open house, parents will be able to see the school and student work, sign up for parent-teacher conferences, and more about the class.
See flyers below for more information.