The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - April 2022
School Announcements
Upcoming Dates
April 8 - 2:00 Dismissal
April 8-17 - Spring Break
April 18 - PTO Sponsored Easter Egg Hunt
April 19 - Mother/Son Bowling sponsored by PTO
April 20 - Mid-term Reports Emailed to Parents
April 20 - Ag In The Classroom, Earth Day Presentation
April 22 - MJHS Drama Club presents Alice in Wonderland. 9:30 a.m.
April 25 - PTO Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
April 26 - 7th Grade Orientation at MJHS, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
April 27 - MCHS Jazz Band Visiting Franklin
April 29 - Lifetouch Spring Pictures
May 2 - City National Bank, Financial Literacy Presentations in Classrooms
May 4 - 6th Grade Mu Alpha Theta Math Competition at MCHS, 3:30 p.m.
May 10 - 6th Grade Scholar Bowl Competition at MJHS, 5:30 p.m.
May 16 - Spring Music Concert, 1:30 p.m.
May 18 - 5th/6th Grade Track Meet at MCHS, an all-day event
May 24 - Kindergarten Graduation, 10:00 a.m.
May 24 - Academic Awards in Franklin Gym, 1:00 p.m.
May 25 - Last Day Blast at Franklin
May 26 - Last Day for Students (1/2 Day Schedule)
May 27: Yearbook Order Deadline
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Update
We are so PROUD of how well our Lancers did with our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser!!
There were 136 boxes of chocolate sold with 77 students participating.
We gave away $154 in prize money, 5 Drones and 1 Echo Dot!
Class sales:
3rd Grade - 36 boxes
5th Grade - 22 boxes
K, 1st, 4th and 6th each sold 17 boxes
2nd Grade - 11 boxes
Student Top Sellers:
Brantley Matlock (3rd) - 8 boxes
Graceyn Pirtle (3rd) - 6 boxes
Lincoln Loftus (K) - 5 boxes
Emery Fritz (1st) - 5 boxes
Grayson Hensley (3rd) - 5 boxes
All of this hard work earned Franklin $3,607 profit!
THANK YOU for your continued support of Franklin School!
Spring Pictures
ALL students are eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch at school this year. Two choices will be offered each day.
Students have the option to eat breakfast at school between 7:45-8:20 a.m. Lunch times vary by grade level. The 40-minute lunch period includes time for lunch and lunch recess.
Mother Son Bowling - April 19, 2022
Yearbook Orders
Character Word of the Month - Citizenship
Character Counts!
Our school embraces the Character Counts Character Education program. Each month our school will focus on one of these traits, providing class lessons and discussion, relating the traits to literature, and recognizing when students make good choices and demonstrate these positive traits. Please encourage your children to show their good character at school.
*Do your share to make your school and community better
*Get involved in community affairs
*Stay informed; vote
*Be a good neighbor
*Obey laws and rules
*Respect authority
*Protect the environment
School Contact Information
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243