Titan Talk

August 22, 2022
- 8/22 to 26 - iReady Diagnostic
- 8/24 - FCCLA Interest Meeting @ 8:25 a.m. in Ms. Thomas’ FACS classroom (A-160)
- 8/25 & 26 - Soccer Tryouts for boys & girls from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- 8/26 - College Swag Day! We are AVID about college...All Titans wear college t-shirt with jeans!
- 8/31 - Titan Morning News Crew applications due and mandatory orientation at 8:30 a.m.
- 9/1 - Student Council Club meeting at 8:25 a.m. in Ms. Graves classroom (D-103).
- 9/1 - Annual Title I Parent Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Gym - All parents & families invited!
- 9/1 - PTSA General Meeting at 6:15 p.m. in the Gym
- 9/1 - Curriculum Night from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - All parents & families invited!
- 9/5 - College Swag Day! We are AVID about college...All Titans wear college t-shirt with jeans!
- 9/5 - Interact Meeting at 8:25 a.m. in Ms. Chapman's classroom (E-113)
- 9/6 - 2nd Payment due for the 8th-Grade Georgia Trip
Annual Title I Parent Meeting @ 5:30 pm
* All parents, families, and community members are invited to learn about our Title I Schoolwide Plan, Parent & Family Engagement Plan, School-Family Compact, Building Parent and Staff Capacity, and Title I Budget.
Curriculum Night at Elkins Pointe @ 6:30 pm
Meet the teachers, walk your child’s schedule, learn classroom expectations,
the curriculum, and more. *All parents invited!
Taller para padres de estudiantes aprendiendo el inglés
en Microsoft TEAMS a las 6:30 PM (taller virtual)
*Todos los padres están invitados
Technology Workshop at 6:30 pm on TEAMS
Come to learn about Microsoft Office365, the Harms of Copyright, and Infinite Campus.
*All parents invited!
Greetings Titans,
The third week of school has the Titans engaged in learning, our processes in place, and things are shaping up nicely.
Thank you to Device Coordinator Mr. Seth Gamba, Technology Specialist Ms. Alecia Gardner, Media Specialist Mrs. Patricia Hutchison, Assistant Media Specialist Ms. Susan Rickson, and the teachers for deploying laptops, again. Distributing laptops is a tremendous effort, and Elkins Pointe accomplished it twice. Please make sure that your child has a protective sleeve for their laptop or protective insert in their carrying case.
Thank you to all the parents who are following the carpool dismissal procedures. At the end of last week, both afternoon carpools were finished by 4:15 p.m. Although drop-off and pick-up procedures are detailed and complicated, they are in place to keep students safe. Please be friendly to the staff because they are out in the heat, rain, etc. When everyone works together, the carpool operates seamlessly. Rain is predicted all this week; please provide your child with an umbrella or rain jacket. Rain slows down the carpool, so please be patient, courteous, and drive cautiously.
Students are taking the iReady Diagnostic tests in Math and ELA all week. Please try to help make the tests successful and stress-free by ensuring that your child charges their laptop each night and eats a good breakfast at home or school. Explain to your child the tests help teachers determine where students are in their learning. Emphasize the diagnostics are for a benchmark measure and not a grade. Please urge your child to take the tests seriously.
Clubs and sports are starting up. The FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America) club and Extramural Soccer are having their kick-offs this week. Interact, Student Council, and Jr. Beta clubs begin in September. Mark your calendars for next week's Annual Title I Parent Meeting, Curriculum Night, and PTSA General meeting. If you have not joined PTSA, please do so!
Thanks for all you do!
Damian Bounds
Elkins Pointe Middle School
"Every Day, Every Student, College & Career Bound: Go Titans!"
Hello Parents, Teachers, and Students,
As VP of Membership for Elkins Pointe Middle School PTSA, I am reaching out to you to encourage you to sign up for membership and to donate to our only annual fundraiser - TEAM UP WITH THE TITANS. We anticipate being fully back to having all events and programming so really need your help even more this year.
Please remember that in the store you can:
- Add donation to Team Up with the Titans
- Add separate Parent Membership for each Parent
- Add Student Membership each Parent can sign up for a Membership as well as the student.
For those new to Elkins Pointe there are a few differences from elementary school. First, memberships are kept separate from annual Team up with the Titans fundraiser. Second, Student Memberships are new. This is really important step to get students more comfortable advocating for themselves. One large change that resulted in students members meeting with the Principal last year was the the adjustments to the dress code to be more relaxed in restrictions. Below is the link to sign up but please let me know if you have any questions at all about membership.
Nora Bryant, VP of Membership
Good Evening Titans,
It is time for some Middle School Sports! We are finally ready to begin our Extramural activities for our 7th and 8th graders. We are incredibly excited to see our Titans back in action! As always, our Athletic Department will continue to provide safe, fair, and fun opportunities for our fans, staff, and student-athletes.
For the 2022-2023 school year, we will host a plethora of sports (in the order listed):
- Soccer (Co-ed): August 25 - October 7
- Volleyball (Boys and Girls): October 3 - November 16
- Tennis: Dates are still in development
- Gymnastics: November 7 - December 2]
- Basketball (Boys and Girls): January 19 - March 8
- Cheerleading Club: During the basketball season
- Track: Dates are still in development
**Dates represent the length of the season from FIRST practice until the last game.
To participate in tryouts and practice, there are a few forms that will need to be completed and returned beforehand:
- A valid physical form from a physician releasing the student to participate
- Parent and transportation release forms
- Concussion form
- Insurance Verification Form (students must be covered by the family policy or the school-approved accident insurance policy)
- Emergency Contact Form
The documents can be found on the Fulton County website under the Athletics Department tab. Here is the link: https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/612.
Please make sure you and your student-athlete complete ALL required documents before tryouts.
We will begin the extramural season with Soccer and will have tryouts on August 25th and 26th from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please email Coach Isaiah Tyus at tyusi@fultonschools.org.
Let the games begin!
Coach Isaiah Tyus, Athletic Director
FCCLA CLUB - 8/24 @ 8:25 AM
FCCLA Interest Meeting: Wednesday August 24th @8:25AM in Ms. Thomas’ Room
What is FCCLA? FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America) builds leaders for healthy families, successful careers, and strong communities. It is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young people become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Science Education.
Benefits of Joining FCCLA
- Develop real world skills that prepare you to be college and career ready
- Travel to compete in competitions
- Plan and run events/initiatives for EPMS
- Communicate with the community and serve in community activities
- Explore various career pathways within Family and Consumer Science
- Develop leadership skills.
Front Office Staff - (770) 667-2892
- Mrs. Ainara Sorozabal - Reception Desk (Miss Ainara)
- Mrs. Denise Lewis - Reception Desk (Miss Denise)
The procedure for checkout is as follows:
The student should bring a note from home and present it to the front office UPON ARRIVAL on the checkout day. The note will be stamped and returned to the student to use as a pass.
Parents should email the teacher of whom the student will be checking out and the teachers of the classes to be missed. Click on the link for the directory: https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/4212
The student is responsible for coming to the front office. It is suggested that the student set the alarm on their laptop.
The parent will come to the front office, show ID, and sign their child out. Showing ID is an FCS requirement and must be presented every time.
Students will be released to the parent upon confirmation of ID and signature.
Please check your child out between classes. Click on the link to view the Bell Schedule: https://bit.ly/3QM9tck
The front office will NOT call into the classrooms so as not to interrupt instruction.
Please allow plenty of time to retrieve your child. The school is large.
This school year is going to be the best year for students’ attendance. On behalf of the school administrators, teachers, and staff, thank you in advance to all the Titans who have committed to maintaining excellent attendance for the 2022-2023 school year.
Starting in the month of September we are excited to introduce a new challenge: The Titan Attendance Derby! To reward and encourage attendance, Elkins Pointe is kicking off this year’s attendance count with incentives that promote fun, adventures, and active learning (experiences that involve investigating, and creating).
To encourage all grade levels to stay in competition with each other to strive towards achieving the school’s goal of 85-90% student attendance, the Titan Attendance Derby race will take place several times during the school year. At the end of a six-week period, the grade level with the best attendance will be rewarded with fun prizes to celebrate their Titan attendance success!
Parents, we are asking you to help your child have the best possible attendance! One of the ways that you can support your child is to make sure your child has everything ready in the morning. The night before school, have your child pick out their clothes and pack their book bag with snacks and a water bottle. Check to make sure their laptop is charged and ready to go. It is important that your child gets to bed in a timely manner and sets their alarm. Although your child will be participating in the Titan Attendance Derby, it’s best not to start your day off with a race to school. By helping your child to be prepared, you are helping your child to have perfect attendance!
We appreciate your commitment to every student coming to school every day, on time, and striving for excellent attendance.
Let’s Go to School, Titans!
Elkins Pointe Admin Team & School Social Worker
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Fulton County Schools and Rethink Ed have partnered to provide you access to our Student Success Skills lessons. The ReThink Ed online platform provides videos and activities for both adults and children to support skill development in self-awareness, self-management, reflective learning skills, social competence, collaborative problem solving, and sense of belonging.
You will have access to strategies and tools that will help you and your child recognize and manage emotions, build stronger relationships, and develop skills to lead happier and healthier lives. You can access this online program through creating your own ReThink Ed Parent Account or through your student’s ReThink Ed Student Account via ClassLink. To access your student’s account, log into ClassLink using your student’s login information and then click on the ReThink Ed app!
What Will I Have Access To?
Student and parent logins will allow you to access the following features:
- Access on-demand videos presented by experts in the field developed to support your own emotional well-being.
- Strategies and printable resources to help your child develop skills and set positive goals and make responsible decisions.
- Your child will have access to engaging video and activities that provide opportunities to develop decision making skills, identify and manage their emotions, feel and show empathy toward others, and communicate well with others.
Should you have trouble navigating through the program, we have resources to support you.
- Navigating your new Rethink Ed Account - Video WATCH ME!
- Navigating your new Rethink Ed Account - “How To” Guide READ ME!
- For more resources to support parents and caregivers, check out our caregivers’ support page. CLICK ME!
How Do I Register for My Account?
To register for your account:
- Complete the form and click REGISTER. (Note: Be patient. This process may take a few minutes.)
- Write down your username and password.
- Enjoy the program!
If you would like additional help or support with your Rethink Ed account, please email support@rethinked.com
Yours sincerely,
Fulton County Schools and Rethink Ed Teams
Come to a Parent University Workshop
Parent Workshops are held throughout the year to help connect parents information they need to help their children at home. To see the Parent University Workshops, click HERE.
Title I Elkins Pointe Information 2022-2023
Calendar Dates 2022-2023
- 9/1 - PTSA Snack Cart for Curriculum Night for Staff
- 9/1 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves classroom @ 8:25 AM (StuCo meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month)
- 9/1 - Annual Title I Parent Meeting @ 5:30 PM
- 9/1 - PTSA General Meeting @ 6:15 PM
- 9/1 - Curriculum Night from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
- 9/2 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/2 - Interact Club in Ms. Chapman's classroom @ 8:25 am (Interact Club meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month)
- 9/5 - Labor Day - No School
- 9/6 - Teacher PD Day & Remote Learning Day for Student
- 9/8 to 9/21 Orchestra and Chorus Cookie Dough Fundraiser
- 9/9 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/9 - Band: 8th Grade Night at MHS. This event takes place at Milton High School.
- 9/10 - Band: 6th Grade Start Up Clinic at Elkins Pointe Middle School from 9 am to 12 noon
- 9/15 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves classroom @ 8:25 AM - 8:50 AM (StuCo meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month)
- 9/16 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/16 - Interact Club in Ms. Chapman's classroom @ 8:25 AM (Interact meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month)
- 9/20 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM (Jr. Beta meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month)
- 9/20 - Parent Workshop in Spanish - ELL/ESOL Workshop at 6:30 pm on TEAMS with BCL Maria Shuford with ESOL teachers
- 9/21 - Katha Stuart Community Mtg @ Esther Jackson ES @ 9:30 AM
- 9/23 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/25 to 9/27 - Rosh Hashanah
- 9/28 - PTSA Student Welcome meeting with the Principal @ 8:30 am
- 9/30 - Band: Middle School Night at RHS (7th and 9th grade Students). This event takes place at Roswell High School.
- 9/30 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/30 - Lost & Found donated at the end of the day
- 9/30 - Reflections entries due to Media Center at the end of the day.