Femineer Club
McPherson Magnet School's STEM Lab
History of the CPP CoE Femineer Program
The Femineer Program was created by Cal Poly Pomona's College of Engineering in 2013 to inspire and empower females to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in their education and future careers. McPherson Magnet School has been a proud member since 2017. To date, there are nearly 90 participating schools, with over 600 K-12 female students engaged in project-based learning. Mrs. Andrade and Mrs. Hoffmann are proud to nurture their inquisitive minds and to encourage their creative problem solving skills.
Engineers in Training
This year McPherson's Femineers met weekly after school and used the Design Process to create Wearable Technology projects. Girls were introduced to LED circuits, paper circuits, electrical safety and soldering, basics of sewing, and Arduino coding using HexWear power sources.
**The Femineers are grateful to the Orange Blossoms for providing financial support to purchase our sewing supplies, and special shout outs to Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Truong for their coding expertise, Mrs. Erratt for sharing her wealth of knowledge of sewing, AND to Mr. Erven because without his support this worthwhile program would not have happened!**
Sewing Basics
Sewing is a useful life skill to acquire, and it's fun! First step: thread the needle.
Girls mastered the basic running stitch and back stitching, as well as fancy edging.
Conductive Thread
Conductive thread can carry current the same way that wires can, which means it can create a circuit.
Greeting Cards
Creating circuits on paper offered opportunities for the girls to integrate technology with art and a lot of creative expression.
Soldering Prep
Femineers became experts at stripping wires before we learned the basics of soldering.
First Project
Using felt and sewing skills, girls made an accessory using one LED and a coin cell battery.
Femineers used the HexWear wearable electronic platform which is based on Arduino IDE. Alligator clips helped the girls verify their codes before adding the pieces to their projects.
Soldering creates permanent connections between two or more materials. It is carried out at relatively low temperatures, and girls learned proper safety precautions.
All Smiles
Girls are putting finishing touches before we present our projects at the Femineer Summit in May.
Femineer Summit
The annual summit at Cal Poly Pomona gives us a chance to show off our talented projects.
Ariana, Keani, and Courtney wore their sashes well.
Majedah and Samantha were excited to share their vests with other Femineers.
Eryn, Cece, and Sydney proudly wore their creative fedoras.
Avery, Kiana, and Olivia modeled their drawstring backpacks.
The tie team of Erin, Megan, and Tahlia looked sharp.
McPherson Magnet School
Email: tandrade@orangeusd.org
Website: mcphersonhome.meteormail.net
Location: 333 South Prospect Street, Orange, CA, USA
Phone: 714-997-6384
Twitter: @12tandrade