Trojan Times Parent Newsletter

December 15, 2023
Volume 1, Issue 4
From the Principal's Desk
McDowell Student Wellness & Resource Center to Open December 11, 2023
As students navigate the exciting journey of high school, we want to ensure our high school community is aware of the comprehensive support available to our students. We are excited to introduce a valuable resource on our campus - The McDowell Student Wellness and Resource Center.
The McDowell Wellness Center is a crucial component of our high school campus, dedicated to investing in the health and academic potential of our students. This center serves as a one-stop-shop for early interventions, offering support to students facing social-emotional or mental health challenges that may impact their ability to thrive in the classroom.
At the Wellness and Resource Center, students will find a team of professionals, including school counselors, mental health counselors, and student assistant program (SAP) counselors. These dedicated individuals provide a range of services and programs, such as counseling, therapy, community resource referrals, prevention, education, and workshops. In addition, therapy dogs will be in the resource center twice a month.
Our primary goals are to help students find support for physical, mental, emotional, and social concerns while providing strategies to increase their resilience and overall well-being. The mission of the center is to proactively teach students how to overcome mental health challenges, offer easily accessible resources for students and their families, provide guidance, and reassure students that it is okay to ask for help; furthermore, the Wellness Center staff’s mission is to provide support, lessons, and resources for self-management and executive functioning skills.
The Wellness Center is designed as a safe and calm space for emotional management. Students may drop in during breaks to ask questions or get support. With the permission of a teacher, students are also welcome to use the center as needed. The space is equipped with comfortable furnishings, artwork, games, art supplies, and healthy snacks to create a welcoming environment for you to decompress.
We offer a variety of services, including support groups, health education, case management, individual counseling for mental health concerns, substance use/abuse, relationships, LGBTQ+ and gender identity issues, grief and loss, and more. Additionally, there are small group counseling sessions and workshops covering topics such as executive functioning skills, building healthy relationships, overcoming personal and social anxiety, depression awareness, trauma support, grief support, and coping skills.
In addition to the McDowell Wellness and Resource Center, our School Counselors' Office and the Student Assistance Program (SAP) play vital roles in students' mental health and academic success.
Our school counselors are here to provide individualized support for academic and personal needs. Whether students are facing academic challenges, exploring future career paths, or dealing with personal concerns, our counselors are ready to assist. Services offered through the School Counselor's Office include:
Academic counseling
College and career guidance
Goal setting and planning
Study skills and time management strategies
Personal counseling and crisis intervention
Conflict resolution and peer relationships
Another valuable resource is the Student Assistance Program (SAP) which aims to address behavioral and mental health concerns. SAP is a collaborative effort between the school and community professionals, offering confidential support to students who may be struggling with a variety of issues. Services provided through SAP include:
Assessment and identification of behavioral health concerns
Referrals to appropriate support services
Individual and group counseling
Substance abuse education and prevention
Coordination with external community resources
By combining the resources of the Wellness Center, School Counselor's Office, and SAP, our goal is to provide holistic support for students' overall well-being. Whether students need immediate assistance, long-term counseling, academic guidance, or help navigating personal challenges, our team of professionals is dedicated to helping them succeed.
Students should feel free to drop by the Wellness Center, schedule an appointment with a school counselor, or inquire about the Student Assistance Program. We encourage students to reach out to any of these support services as needed. Students' well-being is of the utmost importance to us. Together, we can ensure that their high school experience is not only academically fulfilling but also emotionally enriching.
Wishing you a healthy and wonderful holiday season!
Sandra Means, Principal
Academic Interventionist
News from the Interventionist
Attention Parents: As we move toward the end of Semester 1 student preparation for final exams is extremely important. Check out the link below for creating personalized study plans. These 6 tips will help the student in analyzing current study habits and time management, while aiding in developing study sessions to meet their schedule and goals.
To access this information please visit https://www.intelligent.com/create-a-study-plan/
For other general resources regarding Academic Support please visit https://mcd.mtsd.org/parents/academic-support
Joe Magorien, Academic Interventionist
College Connections Advisor Communication
Attention Parents of Seniors
Organize everything required for the FAFSA today!
To apply, you will need:
● The student’s Social Security number
● The student’s alien registration number (if not a U.S. citizen)
● Federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned in 2022—you may even be able to transfer your federal tax return information into your FAFSA using the Federal Aid Direct Data Exchange Tool
● Records of child support payments, including the total amount received for the last complete calendar year (if applicable)
● Bank statements, 529 plans, and records of investments (if applicable)
● Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
● A Federal Student Aid Account (FSA ID) to sign electronically *Both the student and parent will need this
December Events
Campus Events for Students, Families, & the Community
- McDowell 's Jazz Band, Orchestra, and Vocal Ensemble Holiday Concert ~ December 19, 2023 @ 7:00 PM at MIHS Little Theater
McDowell Upcoming College Visitations
Opportunities for Students to Meet with College Admission Counselors
The McDowell Guidance Department coordinates college and military visits throughout the school year. This month, the following institutions will be visiting McDowell:
U.S. Air Force ROTC ~ December 20th
Grand Canyon University (Traditional Campus) ~ Tuesday, January 16th.
Students interested in attending the presentations should sign up on Naviance or see their school counselor.
School Guidance Office News
Winter Wellness
With the opening of our new McDowell Wellness Room, the Guidance Department would love to share some ideas to promote wellness this winter.
Rest & Recover
Oftentimes during break, students’ sleep schedules may differ and get off-track. Be sure your student is still getting adequate rest to help their bodies recover and protect against illness.
Stay hydrated
Staying hydrated is a terrific way to help your student boost their immune system and help fight viruses.
Food As Fuel
Encourage your student to incorporate foods packed with calcium and magnesium, such as kale, Brussel sprouts and collards, which are in season! Winter is also a wonderful time for them to consume seasonal fruits such as oranges, kiwi, pears, and grapefruit.
Get Outside
Seasonal sadness is often linked with low Vitamin D levels. Encourage them to bundle up and get moving outside. Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, skiing and even just getting out for a walk are great ways to enjoy the winter weather!
You may contact the school counselors at (814)835-5409.
- Mrs. Boesch (Students' last names A - E) Boesch@mtsd.org
- Ms. Spencer (Students' last names F - L) Nspencer@mtsd.org
- Mr. Boyd (Student's last names M-R) Boyd@mtsd.org
- Mrs. Dixon (Students last names S-Z) Dixon@mtsd.org
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
Tips/Strategies for Parenting a Teenager
Every teen is different and finding strategies that work for your child can make your parenting role easier.
- Practice active listening. Listening to understand, rather than waiting your turn to give your opinion.
- Collaborate rather than control. Ask them about their plans for the class project and how you can support them might motivate them to get started rather than directing them to do the project.
- Stay calm. Remind yourself to not absorb or respond to all your teen’s lows and woes. Your calm response can shorten the length of time your teen is escalated.
- Mean what you say. Teens benefit from consistency and follow through.
- Model growth. Admitting when you have made a mistake sends a powerful message to your teen.
- It is not about you. Its developmentally typical for teens to want some distance from their parents. They tend to prioritize the opinions of peers over yours.
- Behavior can be communication. The yelling, stomping, and slamming doors are not a reflection of your parenting ability but rather their way of expressing an unmet or need.
- They may act out the most with the safest people. If your teen comes home and has a meltdown, it might be because you make them feel safe enough to unload the stress from the day.
If you believe your child could benefit from resources through the SAP program, please contact your child's school counselor or Mrs. Tracy Walsh, SAP / Mental Health Counselor (814) 836-6831 or Twalsh@mtsd.org.
How to Handle Holiday Stress with Students
During the holiday break from school, students lose their regular schedule of classes, activities, and sleep. Inevitable stress may arise from visits from relatives, family conflict about plans and activities, and managing holiday related expenses.
This can be a suitable time to re-set as a family. Go back over the year, talk about what went well, what did not go so well, and decide what you want to improve or keep the same in the year to come.
Helpful Tips for Parents:
*Avoid Overload ~ Think "Routine"
*Make Self-Care a Family Affair (i.e., meditate, exercise, practice gratitude)
*Teach Positive Coping Skills
- Encourage Positive self-talk
- Talk it out
- Plan ahead
- Break down problems
- Breathe – Move – Rest
School Calendar
December 23 - January 1 ~ No School ~ Happy Holidays!
Into the Classroom
Personal Finance Class Offers Real Life Financial Lessons
Gen Z Spending Trends: Top 3 Categories Revealed!
Curious about where Gen Z directs their spending? Here are the top 3 spending categories that define our teens' financial splurges, sourced from 5WPR's Consumer Culture Survey:
- Splurge #1: Electronics & Technology
- Splurge #2: Health & Wellness
- Splurge #3: Clothing & Fashion
In personal finance class, students are learning about budgeting, financial responsibility, and making informed spending choices. Our budgeting unit will culminate with a project where students build a monthly budget for their future careers.
At home, understanding where our teens put their money can spark valuable conversations about financial responsibility and priorities. Here are some questions to discuss:
- "Planned obsolescence" is the practice of making goods that quickly become obsolete and encourage consumers to buy replacements (think new models of cell phones every year): How does the practice of "planned obsolescence" impact spending on electronics and technology?
- Gen Z's Take on Health and Wellness: How does Gen Z's perception of health and wellness influence spending in this category?
- Fashion Spending Consequences: What potential consequences arise from overspending on clothing and fashion?
~ Mrs. Carey Barzeski, Personal Finance Teacher
Student Clubs and Organizations
McDowell Honors College is Active in the School Community
The McDowell Honors College leadership board, led by presidents Parth Parikh and Elias Herrera Hernandez, has been busy. The student leadership and ambition are exploding!
Here are a few items that are underway with more to come:
A mentorship program with the 9th grade Honors College tutorials has been a success. The Honors College students had two meetings with small group discussions, large group presentations, icebreakers, and a friendly competition. The Mentorship Committee leaders are Lauren Hawkins and Clair Faulhaber, who are doing an excellent job as they continue to plan events to mentor the underclassmen.
Wonder Writers is a pen pal program with a third-grade class at Asbury Elementary School. Honors College students have sent and received two rounds of letters with the goal of learning how to write letters and add a bit of fun. The Wonder Writer Committee is led by Jennifer Duong and Angie Chen. They are especially good at motivating our high school students to turn their letters in on time!
Supplies for Refugees Drive for USCRI/ Erie International Institute is another initiative implemented by the Honors College. Najwa Jelinek and Lurissa DeJesus made this happen as they distributed collection boxes, encouraged participation, and collected the supplies. They will drop the load off next week. They collected an impressive number of needed supplies.
Girls in STEM is an active group. Mia Liu secured a guest speaker, Dr. Karinna Vernaza from Gannon. She spoke to students on November 29th about women in engineering.
The Mental Health Outreach committee, led by Ellie Lim, hosted a guest speaker for a two-day symposium on November 29th and 30th. The Crime Victim Center (CVC) came to our school to speak to students about mental health, counseling, and healthy relationships.
McDowell Honors College advisors are Mrs. Nicole Maciulewicz and Mrs. Jill White.
Transportation Information
Important: Stay Informed with Stopfinder Bus App for Bus Route Updates
Dear McDowell High School Parents,
As we strive to enhance the safety and convenience of your child's daily commute to and from school, we would like to remind you about the Stopfinder bus app. Stopfinder is an innovative app designed to provide real-time updates on bus routes, ensuring that you and your child are informed of any changes that may occur. This app helps streamline communication, making it easier for you, and your child, to stay connected with your child's transportation details.
Key Features of Stopfinder:
- Real-Time Bus Tracking: Track your child's school bus in real-time, allowing you to monitor its location and estimated time of arrival.
- Bus Route Updates: Receive timely notifications regarding any changes to bus routes, ensuring that you are aware of any alterations that may affect your child's commute.
- User-Friendly Interface: The app is easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface that provides quick access to essential information.
To make the most of this service, we kindly request that you take the following steps:
- Download the Stopfinder App: Visit your app store and download the Stopfinder app on your smartphone.
- Create an Account: Once downloaded, create a Stopfinder account using your email address.
- Login Information: Share your login credentials with your child(ren) so that they can also access the app and receive notifications directly.
****This is extremely important for when there are bus changes due to having bus routes combined on certain days.
Please click on the following link to access more information about the Stopfinder App or utilize the attached resources below.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the school office.
Matt Calabrese
Assistant Principal, McDowell High School
Tickets for 2023-24 McDowell regular season home events are now available through GoFan.
Visit McDowell’s GoFan page to see all events in one place or purchase an all-season pass.