Weekly Wolf Call
August 28-September 1, 2023
Earlier this week we had a visit from CSPD who cautioned us that they may begin to write tickets for drivers who are not using the right turning lane into our parking lot when headed northbound on Whetstone. This can be tricky during our high volume start and end of the day when the right turning lane is full of cars waiting for the Kiss and Go lane. To provide a better traffic flow and hopefully avoid ticketing please refer to the attached map.
Please be considerate of our neighbors by not blocking their drives. They also have morning schedules to keep.
Lastly, Please be thoughtful about having your students ready to exit the vehicle as soon as you reach the appropriate spot for drop-off. If they need to find shoes, finish eating, or organize, please proceed to a parking spot to take care of those needs, rather than hold up the long line behind you. If you use the parking lot, park in a space and use the crosswalks to safely cross through the parking lot. Never drop students off in the driving lanes of our parking lot.
Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe as we get hundreds of kiddos to and from school each day.
We love to recognize students on their birthdays, however, we also need to manage the number of these celebrations in a way that is balanced for all our students and not overly disruptive to our classroom instruction. For this reason, if you wish to provide treats to the class on your student's special day, we ask that you schedule this in advance with their teacher. Parents are welcome to leave items at the front desk for us to deliver to the class at the time that is best according to the classroom teacher. Your student's teacher can advise as to what is the best time to drop those items off. We are not able to provide space in refrigerators or freezers for these items. Please do not expect to visit the classroom to celebrate with the class. If you would like to wish them happy birthday in person, we will be happy to send your student up to the front office for you to do just that.
We appreciate your support with this.
Scott Elementary is looking for Crossing Guards for before and after school and a Recess Monitor. If you are interested in one of these part-time positions, please email Mr. Copley at thomas.copley@d11.org.
Click the photo below to order your 25th Anniversry Shirt today!
Dates to Remember
- 8.28 - School Picture Day - Individual and Class
- 8.28 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 8.29 - Skate City Night 6:00-8:00
- 8.29 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 8.30 - Kona Ice after School on the Plaza
- 8.31 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 9.1 - Popcorn Friday after school - 50 cents per bag (PTA)
- 9.4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
- 9.5 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 9.7 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.8 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
- 9.8 - Mill Dog Rescue School Visit
- 9.11 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
- 9.11-9.15 - Mill Dog Rescue Fund Raiser
- 9:11-9:15 - 25th Anniversary Celebration Week!
- 9.14 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9:14 - Cross Country Meet - King Elementary 3:30
- 9.15 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
- 9.15 - 25th Anniversary Celebration 5:00-7:00
- 9:18 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 9:19 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 9.20 - Art Assembly for 3rd-5th Grades
- 9:21 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.21 - 5:15 pm School Accountability Committee (SAC) Meeting -Parents welcome to attend
- 9.21 - Cross Country Meet - Carver Elementary 3:30
- 9:25 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 9.26 - 4th and 5th Grade Track and Field Day
- 9.26 - Cross Country Practice 2:50-3:40
- 9.28 - 2nd and 3rd Grade Track and Field Day
- 9:28 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.29 - Cross Country Meet - Mitchell High School
- 9.29 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
Breakfast served daily from 7:20-7:40
Find out what's for Breakfast and Lunch each day!
Check out our daily morning announcements here!
About Us
Email: thomas.copley@d11.org
Website: scott.d11.org
Location: 6175 Whetstone Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-6200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veragscottelementary