Low Pressure Book Club
Example book club newsletter!
Nuture Shock is defined by the authors as "panic, common among new parents, that the mythical fountain of knowledge is not magically kicking in at all." Ever feel like what you're doing isn't working? Want to change up for something different? With 10 different chapters ranging from IQ tests to lying, this book uses real research to explore what works and doesn't work.
Join us to learn more about the book: NurtureShock by PO Bronson and Ashley Merryman.
October 17th Kickoff!! We have a limited number of copies of the book available for parents to check out.
October 17, 24, & 31 8:00-9:00 am Cameron Park Conference Room
We will continue our discussions using an online forum through google groups.
Can't make the meetings? You can still join our online discussion!
Can't commit to reading the book? I have summarized all the chapters for you! Join us for a discussion even if the reading commitment is too much right now!
Dates and Topics
We will discuss 3-4 chapters each meeting. Here are the chapter titles and dates for each:
- The Inverse Power of Praise
- The Lost Hour
- Why White Parents Don't Talk About Race
October 24:
- Why Kids Lie
- The Search for Intelligent Life in Kindergarten
- The Sibling Effect
- The Science of Teen Rebellion
October 31:
- Can Self Control Be Taught?
- Plays Well With Others?
- Why Hannah Talks and Alyssa Doesn't