Coronavirus Update - April 17
Parent information regarding the coronavirus
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Greetings NPS Parents,
We are two weeks into distance learning and I continue to be impressed with the ingenuity of our teachers and students. While we would certainly rather be in our school buildings, it is inspiring to see the creative ways they connect with each other and we have found several positive innovations we can carry forward.
Mental Health Resources: That said, we know this continues to be a difficult time for many. Our school counselors remain available to serve our students. Please remember that there are a variety of resources available to students and families who are experiencing anxiety, depression and trauma. Also, we encourage you to help keep our students safe by anonymously reporting abuse, suicide risks, bullying and more to Norman Crimestoppers at 405-366-STOP or submit a tip online at
Student Meals: We will continue to provide free meals for students in need. In fact, we provided more than 65,000 meals this week alone. Families who are picking up food next week are encouraged to use the links below to indicate the date and school site where you will pick up next week’s meals. This allows our child nutrition team to plan adequate meals for each site. Please visit and click on Student Meals for more information.
Monday, April 20 - four children or less per vehicle
Tuesday, April 21 - four children or less per vehicle
Families with five or more children click here to place order
While we have provided weekly meals for our students in need, there are many who rely on the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma's Food for Kids backpack program to provide meals to get them through the weekend. I want to recognize the teachers, administrators and staff who packaged these meals, as well as our transportation team who delivered them to more than 500 students in need.
Senior Celebrations: I also want to thank those who have stepped in to help make our seniors feel loved. From adopt-a-senior campaigns on social media to signs placed at our high schools, it is clear that our community is rallying around these special students in unique and creative ways. We are excited to launch our Senior Spotlight campaign and we continue to work hard to plan meaningful experiences for our seniors as the year comes to an end. More information will be provided by high school principals at the appropriate time.
We continue to update answers to commonly asked questions about school closures at You can also find detailed information about distance learning at, including information about free home internet offers and who to contact with questions about technology. As a reminder, the last day of instruction is May 13. And there’s still time to complete the 2020 Census, which provides funding for our schools. You can take the Census online by clicking here, by phone at 844-330-2020, or by mail.
Social distancing is hard; there’s no doubt about it. But right now, it is critical that we stay the course to protect each other and our loved ones. So many people are suffering in our community and it will take all of us to stand in unity to support those in need. This will not last forever and there are better days ahead. Norman is a strong community and we will get through this together.
Dr. Nick Migliorino
Norman Public Schools
Current as of April 17, 2020
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Twitter: @NormanSchools