CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
October 14, 2022
A Message from Ms. Santa
Thank you to Mr. Westervelt, who does an amazing job each year organizing the trip. Thank you to the staff members who leave their own routines behind to help make the trip a wonderful experience for the students. Lastly, thank you to the parents who help by chaperoning the cabins at night. We could not do this trip without your partnership!
Please enjoy some pictures from the trip.
Tuesday, October 18th~ School Picture Day; PTO Meeting at 7:30 PM in the CDW Media Center
Monday, October 17th~ BOE Meeting in the BOE Conference Room, 8:00 PM
Thursday, October 20th~ PTO Special Lunch
Monday, October 24th to October 28th~ Red Ribbon Week
Monday, October 31st~ Halloween
Marking Period 2: Curriculum Extension Choice
Please see the descriptions of the possible CE choices below.
School Picture Day
The CDW Picture Day will be on Tuesday, October 18th. All students will take an individual photo that day, whether a package is purchased or not. There will be retakes in November, and more information about that will be provided at another time.
*Grade 8 students: This will be the picture that is used for the 2023 Yearbook.
How to order pictures:
Lifetouch Website: CLICK THIS LINK
School Name: Charles Dewolf Middle School
Picture Day Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Picture Day ID: EVTP82F4Q
Grades 7 & 8 Set Design and Stage Crew Team
Grade 8: NVOT Orientation
The Grade 8 students will be visiting NVOT on Friday, October 21st from 9:15 AM to about 12:30 PM. If your child(ren) has not handed in his/her permission slip, please do so ASAP.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
CDW Parent/Teacher Conferences
Grade 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences are not mandatory but are available to all parents/guardians in Grade 5 on Thursday, November 3rd (day and night), Friday, November 18th (day only), and Wednesday, November 30th (day only). If you choose to sign up for a conference with the Grade 5 teachers, please use this Sign Up Genius Link.
Grades 6-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences are scheduled on an as-needed basis. If your child(ren)'s teacher(s) requests a conference with you, it will be held in the evening on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Letters will be provided to those parents/guardians next week with a specific time for your conference in the Genesis Parent Portal under the Documents Module.
Grade 5 Science
Grade 8 Science
Staff Professional Development
Mr. L's Corner
Reminders and Updates from CDW's Student Manager
TeenCAP (Child Assault Prevention) Project
Dear 8th Grade Parent/Guardian:
During the week of October 24, 2022, 8th grade students will be participating in the Child Assault Prevention TeenCAP project. TeenCAP was developed by the National Assault Prevention Center as a response to the violence in the lives of adolescents. TeenCAP aims to prevent assault against teens by training them to recognize and deal with potentially dangerous situations. CAP advocates preparing adults to recognize and care for youth who have been affected by abuse.
TeenCAP ‘s community approach includes both adult and student programs:
Adult Education
The adult program provides information on assault against teens, identification of assault victims, reporting of abuse, and crisis intervention skills. For additional information, please go to the following resource
* A virtual parent program: October 25th - a link will be provided.
Student Workshops
The student workshop combines guided group discussion and a series of scenarios to focus on situations teens may encounter. Topics discussed include peer assault, sexual harassment, battering, dating violence, and sexual assault. Strategies emphasized to protect teens include self-assertion, seeking help from a trusted adult, and self-defense.
* Classroom workshops for students: October 26th, 27th, and 28th
If you have any questions regarding participation, please contact the school administration.
Thank you,
Tino Lauriello
CDW Soccer and Volleyball
CDW Basketball
Anyone interested in trying out must see Mrs. McCarthy before October 20th to verify that your paperwork is up to date. If you cannot attend the meeting, you must see Mrs. Reiser before October 19th.
The Nex-Trex Plastic Film Recycling Program is Back!
Please see the flyer below for more information!
Art Contest
The Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center (CESAC) of Montclair State University is hosting its annual Clean and Sustainable Energy Summit (November 17, 2022), and they are excited to bring back the Keep Our Planet Green (KOPG) student artwork contest! The KOPG contest is for students in Grades K-12 and will give them and their sponsoring teachers the opportunity to win an Amazon gift card and have their artwork displayed during the Summit.
Each grade group (K-4, 5-8, 9-12) will have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner AND the winning students’ sponsoring teacher will receive a prize match to go towards school supplies!
Submission deadline is Tuesday, November 8th. Please have your child(ren) see Ms. Watters if he/she will be participating.
Art Supplies Needed!
Grade 8: Harvest Kits for Sale!
Chromebook Insurance Information
New Lunch Vendor
Dropping Off Forgotten Items
Although we want your child(ren) to be successful in school and to have what they need to succeed, we also want your child(ren) to learn independence. We will continually work with your child(ren) on organizational methods if necessary. Just reach out!
CDW Clothing Drive: November 19th!
The PTO Grade 8 Committee will be hosting a Clothing Drive on Saturday, November 19th from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. See below for specific information. Please do not drop off any clothing to the school before November 19th.
Start cleaning out your closets now!
National Junior Honor Society Information for Current 7th Grade Students
Membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at Charles DeWolf Middle School is open to any seventh grade student who meets all the following membership requirements at the end of the third marking period in 2023:
- Has a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.70 in academic (social studies, language arts, math, science and Spanish) subjects, with no grade below a B- in any subject (including cycle classes) for ALL marking periods of the 2022-2023 school year.
- Demonstrates outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.
- Accumulates no more than six unexcused tardies. Tardies will only be considered excused if a doctor's note is submitted to the School Nurse.
- Accumulates no detentions related to behavior in violation of the CDW Code of Conduct.
- Performs eight hours of documented community service from a recognized nonprofit, community, or education organization from 9/1/2022-4/21/2023. Virtual service hours will no longer be accepted. Please note that there will be no extension of this date. Students should provide documentation on the organization’s letterhead when submitting their applications in April.
- Completes at least three marking periods of the 7th grade year at CDW (unless a student moves into district and has been inducted as a member in another district).
During the week of April 24, 2023, eligible students will be identified and invited to apply
for admission to the NJHS by email. An email will also be sent to parents of eligible
students. The induction ceremony will be held during the week of May 15, 2023 (subject to
Lunch at CDW
Students should either bring their lunch from home each day, or parents may order through one of the approved vendors for delivery to CDW. If you order lunch from an approved vendor for delivery, please make sure the vendor knows your child's first and last name and grade level. This will help to ensure your child receives their lunch on time. At times, we understand that a parent/guardian may need to drop off lunch at school. All lunches need to be placed on the table with the green tablecloth in the vestibule.
5th/6th Grade Lunch ~ 11:27AM-12:01 PM
7th/8th Grade Lunch ~ 12:10PM-12:44 PM
Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up at CDW
- Drop-off is on Interschool Drive. As soon as you reach the cones, please have your child(ren) exit the vehicle.
- For the safety of all students, we ask that you stay in your vehicle at drop-off and dismissal.
- Please do not use the upper faculty parking lot for drop-off/pick-up/or exiting of school grounds during school hours. CDW faculty and BOE-approved bus companies are the only vehicles permitted in the upper lot.
- Please do not park in any staff parking spots when dropping off or picking up students.
- Please do not exit your vehicle and leave your vehicle unattended on Interschool Drive.
- There will be adult supervision starting at 8:10 AM, and the doors will open at 8:20 AM. If there is inclement weather, students will be ushered into the school gymnasiums at 8:00 AM.
- The students in Grades 5 & 6 will line up on the blacktop in the back of the school near the basketball courts.
- The students in Grades 7 & 8 will line up on the blacktop by the 7th and 8th Grade Wing Exterior Door.
- Once you pull up to the cones on Interschool Drive, please have your child(ren) exit the vehicle. This allows many students to be dropped off at the same time and allows the line to move quickly.
- Please do not park in any staff parking spots when dropping off or picking up students.
- Please do not block any parking spots along the front side of the building at Pick-Up.
- Please arrange a meeting area with your child(ren) so that you can locate them efficiently.
- Please do not park and/or exit your vehicle regardless of your child(ren) being at TBD or CDW.
- Please do not block designated emergency lanes that connect TBD and CDW.
- Please use both lanes on Interschool Drive for Pick-Up. A staff member will be available to cross your child(ren).
General Traffic Rules Regarding Parking
- Never park in a "No Parking, Fire Lane." These lanes are designated with yellow paint in diagonal lines on the pavement along with the words, "No Parking Fire Lane."
- Never park along a curb that is painted yellow and leave your vehicle unattended.
- Do not double park (park your vehicle beside another vehicle that is in a designated parking space).
The cars on the left are waiting to drop students off. Students should exit his/her vehicle once the car enters Interschool Drive and walk directly to the sidewalk.
Join the PTO!
Volunteers play a huge part in the PTO and what we are able to offer the students and teachers. Without volunteers, many of the programs that students, teachers, and families enjoy will not be able to happen. Volunteer descriptions can be found at: under "More Info" and then "Flyers."
If you have interest in joining the PTO Board, joining or running a committee, or just want to learn more- please reach out to the PTO by visiting and selecting "Contact Old Tappan PTO" under the Help tab.
Old Tappan 2022-2023 School Year Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD