Swinefleet Primary School
9th June 2023
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Welcome back!
It is a busy half-term ahead and the children have lots to look forward to. Please keep an eye out for lots of emails which will be coming out over the next couple of week's about various events (see Diary dates further below).
Knowledge Organisers are now up for your child to begin practising and remember to keep an eye on Seesaw and Tapestry for when this knowledge will be tested. The Reading Reward is also planned and it is one not to be missed so make sure to encourage your child to record their reads!
Remember to follow us on Instagram for lots more photos swinefleet_pr
Last half term, the Pearls children were learning about ‘Transport’. We read a range of books ‘The Train Ride’, ‘Duck in the Truck’ and ‘The Journey Home from Grandpa’s’. Based on our reading, we drew maps showing all the key features we can see on a familiar journey. We were also learning to programme the ‘Beebots’ to move to locations on the floor maps. In our provision we made different modes of transport using junk modelling. We also made vehicles using playdough and wheels and we worked together to create tracks and roads for our trains and cars.
This half term, we have started our new theme ‘Animals’. We have started to think about all the things we know about animals and what we would like to find out this half term. We have been reading ‘Dear Zoo’ as our class text this week. In our provision we have been painting animals by looking closely at photographs. We have been designing and then creating our own zoo in the small world area.
In math’s lessons this week, the nursery children have been focusing on size, length, weight and capacity within the provision and reception children have been focusing on positional language (for example, above, below, in front of, behind and next to) and they have also been consolidating their knowledge of 2D shapes before moving onto 3D shape next week.
his week in Rubies we have been busy brushing up on our phonics by playing some super new phonics games. In English we have been studying a clip called 'taking flight' and have loved watching and writing about an adventure filled with new places. In Maths we have been creating our own bar charts and are looking forward to drawing our own today!
To remind all parents/ carers:
Homework in Rubies is sent out every Friday and consists of English (usually phonics) and Maths. Year 2s have been busy practising for their SATS and have not been set specific homework apart from their 10 minute SATS buster books.
The knowledge, story and poetry bookbag are sent home on Fridays and can be returned up to thursday the following week.
Spellings in Rubies are quizzed every Friday morning and we practise them every morning. (Please try to practise these at home as some can be incredibly tricky!)
In a few weeks, on the 19th of June, Rubies will be visiting the Magna Science Centre to consolidate our learning on Neil Armstrong, Amy Johnson and Space. All children will require a packed lunch on this day. More details to follow.
A huge welcome back to Diamonds class! It’s fantastic to see you all ready and raring to go; we have a very busy final term ahead! In English, we are researching Queen Elizabeth II with a view to producing an amazing non-chronological report. During our maths lessons, we are focusing on times tables (please remember to log on to TT Rockstars at home) and we are learning about money.
Please could all homework books be returned by tomorrow so that a fresh homework grid and spellings can be sent home? Spelling tests will be on a Thursday morning, until the end of term. The final Reading Reward is destined to be an absolute blast – so that children don’t miss out, please could reads be recorded on Seesaw, or simply write it down for your child and send it into school.
It will soon be production time – we are busy learning songs and children will soon be sent home with their lines to learn. The play is called ‘What a Knight’ and we are very excited for you all to see it!
Finally, Sports Day is not too far away, therefore, on Friday afternoons we will be practising races / athletics.
Welcome to the last half term of this school year! What a half term it is going be, with lots of exciting activities to be done.
It will begin with Hull FC PE days on a Monday and a Tuesday, working on Sky Try (rugby), cricket and golf skills. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school on these days.
Mini Police is continuing, working closely alongside Humberside Police. Sessions in the coming weeks will include focusing on the safe use of social media and personal responsibility.
Arete will also be continuing for those who are chosen to attend the local high school.
Transition days are planned for the coming month allowing the current Year 6's to sample their chosen secondary school and spend time there. Transition will also occur for others moving year groups. More details will follow on this.
A KS2 performance will also occur this half term with Sapphire class taking on the lead parts and will be performing this to an audience. Please can you encourage your child to learn their lines and to practice the songs we have been learning in class. More details to follow closer to the time. .
In English the children in Sapphires will be creating and performing their own Raps! They will focus on the rhyme, rhythm and tempo as well as the poetic features that are needed to create this specialised piece of poetry.
Maths will focus on position and direction for year 5's, and Year 6's will be involved in a maths based investigation looking at the making and selling of cupcakes. This will incorporate all learnt maths skills including profit and loss.
Science is focusing on 'Animals including humans' . This topic looks at the growth of living creatures and the processes of development. This also covers areas of PSHE.
Can we ask that you encourage your child to read each evening to help them gain their reading reward at the end of this term. It would be lovely for all Sapphire's class to end the school year on a high with all children earning their reward.
Any questions regarding the upcoming term please do not hesitate to get in touch. All dates, times and further details about work and events will follow when confirmed.
Reading Rewards
We prefer these recorded via Seesaw or Tapestry but if this isn't possible then they can be recorded on paper - see your child's class teacher if you need any support with this.
Bronze level - 15 reads
Silver level - 20 reads
Gold level - 30 reads
Children will receive 3 reads for attending reading clubs.
Remember children can read books online - there are loads free from the app Borrow Box which is through the East Riding Library Service. See our video to remind your child how to use it as many have used with us before (button below)
Friday Book Bags
Book bags will continue to be given out on Friday, we have loved seeing what each child has produced based on the book given. This is shared with the rest of the School on Friday morning's Celebration Assembly.
Please ensure that kit is kept in school all week.
Seesaw and Tapestry
If your child is in Pearls (2 year Olds, Nursery and Reception) then we would love you to connect with us on Tapestry. Here we can share images and observations with yourselves as well as home learning opportunities. Reading can also be logged here.
Seesaw is our home learning platform for Years 1 to 6. Children can log their reading and also see other key information and home learning such as spellings.
If you are having problems connecting to either platform, please speak to a member of your child’s class team or email the office and we will be more than happy to help.