News from Room 208
Weekly Updates from Miss DeWitt's Class
April 27, 2017
We spent part this week and last working on adding and subtracting mixed numbers. The students have used two different methods to solve these problems. The first strategy is to use fraction strips to add or subtract. They use dry erase markers to show each fraction on sheet protectors and either add to it or erase some of it depending on which operation to use. The second method is to change both mixed numbers into improper fractions and add or subtract it that way.
After the kiddos showed proficiency in adding and subtracting mixed numbers, I had them use that skill with word problems. It was great to see how easy this transition was! Word problems are getting easier as the year goes on, and I am so proud of all of my students!
This week's other focus was multiplying a whole number times a fraction. We learned that 5 X 2/5 is the same as saying 5 groups of the fraction 2/5. We learned how to use our fraction strips to show the repeated addition, and most of the class picked up on a short cut for finding the answer. We also used this skill in word problems, and we were finally done with Unit 6! We will be reviewing and testing next week!
Social Studies
Boy, did we learn a lot about Wisconsin on our field trip last week! It was so fun to discuss all of the new facts they learned about our state history, and some of the facts they were told that they already learned! The kiddos also had a blast in the Wisconsin Historical Museum finding artifacts that were also pictured in our textbook! For them to see these artifacts in person was a very rewarding experience.
We learned all about the steps Wisconsin took to become a territory and then a state. The process took a long time, but on May 29, 1848 Wisconsin became the 30th state! We completed an activity in which our class became the Wisconsin state government. We learned about the three branches and even got to pass a bill! Our class was split up into the citizens of Wisconsin, Assembly, Senate, and we even had our very own governor. The students were able to experience how a bill is passed and what the process looks like.
We took our Chapter 5 test this week, and we will be moving on to science for the remainder of the year! Our next unit is.....circuits!!! I am so excited to teach this unit, and I know we will have so much fun discovering together!
Language Arts with Mrs. Edwards
Reading: The last two weeks we shared and celebrated our research projects. The students worked hard with a small group on researching a topic of their choice. We had everything from the Titanic, to Lewis and Clark, and The Black Death. The presentations were to reflect their ability to find (reliable) information and to present in a fun way for the class. Students were very creative in how they made their sharing fun for the audience. We had students who created a KaHoot game (make sure to ask your child all about it), bookmarks, and even little flags. The audience then had to write a star and a wish for each presentation, and at least two things they learned on the topic being presented. The students did a wonderful job being respectful while others were presenting, and practiced looking at the audience and not at the slides.
Writing: Our persuasive essay unit is coming to a close, which means our essay unit is finally coming to an end. The students have completed three essays this year: literary essay, personal essay, and persuasive. This week, we reviewed that it is important to remember your audience when writing a persuasive essay, and went over the always fun grammar issues of editing. Next week they will have a chance to read and ‘debate’ their thesis.
Book Club: We are on our LAST book club of the year! The students are able to pick their final project to demonstrate their knowledge on the book and to show their comprehension. Please remember that each Friday the students discuss their book with their group and need to come with two questions.
Chosen Fundraiser
Monday, May 1, 2017, 08:30 AM
Horizon Elementary
Miss DeWitt
Phone: (262) 701-5557