Ocee Learning Commons
Exceptional Children's Week Resources
This week is Exceptional Children's Week. It's an annual event celebrating children with exceptionalities and the professionals who serve them. The theme this year is "Children Exploring Careers." While we always celebrate differences, this week is reserved specifically to increase our knowledge, acceptance, and to recognize achievements. Stella Brantley and Jennifer Park collaborated with me to provide some great information. Participants in video two were former students of Katy Malo. Our Ocee Student Council members have completed activities where they learned about and discussed exceptionalities and completed a project where they began thinking about what they want to be when they grow up.
Apps and On-line Resources
Stella recommends the "DESCRIBE IT" app which is designed by certified speech and language pathologists to make learning to describe fun and easy. It is used to improve vocabulary and enhance describing ability. This app is probably best for PK-2nd grade. It is $3.99 but she loves it.
Writing Rubric
Here is a free tool from the Council for Exceptional Children. It is a one page grading rubric for you that could help you evaluate writing assignments. Sections of the rubric are about mastery of composition, style, sentences, usage, and mechanics.
Safari Montage App
Download this app for unlimited video streaming options from your iPads. Kids can also download to their devices.
Come and browse our books in the Learning Commons on exceptionalities!
Couch Middle School-Exceptional Children's Week March 9th-March 7th 2015
Cambridge High School CBI
When I Grow Up