BBP Heritage Association
~ December 2020 Newsletter ~
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy New Year!
This year has been one of the most challenging years of our lives. It has presented so many challenges on both personal and professional levels for ALL of us. It has taught us that life is hard and we have to live day by day and have faith that in the end, everything is going to be okay. The BBPHA managed to remain positive, stick to our mission and accomplish some of our goals and in many ways, that is because of you! Our valued members and supporters. Thank you!
As we look to 2021, hold on to what is good and let go of what is bad. It really is that simple. This year; break a bad habit ~ learn a new skill ~ do a good deed ~ visit a new place ~ read a difficult book ~ write and send a letter ~ try a new food ~ take a risk ~ and be kind! Our days will be happier when we give people a piece of or heart rather than a piece of our mind.
Wishing all of you a happy and healthy New Year!
Holiday Raffle!
Special thanks go to: Bayport Flower Houses, Lake Liquors, Sayville Inn, The Fish Store, Barre Fitness, Kay Cameron Jewelers, Sayville Running Store, TAO, Angela Sterling and of course the board of the BBPHA!
Raffles will continue to be called each Sunday until December 20th so if you have not made your purchase, there is still time. Go to our webpage, for more info and to pay by PayPal or send in a check for $10.00 to PO Box 4 Bayport NY 11705. Best of luck to all who have entered!
Finding St Nick
Plaster work at MC
Christmas at Our Lady of Snow Church c. 1950
December 2012
Our Lady of the Snow Church in Blue Point was built and dedicated in 1917. Old-timers may well remember the beauty of this church especially during the Christmas season decades ago.
Notice in the photo below, the four angels painted on the sanctuary wall, the Christmas creche, all of the poinsettias, even the crystal hanging lamps wreathed with decorative greens. Under the main alter, the Last Supper appears in bas--relief.
It is still a beautiful church today but the sanctuary is somewhat simplified especially in the wake of the 1967 fire and the liturgical reforms of Vatican 2. Inside Our Lady of the Snow church today, much of the original fabric remains; the stained glass windows, the pews, the dropped tin ceiling and the king-post ceiling trusses.
On the back of this 1950's postcard the following scriptural passage is quoted: "Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will. For there has been born to you today in the town of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Nominations for the BBPHA
The nominating committee is developing a slate of members for the 2021 board. There are several seats open; including directors. Any current paid BBPHA member may serve on the board. It requires only one meeting per month. If you would be willing to serve for the 2021 year, please contact John Amato at
We are also looking for members to serve on various committees throughout the year. You can work from home! If you have a particular skill or interest (house tour, special events, light clerical and organization) please contact us at
Happy New Year!
Location: Meadow Croft Estate, Middle Road, Sayville, NY, USA
Phone: 631-472-4625
Twitter: @BayportHistory