Bush Banner
March 10, 2023
Dates to Remember
3/13 - 17 - Spring Break - No School
3/20 - Inclement Weather Day, No School
3/21 - Students return to school
3/24 - 1st Grade Field Trip
3/30 - 1st Grade Open House 6:00pm
3/30 - 1st Grade Program 7:00pm
3/31 - Spring Picture Day
4/4- Kinder and First Egg Hunt
4/5 - Kinder & 2nd grade Learning Zoo
4/6 - Field Day
4/7 - No School
4/10- No School
4/12 - Mitchell Fine Arts Orientation for 4th grade students
4/12 - 1st grade Learning Zoo
4/21 - Bush Bonanza
4/22 - Earth Day
4/25 - 3rd grade STAAR Reading Test
4/26 - 4th grade STAAR Reading Test
5/1 - School Principal Day
5/2 - 3rd grade STAAR Math Test
5/2 - National Teacher Appreciation Day
5/3 - 4th grade STAAR Math Test
5/5 - School Lunch Hero Day
5/9 - Spring Choir Concert
5/10 - 4th Grade Field Trip
5/10 - 3rd grade Learning Zoo
5/11 - 4th Grade Field Trip
5/12 - 4th & 3rd Grade Color Run
5/17 - 4th grade Learning Zoo
5/18 - Speech Pathologist Day
5/18 -TWHS Clap Out
5/18 - 1st Grade Safety Day
5/19 - Kindergarten Graduation
5/23 - Paw-Some Awards 9:00am
5/24 - 4th Grade Picnic
5/25 - 4th Grade Clap Out
5/25 - Early Release 12:10pm
A Note from the Principal
We had another AMAZING week at Bush Elementary! I want to take a moment to say thank you to our amazing teachers and staff for all their hard work preparing for Science Night! It was great to see so many families here! We hope you all had a great time!
Please have a restful and enjoyable spring break! We will see our Bobcats on March 21st!
Take care!
Mrs. Thompson
Important Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
We need your help abiding by traffic code to ensure a safe drop off and dismissal for our students. There are several concerns related to safety that need to be addressed.
- When leaving the parking lot, you are required to make a right turn on Crownridge
- Utilize cross walks and please ensure that your children are utilizing the crosswalks
- Please follow speed limits
- Do not make u-turns on Crownridge
- If you are parking at the Church, please park in approved parking spaces
- Please do not drop off your students on Crownridge, you are welcome to park at the Church and walk your child across the street using the cross walks
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Lost & Found
Notes from the School Nurse
Bush Clinic Phone # (936) 709-1609
Students with fevers are required to remain home until he or she is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. Students with vomiting are required to stay home until vomiting has subsided for 24 hours. If you have any questions about your child’s illness, feel free to contact me by phone or email.
- Must be delivered to the clinic by the parent/guardian and signed in with the nurse.
- Must be in the original container and labeled for age-appropriate use.
- All medications, including cough drops, must be kept in the clinic during the school day.
- Students may NOT transport medications to and from school.
- Prescription medications must include the pharmacy prescription label.
- Over the counter medications must be age appropriate unless documentation is provided by a physician states a higher dose is approved.
- No more than a 90-day supply of prescription medications can be checked in at one time.
- No more than a 30-day supply of over-the-counter medication can be checked in at one time.
- Medications for Asthma and Severe Allergies require an Action Plan be completed by your child’s physician. These forms can by requested by contacting the school nurse. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any other questions or concerns as the year goes on.
Stay Healthy,
Nurse Cheryl Kirchner, RN
Cheryl Edwards, Clinic Assistant
Transportation Changes
Transportation changes must be made in writing before 2:00 PM. We cannot accept transportation changes by phone. To submit a transportation change, you may send a written note to the front office with the following information:
- the date
- your child's full name
- homeroom teacher
- bus number (if applicable)
- your signature
If an emergency arises, you may send an email to bush@conroeisd.net. The e-mail must include all of the above information and must be received before 2:00 PM. If you submit a transportation change by email, it must go to the email address referenced above. Teachers do not check their email regularly throughout the day, so transportation changes should not be emailed directly to the teacher. Please send a new note for each day the change occurs; we cannot accept notes for multiple days or with multiple changes. District policy states that a student may only ride the bus they are registered to ride; students may not have a transportation change to ride a different bus.
CISD School Calendar
Here is the link to the 2023-2024 School Calendar.
Student Placement for 2023 - 2024
Student placement for the 2023-2024 school year is decided by a committee made up of your child’s current year's teachers, principal, assistant principals, counselors, and sometimes other staff that may work with your students. We work very hard to match children's learning styles and personalities with next year's teachers. We take this task very seriously and examine the strengths and needs of each child as we strive to place each student in the environment in which he/she will be most successful.
Our placement committee will begin meeting soon, and we continue to work through placement procedures throughout the summer. Because of this, families will be notified of their child’s teachers the week before school begins in August. Once your child's placement is complete, it is not possible to make changes, as this compromises the dynamics of the entire class. We work very hard to create just the right environment for each student.
If you would like to share information with the committee regarding your child's placement, please complete the information in this link. Information must be submitted by March 31st as we will begin placement decisions at that time.
If you have expressed a concern in previous years, and you feel that it should still be considered, please communicate this information every year using the link above. We do not review previous year's requests. Please do not request specific teachers or make friend requests for your child. Class composition and a learning/personality match are our top priority as we strive for the correct placement for each child. We appreciate your help and support with this very important endeavor.
Counseling Lessons
During the month of February, our counseling lessons focused on kindness. We celebrated Random Acts of Kindness week and all the kind acts in our school are helping our kindness tree bloom. Our Bobcats spread kindness in the community by collecting food items to support the Interfaith food bank.
All staff members were treated to a rose and a note of thanks. Thanks to the Compassion Club for the kind notes. Thank you HEB and Renee Murphy for the flower donations. We appreciate you!
Our Kindergarten and 1st graders continue working hard by filling each other's buckets with Kindness. “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?”
Our second grade lesson focused on showing kindness by supporting others. The students practiced using their social skills to read facial expressions and body language to help tell the story I Walk with Vanessa by Kerascoet.
In third grade we read One by Kathryn Otoshi. The story taught students about having courage to speak up for yourselves and others when someone is being unkind. We also learned about giving people second chances when they make a mistake. We discussed the difference between a bystander and an Upstander. Students can choose to be an Upstander when they see bullying happening when they try any of the following strategies. 1. Be a buddy 2. Interrupt 3. Speak out 4. Tell an adult
We read The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig in fourth grade and discussed the importance of showing kindness by including others. We learned there are many ways we can connect with others and include them in our daily activities.
CISD Parent Resource Center Newsletter
Safety Information
The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. Over the past decade, Conroe ISD has spent millions of dollars on a layered approach to campus safety including the installation of secure entrances and vestibules along with adding security cameras throughout our schools. Our greatest safety measure, however, is vigilance. Please report any suspicious activity or suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities. Anonymous reports may be made 24/7 to Conroe ISD’s KidChat hotline at 1-888-KidChat (543-2428) or through our new Anonymous Alerts app. Login: conroeisd
Helpful Websites
Parent Access Center Account - http://conroeisd.net/parents/
Conroe ISD Website - http://www.conroeisd.net/
Conroe ISD Volunteer Online Application - https://apps.conroeisd.net/volunteer/
Online Lunch Payments - www.myschoolbucks.com
Conroe ISD Transportation: 832-592-8800 - https://www.conroeisd.net/transportation/
Child Nutrition - https://www.conroeisd.net/department/child-nutrition/
Campus Information
Bush Elementary: A nurturing and inclusive community where students become empowered citizens and life-long learners. Every student, every day!
Our school hours are 8:00-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.