Principal's Corner
Monthly Newsletter - December 2023 Edition
Dear Parents, Guardians & Significant Adults,
As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to take a moment to extend warm wishes to each and every one of you. I hope this season brings you joy, peace and precious moments spent with loved ones.
Reflecting on the past months, I am grateful for the resilience, dedication and collaboration that our school community has demonstrated. We have continued to foster a supportive and enriching learning environment for our students.
Here are some important updates and highlights as we head into December:
Winter Break: We look forward to a well-deserved break for our students and staff. Friday, December 15th will be an early release day and the first official full-day of Winter Break will begin on Monday, December 18th. Winter Break will end on Monday, January 1st. Please use this time to rest, rejuvenate and create wonderful memories with your loved ones.
- Community Celebrations & Festivals: While you are on vacation, find some time to explore the beautiful area we live in and enjoy some of the holiday festivities .
Reminders and Resources: Please take a moment to review important resources on our school website, including the academic calendar for the upcoming year, important dates and any announcements. If you or your loved ones are in need this winter, please scroll down to our Winter Assistance section. There are numerous resources listed that can be taken advantage of now. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 425-385-5100.
As we approach the new year, let's continue to work together to create a positive and nurturing environment for our students. Your partnership is crucial to the success of our school and I am excited about the possibilities that the coming year holds for us.
Wishing you all a joyful holiday season filled with love, laughter and cherished moments.
Belinda "MJ" Mountjoy - Principal
Dates and Times to Remember
New Term, New Connected Dates
- Term 3 - November 27th - January 5th
- Connected 4 - November 27th - December 14th
- Check & Connect/Appointment Days - January 8-9th
- Deadline to Register for Connected 5 - January 11th at 10am
Calendar Reminder - Winter Break!
This is a friendly reminder that Winter Break is December 18 to January 1, with classes resuming on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
World Language Assessment, December 5th
The World Language Assessment will be given on December 5th at SHS for those SHS students who have already pre-registered.
Prodigies for Peace Essay and Art Contest
Please see the Snohomish County Black Heritage Committee sponsored 23rd Annual 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Prodigies for Peace Essay and Art Contest. The deadline this year is December 15, 2023.
Awards will be presented at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration the weekend of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
There is Still Time to Enroll your Preschooler!
There is space available in our Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP)! This incredible program is for 3- and 4-year-old children from families with limited income and are enrolled in our schools.
The six ECEAP sites within our school district are Cedar Wood, Hawthorne, Jackson, Lowell, Madison, and Silver Lake elementary schools. Space is limited – apply now!
For an application or more information, please visit the or call 425-385-4628.
Transitional Kindergarten Program
Did you know Transitional Kindergarten is designed to give your child a strong start on their educational journey? EPS offers Transitional Kindergarten for children who are not currently in an early learning program and age eligible to enter kindergarten in EPS in fall 2024.
Enrollment for Transitional Kindergarten begins with the submission of an Interest Form, which is available on our website. This will be followed by a screening, which is a fun and interactive assessment used to determine your child’s developmental strengths and needs. During this time, your child will engage one on one with the screening proctor for a variety of games and activities. Screening will be held in late November and early December.
For more information, visit: Deadline to submit Interest Form is December 12.
Calendar 2023-2024
Attendance Procedures
The Gift of Attendance!
Absences spike in the weeks before and after the winter holidays as families squeeze in a few more vacation days. Just a few missed days here and there, even excused absences, can add up and lost learning time can put your child behind in school.
This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school. Put simply, too many absences at any age can affect a student’s chances for academic success and eventually for graduation. This holiday season give your children the gift of an education and the habit of attendance.
Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as to connect with their peers and teachers. As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up to class when school is in session.
If your child is absent, please email the school at
If email is not possible, and even if you leave a message with the school attendance line at 425-385-5105. Please send a written note to the school office within 30 days after your student returns to school.
Sequoia's Bell Schedule
Did you miss a call from us?
If you missed a call from your school, please first check your voice mail, email or mobile app for the message rather than calling the school. Schools are often inundated with phone calls from parents after they send an automated call and cannot answer all the calls. If messaging is still not being delivered, then you will need to update your contact information at your school. If your contact information has changed, please let your school know so they can update the system to be able to successfully reach you.
Updates from the District
Delayed Start or Closed Schools
If we must cancel school or delay the start of school, we will use our parent communication system to call in the morning, typically around 5:00 a.m. (or sometimes the night before if it can already be determined) with a brief message about the reason for closure or delay. We will also use local media, social media and post the message on our website.
If there is no announcement about Everett Public Schools, school is on the regular schedule. More information and resources for school closures or delays is on the district website under the Parents tab.
In cases of inclement weather or other emergencies, please:
- check your email or phone for district messages
- listen for media announcements
- view the district’s website at
- watch district Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts
Snow Routes are Online
School drop off and pick up locations may change in an emergency situation. If your child rides a bus to school, please become familiar with the snow route information on the district transportation department’s webpage under the “Snow Routes” icon in the center of the page.
Parent University for Information Regarding School Closures and Late Starts
New resources have been added to Parent University, including a video highlight information regarding school closures and late starts. Watch the video here.
If you have additional topics you would like to suggest for Parent University, please email
Play and Learn
Play and Learn is a free program for children from birth through age five and their parents or caregivers to have fun playing together, creating art, listening to stories and singing songs! Sessions are held five days a week from 10:30 a.m. to noon at four locations.
Accepting Highly Capable referrals until Dec. 15
The Highly Capable (HC) Program in Everett Public Schools is designed to meet learning needs and challenge students who have advanced thinking and academic abilities. Highly Capable classes are open to students in second, third, fourth and fifth grades. HC students learn and study in self-contained classrooms with a fast-paced curriculum that encourages and inspires them to develop higher-level thinking skills. HC classrooms are held in seven schools in the district, based on qualified enrollment. For more information on the Highly Capable program, please visit the district website to view an informational power point and timeline: and Parent/Guardian Information PowerPoint
If you think your student would benefit from a challenging option like the Highly Capable Program and you would like to refer them for testing, you must complete the Parent Referral for Testing Form.
The deadline to submit the referral form is Friday, December 15, 2023. If you choose to refer your student for testing, the results will be shared with you in May. If you have questions about this process, please call the Highly Capable Office at 425-385-4033.
Board of Distinction
Everett Public Schools board of directors earned high honors with the designation as a Board of Distinction 2023. Applications are reviewed by a panel of judges that includes former and current educational service district superintendents, State Board of Education board members, former school directors and other education leaders in Washington state. Scoring is based on how well applicants show alignment with the Washington School Board Standards, support their statements with data and demonstrate a link between outcomes and decisions made by the board.
Harvest of the Month
This month, the Food and Nutrition Department brings you brussels sprouts grown in the PNW! Be sure to give them a try this month seasoned and roasted!
Did you know that brussels sprouts are packed with more vitamin C than an orange? Find out more by checking out the Harvest of the Month flyer on the district website.
Sprouts of Joy!
Guaranteed Admissions Program
Everett Public Schools (EPS) is in its second year partnering with the Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP), which guarantees admission to Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, The Evergreen State College, Saint Martin's University, University of Washington Tacoma, Washington State University and Western Washington University, and its first year partnering with the Automatic Admissions Partnership, which guarantees admission to Pacific Lutheran University to help students meet their college and career goals.
To be eligible for guaranteed admissions to the eight participating institutions, students must have or be on track to earn by graduation a 3.0 GPA (3.3 for Pacific Lutheran University) and complete the college academic distribution requirement coursework.
The primary objective of this collaboration is to reach students who may have never contemplated pursuing a college education or didn't consider themselves college ready. The partnership is committed to nurturing the college and career aspirations of Washington's students. If a student dreams of earning a bachelor’s degree, there is a place for them at one of the state’s public baccalaureate institutions or two of the state’s private universities.
In EPS, 560 seniors were identified this fall as guaranteed admission eligible (446 for Pacific Lutheran University) and received acceptance notifications. After receiving the letter, students then complete an admission application and additional requirements by the institution. The guaranteed admission program does not provide financial aid or cover the cost of college, so students will need to complete the FAFSA or WASFA and contact the financial aid office of the colleges for financial aid and scholarship information.
Kids in Transition Program
Kids in Transition (KIT) program supports students who qualify for two federal programs which provide support for children and youth whose housing is highly mobile: those who meet the more inclusive definition of homeless under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Act and those who are eligible for Foster Care Education support.
Students who are in foster care placement (where a child welfare agency has placement, care and authority) or those who are without a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence may qualify for this additional support.
The KIT program works to eliminate barriers to students’ academic success and extra-curricular involvement. We ensure eligible students have access to free school meals, school supplies and uniforms. KIT may help students access extended day or summer school classes or coordinate access to additional academic support or tutoring when needed. The KIT Program may also cover, or coordinate waivers for, fees required to take part in activities such as school-sponsored sports, clubs, and required class fees. KIT can also help set up transportation for eligible students to maintain school stability, as long as the commute is feasible and in the best interest of the student. We also partner with the Family Resource Center and other community agencies to connect families and students to resources as needed.
Last year, Everett Public Schools served over 1,350 students through our KIT support at some time during the school year. For more information, visit to learn who your school’s KIT support staff is; or contact the KIT Office at 425-385-4032.
Job Opportunities!
Everett Public Schools is hiring many positions. Please share with friends and family who may be interested in joining our team. Visit for jobs posted and how to apply.
Meet your Regional Superintendent
Please see the school feeder pattern for each region’s session and the graphic below showing Sequoia in Region 2.
Each Regional Superintendent recently recorded an introduction video for Parent University. Click on the image to see the introduction video.
Port Gardner Family Partnership Information
Click on the PGS Mascot to Learn More about Port Gardner
PGS Contact Information
Belinda Mountjoy, Principal: 425-385-5190
Autumn Slater, School Counselor: 425-385-
Megan Slaker, Secretary: 425-385-5150
Kristin Goodman, Paraeducator: 425-385-5180
Allison Hinds, Primary Teacher: 425-385-5183
Celeste Johnson, Primary Teacher: 425-385-5183
Jocelyn Sievers-Bailey, Intermediate Teacher: 425-385-5186
Laura Wight, High School Teacher: 425-385-5141
Mark Ryder, High School Teacher: 425-385-5142
Sherm Iversen, Online Instructor: 425-385-5144
Family Assistance & Informational Resources
Family Resources & Assistance
Could you or a family you know use some help? Find information and links to helpful resources on the district’s Parent Tools webpage:
· Washington State Library – local and regional information about services and agencies offering help to families in a variety of ways including food, shelter, clothing, childcare, legal services, employment opportunities, and counseling.
· Everett Public Schools Kids In Transition (KIT) program – supports homeless children and youth to continue their education.
· Snohomish Health District for Snohomish County community dental resources for children and adults.
· United Way of Snohomish County – 2-1-1 is a free telephone number that is your best "first call" to quickly find the right source of help. The information line is staffed by trained operators from Volunteers of America Western Washington who can connect you to a wide range of community services.
Holiday and Winter Assistance for Families
The Salvation Army Everett and Volunteers of America of Western Washington are partnering to provide Christmas Assistance to families in need. The Salvation Army will provide toys and gifts for children 17 and under, and the Volunteers of America will provide Christmas food baskets for each family. More information provided here.
Other resources provided below.
Snohomish County Cold Weather Shelters
2023 Snohomish County Dinner and Toy Distribution Resources
Snohomish County Services and Resources
Assistance Icon on Website
The district’s main webpage has an icon, “report/assistance,” with resources and assistance for students and families on:
· Suicide Prevention
· Crisis Support
· Eating Disorder Help
· Substance Abuse Help
· Report Safety Concerns
· Report Harassment
· Substance Abuse Trends
· Overdose Symptoms and Prevention
· Safe Storage of Medication
· Safe Storage of Firearms
Safety Tip Line
Do you or your student have a concern about someone experiencing bullying or harassment? Report it! You can talk directly with your school’s office, or you can call, text or email your concern.
If there is reason for concern about safety on a designated walkway to school, call 9-1-1 immediately for authorized, quick help. We have strong partnerships with local law enforcement who share our interest in safe schools and neighborhoods. Student safety is a priority for all of us. Working together, we can help make our neighborhoods and schools nurturing places for students to safely learn and grow.
Informational Resources
Many ways to get your much-needed information...
Please go to the Everett Public Schools Website for more information:
Get your Grades Here!
New Features on the Mobile App!
Registering for middle and high school sports AND school athletic schedules can now be found on the EPS App! Grab your smartphone and go to the iTunes App Store® or Google Play®, search Everett Public Schools, then select our app for free download. Game ON! Learn more at
Belinda Mountjoy Principal
Website: www.everettsd/Sequoiahs
Location: 3516 Rucker Ave Everett, WA 98201
Phone: (425) 385-5100
Twitter: @Sequoia_HS