Instructional Coaching Menu
Best Practices
GATHER RESOURCES – hunt for those hard to find lesson components and ideas CO-PLANNINGg – Through conversation collaboratively plan a lesson or series of lessons that meet best practices DIFFERENTIATION SUPPORT – Help design choice assignments or tiered activities or assessments CLASSROOM COVERAGE – cover your class so that you can observe another colleague in your building
Main Entrees
CLASSSROOM ASSISTANT – serve as another pair of hands for a lesson or another pair of eyes to track student concerns TEAM TEACHING EXPERIENCE – After planning cooperatively, teach a lesson together. TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT – Create interactive flipcharts or programs that enhance student engagement DEMONSTRATION LESSON – Demonstrate a lesson in your classroom or an alternate classroom while you observe. DATA CONSERVATION – Collaboratively analyze formative assessment to make instructional decisions
REFLECTION – Through conversation and observation, reflect on student learning in your classroom COLLABORATION – Help you connect with other teachers in your own building or throughout the district BRAINSTORMING SESSION – Collaboratively bounce innovative ideas off one another LISTENING AND SUPPORT – Lend an open and confidential ear for a topic of your choice
Chef/Coach Dr. Isabelle Williams
Call or email your order!
Email: iwillia1@aisd.net
Location: Enterprise building, 690 E. Lamar Blvd. , Arlington, TX
Phone: ...682-867-7473
Twitter: @isabellewilliam
Craving something not listed on the menu?
Taking the Lead: New Roles for Teachers and School-based Coaches by
Joellen Killion (Author), Cindy Harrison (Author)