Bobcat Bulletin
March 28, 2024
Yearbook orders will be online only this year. No cash sales will happen at the end of the year. Online orders need to be completed by May 8th for classroom distribution. There are a limited number of books that can be purchased, so order one soon.
To purchase a yearbook, go to BuyTheYearbook.com.
- 4/4: 3rd-8th Writing Assessment Day
- 4/5: 3:30pm Dismissal Day & SF CARNIVAL!
- 4/5: Spirit Day...every Friday in April is "Give it your BEST SHOT!" spirit day & we'll wear basketball shirts/jerseys in honor of our Bobcats who are putting so much energy and effort into their state tests this month!
3rd-8th Grade State Testing Dates:
4/15, 4/16, 4/17, 4/18: 3rd-8th Reading & Math Assessments (2 parts each)
Bobcats Basketball Highlight...
a game WINNING Half Court shot!!!
Did anyone happen to see ABC15 Morning news where one of our very own Bobcats, 7th grader Rylan Milks, was highlighted for his game winning, final second, HALF COURT SHOT (actually longer than half court!) that gave our Bobcats the VICTORY over Terramar!?!? It was amazing! If you missed the excitement you can relive the moment as you view the clip below. (*Disclaimer: this isn't the actual news footage, but this home video gives you a much clearer shot of the action*)
Join us for the next home game. You never know what is going to happen!
Do you have a GIFTED child who is looking to stay engaged this summer?
Check out the flyer below for summer camp opportunities...
Save the Date...
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA):
If your child is in grades 6-8 and an athlete, whether it is on a recreation team, Sonoran Foothills team, club team, etc and has an interest in learning how the Bible can have an impact on success in athletics, encourage him/her to come join the FCA Huddle on Friday, April 5th at 8:00 in Mrs. Mordka's room. If you have questions, please contact either Mrs. Mordka or Mrs. Johnson
Our motto for this week is:
I look for solutions, not blame.
Many students confuse complaining and blaming with problem-solving. When students seek blame rather than solutions, they can diminish their accountability, strain their relationships, and reduce their ability to problem-solve.
We all want our kids to become strong problem solvers, and we can help them develop the skills they need by teaching them the difference between being stuck in the problem vs. searching for solutions.
When people are stuck in the problem, they:
•Focus on what has already happened.
•Look for people to blame and ask, "Who did this?"
•Complain about what isn't working rather than finding ways to improve it.
When people are searching for the solution, they:
•Focus on what needs to happen next.
•Look for solutions and ask, "How can this be fixed?"
•Spend time making improvements rather than blaming and complaining.
By discussing the above differences with your child now, you can help them avoid forming these unhelpful habits.
"There is no use talking about the problem unless you talk about the solution."
-Betty Williams
Have a great week,
Danna Evans All Things E.Q.
Mark Your Calendars Now for the 24-25 School Year:
Bobcat Burrow & Community Ed News:
Any questions or looking for more information please email me at eva.bray-pollastrini@dvusd.org
and/or call/text us at 623-692-7507
To begin your registration, go to https://www.dvusd.org/Page/77172
If you or someone you know is looking for part time work, we are hiring. Open to High School students as well for work in the afternoons.
Donations are always welcome, here is our wish list to get ideas of what we are looking for.
Tax Credit Donations
ONLINE at: K-8 & High School Online Donations
MAIL or DROP OFF to the School of Your Choice: DVUSD 2023-24 School Address List
Forms can be downloaded here, and checks can be mailed to the school of your choice. Your tax credit receipt will be mailed back to you. Your tax credit goes directly to the school you choose, not to the state or district.
About Us
In partnership with students, families, and community members, Sonoran Foothills School seeks to create a challenging and diverse learning environment through engaging instruction allowing for individual differences in an atmosphere of cooperation and respect.
Email: darlene.baumgartner@dvusd.org
Website: dvusd.org/sonoranfoothills
Location: 32150 North North Foothills Drive, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 623 445 8400
Facebook: facebook.com/SonoranFoothillsElementaryPTSA
Twitter: @BobcatsSf