LMS Library Corner
November Edition, Part II
Library Updates
The LMS Library is gearing up for our annual Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair will be held in the library from December 5th-9th, and students will be attending with their English classes. Students may also visit the fair before school (7:10-7:25), after school (2:15-3:00), and during Lancer Time and all lunch periods (with a pass from a teacher). Parents and students are encouraged to check out our online book fair: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/longfellowms The online fair is open from December 2nd-December 9th. Any books ordered online should be delivered in time for the holidays.
Interested in helping out?? We would love to have more parent volunteers to make sure this year’s book fair is fun and successful! If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Nicole Yakatan (nyakatan@aol.com), the PTA’s awesome volunteer coordinator. If you have any questions about the book fair itself, please feel free to contact Longfellow’s head librarian, Jennifer Polidoro (jepolidoro@fcps.edu).
Happy Thanksgiving!!
In Other News...
These past couple of weeks, we've been busy working with teachers and students on a variety of projects. We've worked with...
- 7th and 8th grade students on research skills lessons: evaluating websites, conducting keyword searches, using the FCPS databases, avoiding plagiarism, and using Noodle Tools to create Works Cited pages
- 7th grade Science teachers on a pathfinder to support their Chesapeake Bay research project
Silent Reading Tuesdays
During Lancer Time on Tuesdays, all LMS students are encouraged to participate in silent, sustained reading. The librarians (with assistance from some wonderful parent volunteers!) make the rounds to see which classes are doing their reading. If we catch students quietly reading (a book, magazine, Kindle, or even a computer screen), we award their class a sticker for that week. At the end of the marking period, the classes with the most stickers will have an opportunity to win a pizza party. The winning class for the first marking period was Ms. Daniels's 7th grade science students! Now, the clock is reset for the second marking period. Which class will be the next lucky winners...?
Recent Library Displays
Battle of the Books Update
As a reminder, Battle of the Books (BOB) meets on Thursday afternoons in Room 121--across from the library. We are currently reading and discussing this year’s Virginia Reader’s Choice books (in no particular order). We are asking all BOB members to fill out this form for each of the books that they read. Ultimately, the book questions that they generate will be used for practice rounds of our competition. To find out more about this club, please visit the Battle of the Books Website.
Find out about our new books...
Check out our website!
LMS Librarians
Jennifer Polidoro
Email: jepolidoro@fcps.edu
Phone: (703) 533-2644
What I'm Currently Reading
Lisa Hedge
This is Lisa Hedge's first year as a librarian at Longfellow Middle School after being a librarian at Glen Forest Elementary School for three years. Lisa has an MLS from the University of Maryland. In her free time she loves reading, traveling, listening to music, and yoga. Some of her favorite books include Harry Potter, The Giver, and Catherine, Called Birdy.
Email: lmhedge@fcps.edu
Phone: (703) 533-4526