The Paw Print
Week of February 19, 2024
What's Happening at GMS This Week?
Monday, February 19:
No School: President's Day
Tuesday, February 20 (EVEN):
Continued...Sweetheart Dance Tickets on Sale at Lunch (ID required to purchase)
Wednesday, February 21 (ODD):
Kona Ice After School
4:00PM: Basketball Game at Tarkanian
Thursday, February 22 (EVEN):
2:30PM - 3:30PM: Sweetheart Dance 2:30PM
Friday, February 23 (ODD):
Den Day
Mark Your Calendars:
March 1: Last Day to Complete or Retake Summative Assessments for Quarter 3
March 1: Game Night Sponsored by BSU 4-6pm
March 4-8: Nevada Reading Week
March 4-8: Courage Spirit Week
March 11-15: Spring Break
Every student at GMS has a school issued Chromebook. PLEASE make sure your child bring their Chromebook to school EVERY DAY and that they are charging their Chromebook NIGHTLY. Click on the picture of the computer to read about "Mobile Device Safety Tips and Reminders."
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GMS Family Calendar & Odd/Even Schedule
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