Learning and Growing Together
Loch Raven High School October 22, 2021
Schoology Tips & Techniques
Focus is hosting a weekly Walk-in Wednesday event on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm. The topics change each week. Walk-in Wednesdays are designed to offer SIS users additional training and support on a variety of functions. All sessions will be hosted using Microsoft Live events. Each one will be recorded. Walk-in Wednesdays recordings will be placed in the Focus Students Information System (SIS) Schoology group. All BCPS employee with access to the SIS, are encouraged to attend these sessions and/or access the recordings.
Please encourage parents to join Schoology. Ask your students to remind their parents. You can share this information in your communication with parents.
Creating a Parent Account Note: Parents need to use the email that was provided to the school to create this account. Parents may access Schoology using the link in the Parent Portal 24-48 hours after the creation of their myBCPS parent account. 1. Using a CHROME browser, navigate to: https://baltimore.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus (Follow the directions on each page.)
More information is available on the parent page of our website.
Teacher assignments were shared via email. Student rooms are posted on the first floor across from the office.
There will be a modified bell schedule for PSAT day.
This is a great day for seniors to schedule a college visit!
Senior Interviews
Senior interviews will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, October 27 and 28 this year in the library. Students will be dismissed from English class to report to the library for their interview. For the first time, senior interviews will be conducted virtually.
Be on the lookout for more information from Tina Paules.
PTSA news
You can still request a PTSA Mini-Grant or complete a Wish List Form. The PTSA is here to support you and your initiatives.
More information about these events and much, much more can be found on the PTSA website https://lochravenhsptsa.com
Days Cove Field Trip
Shout Outs
- Super shout out to all the teachers who assisted with MCAP testing. Also to teachers who had additional coverage because of testing. You are very appreciated! This was the last week of testing.
- To all the faculty for finding a path to school on Thursday, and quickly and efficiently preparing for our students.
- To our Anchor Team for supporting and promoting the PTSA Food Truck Festival and other activities of the day.
- To Megan Bryne for the Morning Show. She and her News Crew are doing a fantastic job.
- To all who supported Bullying Prevention month by wearing the character colors.
- To our counselors for planning special activities to engage students in Unity Day.