Divide County Elementary
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures - September 2019
Safety First!
One of our goals is to make sure that all our families feel welcome and safe at Divide County Elementary. To assist in that effort, we want to make sure every family is familiar with some of our basic procedures. In this newsletter you will find procedures regarding arrival, drop-off, dismissal, and pick-up. With 215 students we need to have procedures in place to keep the busiest times of the day moving smoothly and to keep our students safe! Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the procedures!
- Students may begin arriving at 8:15 a.m.
- Supervision of students begins at 8:15 a.m. Due to safety concerns and no supervision before 8:15 a.m., students will no longer be allowed to line up at the entryway door before 8:15 a.m.
- If students arrive before 8:15 a.m., they will be directed to the playground. THE PLAYGROUND WILL NOT BE SUPERVISED UNTIL 8:15 a.m. Parents are strongly encouraged to find other arrangements for their students until the 8:15 a.m. supervised arrival time.
- Classes begin promptly at 8:40 a.m. The bell rings at 8:35 and students are expected to be in their classroom at 8:40 when the last bell rings.
- Breakfast is from 8:15-8:40. If your child needs to eat breakfast at school plan their arrival time accordingly to allow them enough time to eat.
Morning Drop-Off
We need to keep the flow of traffic moving during this time. Please note the following:
- The south-bound lane of 2nd St. NE is for DROP-OFF ONLY. If you need to go inside the school you need to find a different parking space.
- DO NOT DROP-OFF from the middle of the street. Pull over to the curb to let your student out of the vehicle.
- Students must use crosswalks when crossing the street.
- BUS LANE ONLY - The west bound lane of 1st Ave. N is for buses only.
Dismissal time can be hectic and a full lobby can be difficult for staff and students to make sure things go as intended. We are asking parents (other than Kindergarten) to please wait outside for your student.
- Please make sure to communicate your child's daily dismissal plan with his/her teacher.
- DCE will stick to the dismissal plan unless a change is communicated directly from the parent/guardian to the office/teacher.
- If parents are picking up their student from school they are asked to wait OUTSIDE the building. Kindergarten parents are the exception. Kindergarten parents are asked to wait to enter the building until 3:20. Please do not go beyond the front lobby to meet your student.
- If you need to talk with a teacher, please wait until dismissal is complete.
Staggered Dismissal:
- 3:20 Kindergarten students dismissed
- 3:23 Grades 1-3 bus students dismissed
- 3:25 Grades 4-6 bus students dismissed
- 3:30 Non-bus students are dismissed once all buses have left the premises
Afternoon Pick-Up
- The south-bound lane of 2nd St. NE is for PICK-UP ONLY. If you need to go inside the building you need to find a different parking space.
- Do not pick up students from the middle of the street. Pull over to the curb to pick up your student.
- Students must use crosswalk to cross the street.
- BUS LANE ONLY - The west bound lane of 1st. Ave. N is for buses only. Once all the buses are gone after dismissal (3:30) this lane may be used by DCE families.