Resource & Tech Accountability
SMCPS Issued Books, Consumables, & Technology
Google Additional Services Permission
If you student is in secondary school and needs access to Google's Additional Services please complete this form.
If you would like to read through more details about the Google Permission and how this differs from our access to all Core Services please see this linked file.
Textbooks and Novels
Students have textbooks checked out in their names in most grade levels and classes. Textbooks have barcodes starting with a TB and then up to 15 digits.
ALL BOOKS, novels and textbooks that are no longer being used for a class, must be returned by Friday, May 31st.
Any resource NOT returned prior to the last day of school will be marked as LOST. Anything LOST will incur a fine.
Examples of consumables at the middle school level are the science modules, Springboard and My Perspectives for ELA, and the Carnegie Math books. At the high school level students also have consumables in math and ELA courses.
While students do not have to return these, they are held accountable if they lose them and need a replacement.
Consumables do NOT get returned at the end of the school year.
If you student is in secondary school and needs access to Google's Additional Services please complete this form.
If you would like to read through more details about the Google Permission and how this differs from our access to all Core Services please see this linked file.
Library Books
Technology/Laptop Repair Costs
School Laptops and Chargers
Here are the guidelines care.
- Keep your laptop in a secure place. You are responsible if a laptop is stolen or lost.
- Please review the procedures in our Accountability Document for "Care of Laptops Offsite"
- If you need help with your device please submit a helpdesk ticket using these directions.
- All students are issued a school laptop.
- It is your responsibility for the care and upkeep of your device.
- A school laptop costs 350.00.
- Laptop charger replacements cost 35.00.
If you break a laptop, there is a repair cost. Please take care of your device.
Laptop and Charger Information
💻 Questions about TECHNOLOGY resources and FINES? Email: helpdesk@smcps.org
Technology Repair/Loss Appeal Form
LAPTOP Damages (Costs and Disciplinary Consequences)
Laptop and Charger Information
Additionally, students that damage another student's laptop can be billed for the repair.
There are disciplinary consequences to inappropriate laptop use.
Questions about TECHNOLOGY resources and FINES? Email: helpdesk@smcps.org
LAPTOP CHARGERS - Did you lose yours?
Need to purchase a laptop charger?
1. Go the the Media Center in your School. They can assess you a fine so that you can pay using My School Bucks.
2. Preferably, go directly to the DELL store. You can purchase directly from their website and have it shipped to your home.
Ensure one of these links are being used:
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps (click Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords)
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps-chargers (leads directly to the purchasing portal)
What is "Destiny"? What can I find there?
Destiny: Library Checkouts and Fines
Destiny is the management system used for all SMCPS print and tech resources. This is where we check out novels, textbooks, laptops, and consumables.
This is also where we assess any fees or fines for:
- Lost and damaged laptops and chargers
- Lost textbooks and novels
- Lost library books
- Fees for instrument rentals
- Summer Class fees
Please pay attention to your email for notices coming from the email name "Destiny: Library Checkouts and Fines".
We send out notices every few weeks just to let students know WHAT they have on their accounts, what is overdue, and what fines may have been assessed.
These notices always include CURRENT checkouts. This does not mean those items have to be returned. All students keep their laptop and charger YEAR round. They only return those when they move or graduate.
My School Bucks to Pay for Library and Technology Fines
Use my School Bucks for cafeteria purchases OR to PAY FOR INVOICES for technology debt & library books.
REMEMBER: adding money to your student's cafeteria account DOES NOT transfer over for paying invoices for tech/library debt.
When a media specialist marks anything as lost or damaged in Destiny, that fee AUTOMATICALLY shows up as a "real time fee" in My School Bucks. (*again, do NOT add funds to the cafeteria account. Use the Pay Invoice option.)
Please refer to this information on My School Bucks and your school library.
If you need to pay over time, consider making PARTIAL PAYMENTS.
Questions about PRINT resources? Email: resources@smcps.org
Questions about TECHNOLOGY resources and FINES? Email: helpdesk@smcps.org
Update Your Laptop!
Run Updates on Your Laptop
Withdrawing from SMCPS or Transferring Schools?
Students That Withdraw
Student Withdrawal
When students leave SMCPS, the following items must be returned prior to withdrawing.
All textbooks and resources
All technology (laptops, chargers, iPad/charger, hot spots)
All Media Center books and resources
If anything is not returned a fine will be assessed for the cost of the materials and technology.
The Media Specialist at each site has a record of what each student has checked out.
Students Transferring IN COUNTY
- Media Center Books: These stay at the school you are leaving. Those resources will be returned to the Media Center.
- TEXTBOOKS and Consumables: These do not get returned and can be taken with you to your new school.
- Laptops, chargers: This stays with you.
- Information on resource fines and accountability is located in the this document. Fines are assessed on items not returned to the school they belong to.
Accountability $
Students are held liable and accountable for checked out resources, (textbooks, consumables and technology). If anything is lost, stolen, or broken fines are assessed to the student's account.
Each consumable, textbook and media center book has its own price which can be found in Destiny OR by asking the media specialist.
Technology device repair and replacement costs can be found HERE. Click on "Pricing".
Looking to pay online? My School Bucks and your Media Center
Login to Destiny to find out what you owe the Media Center.
Directions on LOGGING in to DESTINY
To see what your student currently has checked out to them or any fines that have been assessed, the student can login to Destiny through Clever or via Direct Login.
Here are the steps for the direct login:
Go to elibrary.smcps.org
Click on the appropriate school
Select the “Login” option from the top right of the page.
Enter the correct login credentials. (Your login information is the same as your regular login credentials: Username: 3 initials and last 4 digits of student ID number
(Example: abc1234). Password: regular network password)After logging in, click the “My Info” tab at the top and the student’s current checkout and fines (if applicable) will be displayed.