THE's Weekly eBlast
October 16, 2016
Principal Message
We hope that you had a great weekend with your family! Don't forget tomorrow there is no school for students and staff members will be participating in professional development.
Our first assembly is coming soon to celebrate goals and the success of our students! We will hear from student leaders on Attendance, Behavior, and Academics. We are also going to kick off our Red Ribbon Week with a guest speaker. We will get the Red Ribbon Info out soon, but help your students start preparing their bikes for the Bike Rodeo on October 28th.
We will also host our 2nd annual round of Learning Labs. Our labs occurred for the first time last year in place of school clubs for students. These are rotations during the instructional day to support various trades, careers, sports, hobbies, etc. We like for parents and community members to sign up to share their expertise in a specific area. These are great opportunities for students to learn! See the flyer below and let your child's teacher(s) know if you can help us on this day. Last year, we had Dr. Gottardy and Congressman Will Hurd here as well as adults teaching cooking, sign language, martial arts, and so much more. We look forward to having you here on campus with us!!
If you are or know someone that is a firefighter, nurse, baker, and/or chef, please have them contact me, 210-407-8200. We are gearing up for Learning Labs and these are careers some of our grade levels are looking for to add to the instruction on their grade levels.
Here's to a great FALL!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Library Corner
Upcoming Events
October 21st- End of the 1st Nine Weeks Awards Assembly
October 24th- 28th- Red Ribbon Week
Monday, October 24th - Be Proactive, Wear RED to kick-off the week
Tuesday, October 25th - Begin With The End In Mind, wear your favorite college team jersey or college colors.
Wednesday, October 26th - Turn Your Back on Drugs, wear your clothes and hats backwards
Thursday, October 27th - Don't Get Mixed Up in Bad Choices, wear mismatched clothes
Friday, October 28th - Sharpen the Saw, wear Tuscany Spirit gear
October 28th- Bike Rodeo
October 31st- November 4th- Book Fair
November 1st and 2nd- Early Dismissal, 12:40pm, Teacher-Parent Conferences
November 4th- Field Day
November 7th- 18th- Order Winter Spirit Items
November 11th- Veteran's Day Celebration
December 9th- Learning Labs
Student Volunteering App
Digital Citizenship Week, October 16-20, Creating Awareness
Elementary: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/videos/kids-and-tech-the-new-landscape
Kids and Tech: The New Landscape - Common Sense Media Watch Common Sense Media's Kids and Tech: The New Landscape video to help you make informed decisions.
Secondary: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/videos/teens-and-tech-the-new-landscape
Teens and Tech: The New Landscape - Common Sense Media Watch Common Sense Media's Teens and Tech: The New Landscape video to help you make informed decisions.
Also a great one on what to do if cyberbullying happens:
Parent's Guide: watch Common Sense Media's 5 Ways to Stop Cyberbullies advice video to help you make informed decisions with your children.
PTA News
T.H.E. PTA ONLINE STORE IS STILL OPEN! –You can still go online and order your THE Spirit Gear, donate to Greenbacks, and join PTA! Go to www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org! Smaller youth sizes are in!
Lunchroom volunteers needed - We are happy to have Gina Mayorga as our PTA Lunchroom Chair. We are recruiting volunteers to help in the cafeteria during lunch rotations. A special request is for the Kinder-2nd classes that eat between10:40-12. Please visit the signup.com link to learn more.
Red Ribbon Week-YOLO! You Only Live Once! October 24th-28th. The aim of Red Ribbon week is to teach children about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and being drug free. The kick-off will be an assembly on October 21st with a special guest from the NEISD police department's K9 Unit! The fun will continue starting the 24th with our theme days.
Monday, October 24th - Be Proactive, Wear RED to kick-off the week
Tuesday, October 25th - Begin With The End In Mind, wear your favorite college team jersey or college colors.
Wednesday, October 26th - Turn Your Back on Drugs, wear your clothes and hats backwards
Thursday, October 27th - Don't Get Mixed Up in Bad Choices, wear mismatched clothes
Friday, October 28th - Sharpen the Saw, wear Tuscany Spirit gear
Partners in PTA – Canned Food Drive
During Red Ribbon Week, THE will be hosting a canned food drive to donate to the food pantry at Olmos Elementary, our Partner in PTA school. Please send in canned foods throughout the week with your student. There will be boxes in the lobby to drop them off in.
T.H.E. PTA Presents...BIKE RODEO- Friday, Oct 28th, starting at 7:45 AM. We will start with 5th grade, then kindergarten through 4th grade. We hope to end around 11:30 am.
Here are a few reminders:
· Bike drop-off will be Thursday, 10/27, 5-7 PM and Friday, 10/28, 7-7:45 AM, Drop off is at Gym #1 in the back of the school.
· All bikes MUST be picked up by Friday afternoon.
· Label bikes and helmets with your child's name/grade/teacher.
· Bike Rodeo spectators need to park in visitor parking and check in through the front office.
Please sign up to volunteer at signup.com. For more information about Bike Rodeo click here or email Christina Herrera at bikerodeo@tuscanyheightspta.org.
Spirit shirts will be available for purchase the morning of Bike Rodeo. Cash, check, credit, and debit will be accepted.
Directory- The Tuscany Heights Elementary directory is now online and available to all THE families! You will find it in the helpful links section of our PTA website. http://www.tuscanyheightspta.org/ The password was sent in a separate eblast last week. Since the directory is now online, changes can be made so if you see anything in error or your info is not included and you would like it to be, please email Susan Getter at directory@tuscanyheightspta.org. We can also still add business ads, shout outs or tributes, just let us know! It is also set up in an easily printable format so you can print and save.
Honorary Texas PTA Life Membership Award - An Honorary Texas Life Membership is the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the Texas PTA for outstanding contributions to the well-being of children and youth. If you know someone who has gone the “extra mile” for our children, then please consider nominating this individual for this very special award. Please complete a nomination form found here and return it to the Tuscany Heights PTA in a sealed envelope labeled “Life Membership.” Be sure to include a summary on why you believe this person should receive this award. Awards will be announced and presented at T.H.E. PTA General Meeting, December 6. Please return all nominations by Monday, October 24.
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Run for the Heights Website www.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link www.signup.com/group/35885320036