Patriot News
BCCHS Parent and Family Newsletter | Fall 2021
Dear BCCHS Parents and Guardians,
Happy Holiday Season! As we fast approach the week off for Thanksgiving starting November 22nd and vault into the final 3 weeks of the semester, I wanted to remind about some of things that we are grateful for.
It's wonderful to look back and reflect on what has been accomplished this school year. I'm so grateful for the time we've had with our students after doing remote schooling for the past 18 months. Some individual and team/school accomplishments that we've enjoyed:
- 3 Posse Scholar Finalists
- 2 UCLA Camp Med Scholarship Winners
- 1 Girls Golf City Champion Runner-Up
- BCCHS Choir was chosen as one of the top ten finalists for "America's Got Choirs" National Competition.
- Homecoming Festival - attended by over 1200 BCCHS students
- Grades vastly improved for all student groups compared to Distance Learning
- Implemented a New Extended Learning Program - Educare
Despite these successes, some major concerns remain:
- The mental health needs of our students remain very high.
- Some students have yet to recalibrate themselves with an academic mindset and as a result are struggling sitting in classrooms and behaving in a way that fosters learning and growth.
- COVID-19 has impacted hundreds of students who were forced to quarantine, miss school, and have fallen behind.
- The vaccination requirement is negatively impacting many of our students and families that have chosen not to vaccinate.
Please know that as we move forward into the final weeks of semester 1 and into 2022, we must remain open and adaptable. So much has occurred beyond our control that it can feel overwhelming at times. Our challenge is to harness the energy generated when change comes and leverage it into our thoughtful, productive action. When we do this together, the BCCHS Community gains strength and thrives!
May all your family and friends be healthy and happy. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Ari Bennett
BCCHS Principal
Dear 9th Grade Families,
We are nearing the end of our 9th graders' first semester of high school, and their actions over the next few weeks will play a key role in determining their academic futures. Please remind your child to finish strongly. Stay on top of current work, make up any missing assignments, work diligently on final projects, and study hard for those final exams! And, most importantly, ask for help! It is so important for your children to develop a sense of agency -- to ask for what they need and to advocate for themselves when necessary. We are almost at the finish line! Let's work together to ensure that your child's grades are as high as they can be.
9th Grade Events
- Our Movie Night that took place on October 28th was a great success! Stay tuned for future events.
- On Wednesday, November 17th, students who earned Straight A's on the 12-week progress report AND students who improved the most between the 6- and 12-week progress reports will be celebrated at our Student Recognition Lunch on the Quad. They will each receive an In-N-Out burger!
- On Friday, December 3rd, the 9th Grade Council will be selling Holiday Grams on the Quad during an ASB-sponsored, holiday-themed event.
- 9th Grade Council meets every Monday at lunch in Room B-76. Urge your child to get involved. It is a great opportunity to meet new people and to help plan student events.
Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and Winter Break. We are so grateful to have you and your children be a part of our Birmingham Family.
The 9th Grade Team
Dear Sophomore Parents/Guardians:
After the challenges of distance learning last year, we are delighted to see so many students achieving so highly this semester. 460 of our 800 Sophomores earned an A or B average on their second report card. We also have 70 Sophomores whose GPA is over two points higher on this report card than it was at the end of last Spring semester. We recently recognized these students with PBIS points (which can be redeemed for merchandise at the student store). Well done Patriot Sophomores!
There are four weeks left in the Fall semester. Regardless of current grades, the only grade which ultimately counts is the one at the end of the semester. That is the grade that goes on the transcript and determines graduation status and college-eligibility. If the semester was a ball-game, now would be the beginning of the fourth quarter. If you are happy with your child’s current grades, please encourage them to be persistent through finals and get those hard-earned grades recorded on their transcript. This is especially true if your child is one of the students showing that big GPA increase through the second report card. If you are not satisfied with your child’s current grades, please encourage them to refocus, seek assistance in class and push higher. Help is always available at BCCHS. Just like in the fourth quarter of a ball-game, nothing has been decided yet.
As a parent/guardian, how can you help your child finish strong? To stay informed, if you have not done so already please sign up for ParentSquare and the Aeries parent portal. It is suggested you check Aeries multiple times a week to monitor attendance and missing assignments. This is the busiest (and most important) time of the semester for students. It can sometimes feel overwhelming. Help your child prioritize their work and hit their deadlines - late work is a source of lost credit and missing work is a lost opportunity to achieve. Students should focus first on their immediate biggest assignments (worth the most grade points). Always encourage your child to talk to/email their teachers if they need extra help.
Dear Students and Families,
We are so proud of the hard work and dedication you have shown in the past months. This school year has had many challenges, but you have met them and are doing very well!
There are only a few weeks left, so please reach out to your teachers when you need help. They are all here to support you!
Counseling: Emails were sent to all students and parents after the Second Progress Report with information about how your student is doing. Please check your email!
Tutoring: Tutoring is available M-F before school in the library and M-Th after school in E24. Attend whenever possible! Junior year is a very important year for college entrance requirements, do not wait until it is too late to make up grades!
Junior Council: Junior Council meets every Monday at lunch in E24. Come join!
PSW: The H.O.P.E. Club meets every Thursday in T-410 at lunch. Their Mission Statement is "To increase awareness on Mental Health in the Birmingham Community through hope. advocacy and education."
College Search: If you are considering attending a 4 year college, start looking right now. Here is a site you can use to start the search: https://collegematch.prephero.com/.
There are lots of resources available at BCCHS to help you plan the future!
Planning for a career (or getting a job right now):
Angela Zook at (818) 245-5297 or at a.zook@birminghamcharter.com.
Planning for college:
Erika Lopez (818)253-9556 or e.lopez@birminghamcharter.com
Wendy Quinonez (818)233-0193 w.quinonez@birminghamcharter.com
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we will see you all after the break! Keep up the hard work, the semester is almost over!
Class of 2022 Families,
Seniors are almost halfway through their last year of high school!
Last month we had a successful Homecoming Festival! The students enjoyed delicious burgers from the Habit and soft serve ice cream. They also had a blast participating in activities that consisted of obstacle and gladiator inflatables, a slide, arcade games, pool tables, carnival booth games and most of all the music kept the students on their feet as they danced the evening away. Before the end of the event, Seniors Luis Macias and Yasmine Forgues were crowned as the 2021 Homecoming King and Queen. Congratulations to them and all those who were nominated!
At the end of October, we announced that 278 Seniors received a Student Store monetary reward based on their SBAC performance during the last school year in April 2021. 104 Seniors qualified for the $100 reward because they met or exceeded the standard in both Math and ELA. 174 Seniors qualified for a $50 reward because they met or exceeded in either Math or ELA or their score increased significantly from their grade 8 score. Those Seniors that qualified for this incentive, were notified via school email.
November is an important month for Seniors as they put their finishing touches and submit their College Applications. Our awesome College and Career Counselors have been working diligently with all our Seniors and we truly appreciate them! As the College Seminar class comes to an end on Thursday, November 18th, we would like to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to our College and Career Counselors Erika Lopez, Wendy Quinonez and Angela Zook for their endless dedication to our students.
Earlier this month, a Senior Calendar of Events was distributed to all Seniors and via ParentSquare. Friday, November 19th, we will be having our Senior Sunrise event. This is a yearly traditional event in which Seniors come together before school to enjoy their Class of 2022 festivities as the sun rises. The event will begin at 6:00 a.m. and will end at 8:15 a.m. to which they will then head to their first period class of the day. Seniors can purchase their Senior Sunrise ticket at the Student Store for $10. On the day of the event, students will receive their Class of 2022 T-Shirt, a waffle breakfast with beverage and will get to enjoy a rock climbing as well as an obstacle course inflatable all while listening to their favorite music at our Football Stadium. Last day to purchase a ticket is Tuesday, November 16th.
In recognition of Thanksgiving, students will have a one week break from November 22th through November 26th to be with family and celebrate this special holiday.
December is around the corner, which means our Fall Semester is almost over. All students should continue to focus on striving to complete all their classes successfully and communicate with their teachers on any concerning issue as soon as possible.
On Wednesday, December 1st and Thursday, December 2nd, Jostens representatives will be on campus during lunch to fulfill any graduation orders in person. During this time, Seniors can ask questions, order their cap and gown, class ring, yearbook, graduation announcements and any other Senior memorabilia.
Fall Semester Finals begin Tuesday, December 14th through Friday, December 17th. A detailed period by period schedule of Finals Week will be posted as we get closer to the week.
Winter Break will begin after school on December 17th and will end on Monday January 10th. Students' first day of Spring Semester will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 11th.
We wish you all Safe and Happy Holidays!
12th Grade Level Academy Team
For all the most recent counseling updates, click on the link below:
Monday, November 15, 2021:
November Coffee with the Principal
Monday, Nov 15, 2021, 09:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
November Coffee with the Principal
Friday, Nov 12, 2021, 06:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
November 16-19:
Free Student TAP Cards
Free Student TAP Cards
Birmingham is providing free Student TAP Cards to all of our students. The TAP cards will be distributed during Lunch on the Quad Stage on the following dates:
- Tues. Nov 16
- Wed. Nov 17
- Thurs. Nov 18
- Fri. Nov 19
Students MUST bring their Birmingham ID and their Smartphone OR Chromebook to register the Card. Volunteers will be available to assist students with registration.
Attached you'll find more information:
- Student Flyer announcing the distribution event
- Information from Metro
- Instructions for students to create digital ID on smartphone.
Do the cards cost anything?
NO. They are free to all students currently enrolled at Birmingham.
Is there a monthly fee?
NO. Birmingham is covering that cost through a program with Metro.
Where can my student pick-up a TAP card?
Students can pickup a TAP card during the distribution event. (See the attached Student Flyer for details.)
What if my student misses the distribution event?
After the distribution dates, students who did not collect a TAP Card can get one at the Student Store during operating hours.
How does the TAP Card work?
As soon as students receive their TAP card, they MUST register the card. Birmingham will supply a QR code that can be scanned to complete the registration process. Students can also register their cards at:
- taptogo.net/go pass
- Call TAP at 866-TAPTOGO (866-827-8646)
How long does it take for registration to activate?
Registration is activated after 60-90 minutes.
How long is the TAP card valid?
As long as a student is enrolled at Birmingham, they will be able to use the TAP Card 24/7 until June 30, 2023.
What if my student loses their card?
Students go to the Student Store for a replacement card. Then they MUST register the new card. The original TAP card will be deactivated. There is NO charge for a replacement card.
What transit programs are free?
- All LA Metro buses and trains
- LADOT Dash
- Santa Monica Big Blue Bus
- City of Commerce
- Culver CityBus
- Montebello Bus
- Norwalk Transit
Any further questions, please contact Wendy Bader at w.bader@birminghamcharter.com or 818-758-5265,
Thursday, December 2, 2021:
Friday, December 3, 2021:
Patriot Wonderland
Happy holidays, Patriots!
Hayley Rubinger
ASB Director
December 6-8:
Winter Wellness Week – Healthy Snacks
During the week of December 6-10, the Wellness Committee will be distributing healthy snacks to students. This event will take place at lunch on the Quad. We want to emphasize the importance of healthy eating, especially as students prepare for finals the following week.
Every day, different types of healthy snacks will be available:
· On Monday, snacks will be Sweet
· On Tuesday, snacks will be Savory
· On Wednesday, snacks will be Crunchy
· On Thursday, snacks will be Spicy
· On Friday, the school cafeteria will be preparing Gourmet options including five fresh snacks for students to try. Recipes to prepare these snacks will also be distributed.
If you have any questions or are interested in joining the Wellness Committee, please contact Wendy Bader at w.bader@birminghamcharter.com or 818-758-5265.
Tuesday, December 14th:
FACTOR Program Parent Graduates
CTE - Patient Care Pathway
EduCare After School Programs
We are EduCare Foundation, your new after school provider and day support. EduCare creates learning environments of genuine caring, self-discovery, and empowerment with Heartset® Education for students, educators, and parents. EduCare’s Afterschool Programs go beyond simply providing a safe after school environment – by actively engaging students in life-changing opportunities for learning, leadership, and growth. For questions or for more information please contact: v.carchi@stf.birminghamcharter.com or come visit us at the Blue and Gold Center (Library).
● Please Note: All students must have an EduCare registration form on file in order to participate in any EduCare programing.
News & Upcoming Events
● American Sign Language Club
○ Program Begins: 11/15/2021
○ Meeting Days: Mon, Tues, Thurs
○ Time: 3:30pm-5:30pm
○ Location: Oral Arts 1
● Early Bird Application Lab
○ College & Financial Aid Application Assistance
○ Date: 11/16/2021
○ Time: 8:00am-9:00am
○ Location: Blue and Gold Center (Library)
● Drivers Ed
○ Starting after thanksgiving break
○ Follow us on Instagram for program updates/news: @educare_birmingham
- 9th Grade Office: (818) 758-4484 | Anne Mirzakhanian
- 10th Grade Office: (818) 758-4481 | Becky Venegas
- 11th Grade Office: (818) 758-4480 | Jenny Constanza
- 12th Grade Office: (818) 758-4443 | Maria Salvatierra
- Special Education Office: (818) 758-6532 | Sabrina Sedani
- Parent Resource Center: (818) 758-5281 | Margarita Ponce
- Parent Resource Center: (818) 758-4467 | Amparo Martinez
- Health Office: (818) 758-5213
- Admissions & Records: (818) 758-5292 | Hortencia Villegas
- Admissions & Records: (818) 758-5216 | Lili Rodriguez