February 19-24, 2024 Marysville Jr/Sr High School
Principal's Note
This Wednesday is our night of student-led conferences at MJSHS. By now, you should have been contacted by your student(s) to schedule a time from 4-8 PM. They have a presentation ready to present to you about their grades, next year's class choices, and goals. This format proved to be popular last year and we hope you can make it this year for this important time for you and your student to discuss their future. Plus, your student will receive a grade on this presentation so it really helps if you can make the time to make it. We also have our traditional night of conferences on Thursday from 4-6 where you can talk to specific teachers or you could also hear the presentation. If you haven't been contacted by your student to schedule a time, please feel free to call the office at 562-5386 and we can set things up for you. We hope to see you there!
Tim Woodcock, Principal
Trimble and Wilson Qualify For State!
School Calendar
Monday, February 19
5:00 PM 7th Grade Boys Basketball NCKL 1st Rd @ Home
6:00 PM 8th Grade Boys Basketball NCKL 1st Rd @ Home
Tuesday, February 20
7:00-10:00 AM FFA Pancake Feed @ Ag Shop
4:00 PM JH Scholars Bowl @ Wymore
4:30 PM Basketball v Wamego (Senior Night)
Wednesday, February 21
4:00-8:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences @ Classrooms
Thursday, February 22
9:00 AM State Wrestling Day 1 @ Salina
4:00 PM CNA Class @ Ag Innovation Room
4:00-6:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences @ MJSHS Cafeteria
5:00 PM 7th Grade Boys NCKL Tourney @ Clay Center
5:00 PM 8th Grade Boys NCKL Tourney @ Rock Creek
6:00 PM FFA Work Auction @ JH Gym
Friday, February 23
9:00 AM State Wrestling Day 2 @ Salina
Saturday, February 24
8:00 AM Forensics @ Marysville
9:00 AM State Wrestling Day 3 @ Salina
7:30 PM Spring Play @ MJSHS Auditorium
Sunday, February 25
2:00 PM Spring Play @ MJSHS Auditorium
All Spring Sports Sign-ups are in the office: Baseball, Softball, Boy's Tennis, Boy's Golf, Track, and Junior High Track. Come get your name on the list!
Bulldog of the Week in High School: Sara Nemac
Bulldog of the Week in Junior High: Trenton Kearn
FBLA Week Brought Lots Of Smiles
Emily's knowledge made her a big winner!
Your FBLA Officers!
Ava's business helped spread the sweet!
Counselor's Corner
Juniors: The free ACT will be taken at Marysville Jr/Sr High School during the school day on February 27th. If you signed up please be on the lookout for information on when we will meet to fill out demographics and make an account.
Seniors: Please continue completing scholarship applications, they can be found on our website. Most are due on April 15th. Please see each scholarship for details.
Future Now Finance Was An Eye-Opener for 8th Graders
Future Now Finance sponsored by Shelly Crome/Sparkwheel was a fast-paced and fun way for our 8th graders to learn how difficult life can be. Students were given a job and a life scenario and had to make their budget balance. Some couldn't believe how expensive life could be! Above, Mr. Nall manned a table where students learned how hard it is to afford the type of house you want to live in. it was a great learning experience!
Lunch Menu: February 19-23
Chicken Fried Steak Sandwich or Deli Sandwich
Tater Tots, Steamed Corn, Lime Pears, Milk
Chicken Nuggets or Pick 2 & Garden Bar, Breadsticks
Wheat Roll, Mashed Potatoes, Country Gravy, Steamed Broccoli, Apricots, Milk
Mac & Cheese with Smokies or Pick 2 & Garden Bar
Wheat Roll, Scalloped Potatoes, Peas, Fruit Gems, Milk
Pig in a Blanket or Pick 2 & Garden Bar, Breadsticks
French Fries, Baked Beans, Sliced Peaches, Milk