December Tidbits #2
December 10, 2023
Weekly Attendance Award: Congratulations First Grade!
Congratulations to our First Graders! They achieved a fantastic 99 percent attendance for the week of December 4-8. Well done!
Parents Have Homework, Too!
Thank you for your support!
Mr. Kent and the TCES family
1. Please take the Calendar Survey - School Year 2024-2025
The SMCPS Calendar Committee is seeking input in the development of the 2024-2025 school year calendar. Please respond to this Calendar Survey to provide your input.
2. Don't forget to complete the Acceptable Use Policy agreement.
All students are required to have an acceptable use policy agreement (AUP) on file. This is to be completed by the PARENT or GUARDIAN of the student. This needs to be completed for each student you have in the school system. At the end of the form you have the option to submit another response for your additional students.
3. Please share your thoughts in our SY24 TCES Guardian Survey - End of Quarter 1
At TCES, we are interested in knowing what you think of our school as we work towards creating the best environment for you and your student.
We are frequently looking for ways to meet the goal of our mission. In partnership with parents and the community, Town Creek teachers and staff strive to create a child-centered learning environment enabling all students to become successful, healthy, active learners who pursue their own, individual level of excellence. We invite you to take a moment to complete this survey to let us know where we can improve. Thank you!
December Spirit Days
The Countdown to Winter Break is on! Join us and wear your holiday outfits and gear each day until Winter Break. For spirit days, please see this calendar.
TCES Winter Concert
The Town Creek Singers and Instrument Ensembles have been working very hard to learn new songs and are excited to share their music with you at the Winter Concert!
Family and friends are invited to attend the Winter Concert on the evening of Thursday, December 14th from approximately 6:30pm to 7:15pm in the Town Creek cafeteria.
The dress rehearsal will be held on Wednesday, December 13th. All students need their instruments in school for rehearsal. Students will perform for their classmates in school during the school day.
The evening concert will be held on Thursday, December 14th. Students need to report to Mrs. Horner’s Classroom (CR-8) at 6:00 pm. The winter concert begins at 6:30 pm.
We ask that students “dress their best” for the Dress Rehearsal and Winter Concert. Students may also wear festive hats, reindeer antlers, etc.
Yearbook Cover Contest - ends December 13!
We are accepting student submissions for the 2023-2024 Yearbook Cover Contest!
The theme is: Kindness Rocks at TCES.
Entries must be submitted by THIS Wednesday, December 13, 2023. No late entries accepted.
FRONT COVER will be selected from the 3rd – 5th grade submissions. BACK COVER will be selected from K - 2nd grade submissions.
Cover Requirements Checklist:
- The following must be included in the design:
- 2023-2024
- Kindness Rocks at TCES
- Correct spelling
- Artwork must be created on unlined 11” x 8 ½” cardstock or paper.
- Vertical (portrait) orientation
- All text and graphics must be kept ½” from the paper’s edge. Use this flier as an overlay to confirm all essential items are inside the dotted line. If still unsure, use a ruler to double check. The safe zone is 10 ½” x 7 ½”.
- Background color should extend to the paper’s edge.
- Student’s full name, teacher, and grade must be clearly written in pencil on the back of artwork.
- Students must freehand their designs. Artwork created with the use of a lightbox will not be accepted.
Tips & Helpful Information:
- Avoid yellow or light-colored lettering.
- Use lots of color, fill all the space and avoid leaving white background.
- Do not erase, the lines will show up when scanned.
Submitting Your Student’s Artwork:
Send in artwork to your student’s teacher. There will also be a box in the office for submissions.
Please note: Student submissions will NOT be returned. Entries not selected for the cover may be displayed as Honorable Mentions inside the yearbook. Submission deadline is, December 13, 2023. We cannot accept artwork after that time.
Congratulations to our November Character Kids!
PreK - Nazir Somerville
Kindergarten - Yanexi Perez and Raziela Norris
First Grade - Oliver Garcia Rubio and Valentina Juarez
Second Grade - Kiera Fugitt and Jarrett Farmer
Third Grade - DJ Johnson and Laureano Arocho
Fourth Grade - Harper Ford and Eva White
Fifth Grade - Regan Kiernan and Sophia Mercer
New Additions to our "TCES Spirit Wear" Collection!
Ready to rock some new Town Creek threads? A wide variety of spirit wear is available, from hoodies to sweatpants! And now, we are offering a Town Creek baseball cap! This cap is available in the virtual school store on MySchoolBucks for $15. (And they are expected in time for the holidays!) The cap is available in two sizes, Child and Adult. Samples are on display in the lobby case.
Select this link to see pictures and detailed descriptions of the items currently available in both youth and adult sizes. You can check out the samples in the case in Town Creek's lobby, too!
To order, you can print this form and send cash or check, or you can order everything online in the My School Bucks School Store. For directions on how to order through the MSB School Store, please select this link.
The items will be delivered to your student at school as soon as they arrive at TCES.
**NOTE: Do not put money into the lunch money account for this purchase! That is a separate account from the School Store and can NOT be transferred.
Evening Couseling through SMCPS
Evening Counseling: SMCPS is once again offering School-Based Counseling Support in the evening for SMCPS students. Counseling support focuses on the following areas: Healthy Relationships, Social Skills, Self-Esteem, Stress Management, Worry, Sadness, and Emotional Regulation. Services will be located at Margaret Brent Middle School and Greenview Knolls Elementary School on Tuesday evenings from 4-7:30 p.m. Please complete the Parent Contact Form for Evening Counseling to request services.
PTO Corner
Save the Date: Our next big event will be the New Year's Dance on Friday, January 5, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in the TCES Cafeteria!
Questions? Contact PTO president Lydia Rivera at towncreekesptopresident@gmail.com.
Upcoming Calendar Events
Join us at TCES!!
- December 13th - "Dress" rehearsal for concert during school day
- December 14th - TCES Winter Concert in TCES Cafeteria at 6:30
- December 18th-January 1st - Winter Break for students and 10-11 Month Employees
- January 2nd - Schools Reopen - Students in School
- January 5th - PTO New Year's Dance at 6:00 p.m. in the TCES Cafeteria