Beecher Feature Axis 360
Volume 12: New ebook/audio book platform for teens and kids
More access! More titles!
From OverDrive and Libby to Axis 306
How Do We Get to Axis 360???
A few details from INDYPL:
- If you have been using OverDrive or Libby to borrow e-books or e-audiobooks for kids or teens you will want to begin using the Axis 360 site and app to see the complete collection of kids and teens e-titles.
- If a title and all its copies are moved entirely over to Axis 360, all patron holds will move too. Holds on kids and teen titles in OverDrive will begin to be transferred to Axis 360 on September 17th. If some copies of a title will stay on both OverDrive and Axis 360, then no holds will be moved.
- If you are an adult who likes to read kids’ and teens’ titles, we will continue to add select kids and teens titles to Overdrive so that you can continue using one platform. To see our complete collection of kids and teens e-titles though, you will want to use Axis 360.
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How do we get started?
Great question!
You need:
- Download the FREE Axis 360 app
- Your library card/card number (Lose your card? See Mrs. Beecher or Mr. Carter!)
That's it! If you would like support in getting started, swing in the DC Media Center and we will work with you to get you started. We're always happy to help!
The DCHS Media Center
The Decatur Central High School media center strives to support the curriculum of the school, provide 21st century resources to all learners, and the skill development to use those resources.
The DCHS media center has a unique relationship with the Indianapolis Public Library (INDYPL). As a "Shared System Partner", DCHS students use their own INDYPL library card to borrow items not only from the DCHS media center but from any INDYPL branch. INDYPL also provides wonderful research tools for us, including online databases and eBooks. Free music and eMagazines are another added bonus.
Our goal is to motivate learners to be independent users of information, encourage critical thinking and problem solving, and to promote good digital citizenship.
Location: 5251 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-856-5288
Twitter: @dmbeecher