HSD News Round-Up
August 16th, 2022 Back to School Edition
HSD in 2022-23: Upward Together
The slogan “Upward Together” says a lot, but it doesn’t say it all. As we head into what we hope will be a school year with little - or hopefully no - COVID impact, Hockinson Schools are committed to improving teaching and learning as well as our students’ experiences at school. These topics are the centerpieces of our 2022 Learning Improvement Days during the Week of August 22. Once discussed and clarified by staff, we will be reaching out to HSD families to seek ways students, parents, and staff can join together to create gains in student learning and school culture. More to come on this exciting initiative in the weeks ahead!
Parent Perception Survey Open Through Sept. 6
Our “Upward Together” campaign directly addresses two of the three main goals of the HSD Strategic Plan: Academics and School Culture & Facilities. We invite you to help inform us how we are doing in these areas by participating in the Hockinson School District Parent Perception Survey. This survey, open now through Sept. 6, covers a range of topics relating to academics, facilities, school culture, and student/family experiences in schools and the HSD. We want to hear from you so we can maintain our areas of strength, make improvements wherever needed, and go Upward Together in 2022-23 and beyond. Click HERE to share your thoughts.
We assessed the third area, Communication & Community, through a parent survey last spring. Over 300 families responded to the anonymous survey, providing valuable perspectives on methods of communications utilized by our schools and district. You can view a summary of the survey results HERE.
HSD Transition Programs Support Student Confidence, Success
Spring 2022 COVID Requirements to Remain in Effect for Fall
Fall Sports Start Soon
We encourage every secondary student to participate in sports and clubs. Research studies consistently show a positive correlation between involvement and attendance, GPA, and happiness with school.
Since we are just a few days away from the start of the Fall Sports Season at HHS and HMS, we wanted to send out a registration reminder:
Click HERE to sign up for a HHS Fall Sport (Football - starts 8/17; Boys & Girls Cross Country, Boys Golf, Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming, and Girls Volleyball - start 8/22).
HMS athletic registration opens 8/19, but you can get started on registering your 7th or 8th Grader for a HMS Fall Sport HERE (Boys and Girls Cross Country and Girls Volleyball start 8/29).
A list of active student clubs and activities will be available at school orientations.
HSD Cleaning and Maintenance Continues on Throughout Summer
We would like to thank two local companies for their assistance with keeping our facilities safe and looking their best: Greenwood Painting (HHS press box) and Superior Sweeping (parking lots). The latter will enable us to begin the crack sealing of the HHES and Community Center parking lots next week.
Volunteers Roll Up Sleeves to Transform HHS Weight Room, Fieldhouse
Universal Free School Lunch Program Ends, Apply Now for 2022-23 FRL Program
The US Department of Agriculture’s emergency grant program that provided free lunches to students expired at the end of the 2021-22 school year.
This means beginning Aug. 31, 2022 students will again be charged for breakfast and lunch. 2022-23 prices are: Elementary - Breakfast: $1.60/Lunch: $3.10; Middle School - Breakfast: $1.85/Lunch $3.25; High School - Breakfast: $2.10/Lunch: $3.50.
Please note that applications for Free/Reduced Lunch (and fees/services covered by HB 1660 such as ASB and sports fees) must be submitted in the first 30 days of each school year. Parents can access the Free/Reduced Lunch application HERE or apply through Skyward Family Access.
HSD Care Closet Provides Help with School Supplies
Families in need of supplementing their student’s school supplies can find confidential assistance at the HSD Care Closet. The Care Closet, located at the HSD District Office, is available on an appointment-only basis. Please contact Kelly Trinklein, counseling intern, by phone at (360) 430-9059 or by email at ktrinkle@mail.umassglobal.edu to set up an appointment.
Looking for School Info?...
You are in luck! We have put together a one-page Quick Reference Guide (eg, start/end times, office staff, calendar) for each school:
…or Hockinson Schools Spirit Wear?
Upcoming Events:
- Aug. 25: HHES Open House at 5 pm
- Aug. 29: HMS 6th Grade Orientation 8 am - Noon; HHS Orientation (Grades 10-12) starting at 9 am; and Regular HSD School Board Meeting at 6 pm (HCC and Zoom)
- Aug. 30: HHS 9th Grade Orientation 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
- Aug. 31: First Day of School!
- Sept. 5: Labor Day (No School)
- Sept. 6: HMS Open House at 6 pm
Contact Us
Email: amelia.holmes@hocksd.org
Website: https://www.hocksd.org/
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, USA
Phone: (360) 448-6400