The Chat
Chatfield Newsletter: February 20, 2024 - March 3, 2024
Parent - Teacher Conferences Coming Up!
Please watch your child's classroom newsletter for information about upcoming parent-teacher conferences. We would like every student to have a conference completed by their parent this winter. Most teachers will hold conferences on February 27 and 29, but some will be scheduled at other times. Additionally some teachers will be running student led conferences and the student will need to attend the conference. Please take advantage of this conference time to help build a stronger partnership between home and school for the benefit of providing your child the best education possible. Elective (specials) teachers will be available for drop in conferences on those evenings.
Chili-Cookoff Update - Cancelled
We have cancelled this event due to light participation and lack of winter weather.
Fifth Grade Transition to Middle School Meeting
Parents of current 5th grade students are requested to attend the middle school open house held on March 5 at 6:30pm. This meeting is also open to anyone who is interested in learning about enrollment in grade 6, 7, or 8 for the 2022-23 school year.
Announcing Literacy Launches Science Night!
Sign up for this great family event for students in k-5. Families will have dinner and then participate in three different unique science activities! Space is limited. Please note this event is free for families because of your generous support of P.I.E. Sign up at this LINK.
Introducing the Finding Nemo Cast! Coming to You this March!
Click the link below to watch a fun introductory video of the Finding Nemo cast!
Upcoming Dates
2/20/2024 Grades 5-8 Spelling Bee Music Room 6:30PM
2/24/2024 Chili-Cook-Off Sponsored by P.I.E.
2/27, 29/2024 Parent-Teacher Conferences
2/29/2024 LEAF Deposit Day K-4 PM
March is Reading Month!
3/5/2024 5th Grade Middle School Transition and Prospective Students to Middle School 6:30PM
3/7/2024 Science Night Dinner K-5 5:30 PM-7:30PM
3/9/2024 K-8 2024-2025 Future Enrollment Community Meeting and Tour 10am
3/19/2024 County Spelling Bee
3/19-21/2024 7:00 PM Finding Nemo Middle School Musical
3/22/2024 27th Annual Spring Candy Hunt
3/22/2024 End of 3rd Card Marking
3/22/2024 Half Day of School 11:30am Dismissal
3/25-4/1/2024 Spring Break No School
4/2/2024 School Resumes
4/11/2024 Son and Mom/Special Guest "Rock Night" sponsored by Upper El.
4/18/2024 Daughter and Dad/Special Guest Dance sponsored by P.I.E.
Sibling Enrollment Form
If your current Chatfield student has a sibling entering Kindergarten through Eighth grade and you would like to enroll them for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the Sibling Enrollment Registration form (attached to this newsletter or found on the website enrollment page. Please turn this form in the office by April 5, 2024 to insure priority for possible enrollment.
Chatfield Enrollment Opportunities for the 2024-2025 School Year
We anticipate having some openings at every grade level for the 24-25 school year. Please share the following information meeting dates with friends or family that may be interested in enrolling their student for the 24-25 school year. At the seventh and eighth grade level, we sometimes have openings that allow for immediate enrollment. Encourage those who may be interested to register for the enrollment lottery. The kindness of a referral to a friend, neighbor, or family member is the greatest compliment we can receive and the best way to support the well-being of the Chatfield School program.
Congratulations Artists!
The following students have artwork on display at the annual MAEA and K-12 Art Show
at Gallery 194! Congratulations!
Ziggy Vaden
Sam Brady
Ayla Martin
Avery Babcock
Colton Kiester
Micah Good
Olivia Good
Adrian Hawthorne
Sophia Regentin
Vivian Kurtz
Evelyn Dube
Mylah Overland
Nora Shannon
Dylan Knox
Cooper Cardinal
Dylan Knox
Eloise Clemens
Brayden Schrader
Oscar DeYonker
Dolphin Shout Outs! Congratulations
We would like to congratulate the following students who have been recognized by Chatfield staff for an outstanding contribution or accomplishment! Congratulations! Please stop by the lobby to read the great reports.
Rainer Epperly
Eden Kluck
Ben Brady
Luke Marburger
Josh Elzerman
Soneya Powers
Nadia King
Lucas Bearup
Mattie Gwin
Sydney Lucas
Michael Neumeyer
Alexis Newberry
Brycen Chateavert
Cameren Blair
Willow Ives
Oliver McNutt
Jacob Vanecek
Cash Hanks
Ariah McNutt
Luke Gillingham
Sarah Peck
Grayson Goemaere
Derrick Peck
Josh Stern
Claire Grant
Kash Stearns
Louis Wildermuth
Jack Shannon
Rossman Terry
Jensen Smith
Congratulations Aubree!
Aubree Tollison's Volleyball Club Team - Synergy recently won 1st place at Mt. Morris Tournament! Congratulations!
Celebrate Chatfield Dolphins Success!
Does your child have something to celebrate - perhaps an athletic accomplishment, a dance competition result, a special camp or program completion? We want to celebrate extra-curricular student success too! Let us know about it and we will celebrate it in the newsletter and on Facebook/Instagram. Send an email to Mr. Kraly ( with your child's first and last name, information about the success, and a quality picture (jpeg) or video.
Examples: Athletic award achieved, dance award, special recital, technology achievement, scouts or other organized program recognitions.
Chatfield Times Magazine Issue 2
Use the link below to read the middle school magazine publication! This magazine is created in the elective magazine publishing course.
Middle School Bowling Club Opportunity
Last week, Middle School Bowling Coach Asaro stopped in to encourage student to sign up for bowling club! Now is the time to get involved. Remember, bowling does become a Varsity sport in high school and can lead to many scholarships!
Spirit Wear from VillageTees
Any and all spirit wear can now be purchased locally at VillageTee! Please visit the link and the Village Tee website to see all of the possibilities available. We are just getting started!
Pickle Sale!
A.L.L.Y, Accepting Learners Leading Youth, is our middle school peer-to-peer program. A.L.L.Y. is excited to be selling pickles again this year! Pickles are $1.00 and will be sold after school in the lobby on Thursdays. The funds will go towards the programs’ after-school classroom supplies, project materials, and after-school activity needs. Thank you for your support!
2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook
The student & parent handbook for 2023-2024 is available now. Please take time to read it over. If you have any questions or concerns please let Mr. Young or Mr. Kraly know.
Link to confirm you have read the Handbook:
About Us
Location: 231 Lake Drive, Lapeer, MI, USA
Phone: (810)-667-8970