SMS Newsletter
October 2021
October Core Value: Empathy
At Sacajawea, we are a compassionate community that honors grit and celebrates growth in order to face the future with a level head and a critical eye.
Principal's Note
After one month of our new school year, we are pleased with the foundation that has been established for a year of growth and development. Our first few weeks have focused on developing connections with our students, beginning to assess their strengths and challenges, and establishing the routines and structures that will support their learning through the year.
Thanks to all of you who were able to join us on our Parent Night–either in person or remotely. We trust that the evening provided the opportunity for you to gain a better understanding of learning that lies ahead as well as a recognition of the commitment of our staff to support your students. For those of you unable to attend the Standards-Based Grading presentation, you can view the slide presentation here.
This past month also featured our first Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting of the year. We had an energetic meeting that provided a wide variety of ideas on which to focus for the coming school year. Please plan to join us on October 12 at our next meeting. Agenda items will include updates from the district and school, information on the various clubs and extracurriculars available at Sac, and a presentation from the Bozeman Schools Foundation. We will also solicit your ideas for further presentation topics and meeting times/dates. We hope to see you there.
On October 14 and 19, we will be hosting our Student-Led Conferences. Each student will be preparing an agenda to discuss their current level of learning, goals for their growth for the coming year, and a sample of their work. Teachers will be available to answer questions and provide their perspective as well. Please watch for additional information in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your support of our work on behalf of your students.
Gordon Grissom
Sacajawea Middle School staff are here to support you and your child as they navigate their time with us. One of the most important aspects of your child's success is their attendance. We have a variety of resources to share with families, including strategies to support attendance and engagement along with personnel to work with you in support of your child’s education. We are committed to monitoring each student’s attendance throughout the school year. Collaboration with families is invaluable when attendance begins to negatively impact a student’s education.
Our staff would be pleased to assist you in support of your student at Sacajawea Middle School. If you have questions or concerns please contact:
Ashley Henigman 406-522-6470 Assistant Principal
Leah Kreitinger 406-522-6420 Counselor - 6th (Bison)/8th
Meghan Powell 406-522-6421 Counselor - 6th (Elk, Antelope)/7th
Ashley Mares-Jones 406-813-1617 Thrive Parent Liaison
Please communicate with the Sacajawea Middle School front office in regards to your child's absences. If your child will not be present at school, please call our attendance hotline at 522-6410 to excuse your child.
Project Connect
Student-Led Conferences
On the evenings of Thursday, Oct. 14 and Tuesday, Oct. 19, Sacajawea will be hosting Student-Led Conferences. Parents will be invited to school to have discussions with their students on their current learning in each class, reading and math assessments, goals for the coming year, and ways that they can partner with their kids to support their growth. Teachers will also be available to provide their perspective and insight. Watch for additional information and invitations to schedule times from each team.
Clubs & other Extracurricular Activities
A number of clubs and other activities are now available for our students. We have student councils at each of the grade levels and the following clubs, most of which take place from 3:30-4:30 on the designated days:
Yearbook–Monday (Kace Doornbos)
Art–Tuesday (Mr. Rooney)
Computer–Tuesday (Mr. Chamberlain)
Knitting–Tuesday and Friday (meet at lunch) (Mr. Scott)
Speech–Wednesday (Ms. Schumann)
Debate–Thursday (Ms. Schumann)
Robotics–Thursday (Mr. Chamberlain)
Archery–Tuesday and Thursday; beginning in January (Mr. Mollgaard)
Clubs are free and students may participate when able; however, some clubs may be limited in number so students should contact the teacher if interested. Additional clubs may happen in the coming year; information will be shared at that time.
Counseling Corner
Who are our school counselors:
Leah Kreitinger- Assigned teams: All 8th-grade teams, 6th-grade team Bison
Meghan Powell- Assigned teams: All 7th-grade teams, 6th-grade teams Antelope and Elk
Natasha Fraker- Thursdays - Runs small group counseling sessions
Kace Doornbos- Sees students who have been referred to the SAFE-TI Program.
What does the school counselor role look like at Sacajawea Middle School?
Tuesday morning advisory social/emotional health lessons school-wide
Working in small groups to support student needs
Brief individual student sessions to support student needs
Help with schedule changes, modifications, or errors
Connections for families or students needing resources outside of the school setting
Connecting to families through phone calls, setting up team meetings, etc.
Current Social-Emotional Health Lessons:
Active Listening (S.L.A.N.T. Listening)
Falcon Four and Falcon Awards (Positive, Prepared, Responsible, Respectful)
Current School Counseling Standards:
1. Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills
2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
3. Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning
SMS Parent Action Committee
Happy Friday, Sacajawea families!
Please mark your calendars for our next meeting on Tuesday, October 12, 8:30AM. We are excited to have guest speaker, Jenn Lammers, join us from the Bozeman Schools Foundation. BSF is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and expanding Bozeman’s commitment to excellence in public education. During the PAC meeting, we will also cover our fundraising goals, after school clubs, popcorn Fridays, and Project Connect.
Lastly, please be on the lookout for backpack mail coming home soon. It’s fundraising time and we are excited to reward advisory class participation this year with pizza parties! More details to come.
Thank You,
Janet Yeomans,
Krista Drake,
Popcorn Fridays - Call for Volunteers
We are currently looking for volunteers for Popcorn Friday. If you don't know what this is, just ask your kids. Popcorn Friday is a great time and the students look forward to the event each week. Volunteering is only one Friday a month for a few hours. If you are interested please contact Nathan Kuehl at
2021-2022 SMS Yearbook
Parents, you are welcome to share your photos of school events and activities with the SMS yearbook. Yearbook Snap allows parents and students to upload photos to the yearbook staff immediately using their mobile devices.
Yearbook Snap is available for iPhones and iPads in the App Store, and for Android phones in Google Play.
Login: SMS yearbook2021
News from the SMS Library
Visit the SMS Library to check-out books connected to these important celebrations!
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept 15th - Oct 15th
October 30th
Boys Basketball
7/8th Boys Basketball begins October 25th.
Registration is now open on DragonFly.
Please visit the District Activities page for directions on registration and payment.
If you have any questions, please contact :
Danny Waldo, Activities Coordinator Sacajawea Middle School
Important Student Reminders
Masks & Water Bottles
Please remind your students to bring a mask and water bottle to school every day and to label water bottles (many end up in the lost & found).
Please help your students memorize a few important details. Students in middle school should:
- Have one (or more) of parent/guardian(s) phone numbers memorized. Please be aware we do not use cell phones at school, they should remain turned off and in lockers during the school day. If your student needs to reach you during the day, it will be from our landline.
- Know their home addresses.
Lost & Found
Lost & Found items are overflowing!! Please remind your students to take a look and claim lost items. Unclaimed items will be donated periodically.
Thank You!
Family Consumer Science
Greetings from the FCS classroom!
I have a few requests if families have extra items laying around. I am in search of:
- ½ a yard or greater of Fabric
- Buttons
- Sewing Supplies.
In addition, I could use any magazines that relate to food, travel, money matters, and career and college readiness. The students are off to a great start this year, and thank you in advance for donated items.
If you are unsure about your item(s) feel free to contact me at
Bicycle Safety
Hello SMS families and greetings from SRO Jon Ogden,
I would like to take a moment and pass along the following safe bicycle riding tips as more people are out riding their bicycles to and from school and other areas:
1. Ride only in safe areas and avoid stunt riding unless trained otherwise to avoid losing control. Use bike paths or lanes when possible.
2. Never wear head phones while riding. You want to be able to hear what is going on around you in case there is a warning of a possible hazard.
3. Always wear your helmet, even for short rides. Bicycle helmets reduce the risk of head and brain injury in a crash by as much as 88%. Be sure the helmet fits properly.
4. Safety check your bike. Make sure the bike is in safe mechanical condition to ride. (Tires, Chain, Helmet condition, working brakes, reflectors present.)
5. Always be looking ahead of where you are riding. Don’t look at your phone or away from where you are riding, while riding, as you may not see a hazard approaching.
6. Avoid riding at night. If it is unavoidable, wear something that reflects light such as reflective tape, markings, or flashing lights. If riding at night a light on the front of the bike is required not only to help you see but so others can see you. Also have a rear red reflector to make it easier for others to see you.
7. Remember that when trying to stop downhill, it will take longer to stop and even longer if the ground is wet.
8. Remember to not “show off” on your bike. When people ride beyond their skill level that is when it becomes easier to lose control and crash.
9. While on school property, students are asked to walk their bike as it is safer to walk your bike with lots of people walking around to avoid collisions.
10. Use a basket, saddle bags, or a backpack to carry objects while riding to avoid objects interfering with the function of the bicycle and allow a safe ride.
11. For kids 15 and under, it is legal to ride on the sidewalk and often is a safer place to ride. Also remember that at pedestrian crossings, walk your bike across to help be seen and avoid collisions with vehicles.
12. Remember to have fun, be seen, be predictable, and be cautious of your surroundings while riding.
I know this is a lot, but with the beginning of the school year I want everyone to start off on the right foot. Please keep the above in mind as these are several things to make our community and school a safer place for everyone.
Thank you
Officer Jonathan Ogden
School Resource Officer
Bozeman Police Department
Office: 406-582-2241
Dear SMS Parents:
Are you tired of getting 'hooked' into an argument with your middle schooler?
Want to keep the connection strong regardless of pull from peers?
Struggling with video games or social media?
If so, Thriving Parents: Parenting during the Adolescent and Teen Years is here!
Taught by your SMS Thrive Parent Liaison, Ashley Mares Jones and Betsy Puhfahl (CJMS Parent Liaison) this incredible class will bring you closer to your child (while holding them accountable).
When: Two consecutive Saturdays, November 6th and 13th from 9am to 1pm at Thrive. The class is filling up! Register today at
Questions? Contact:
Ashley Mares-Jones
Upcoming Dates
- 5 Pajama Day Fundraiser for school clubs organized by 7th grade STUCO
- 12 PAC meeting 8:30am
- 14 Student Led Conferences, details & invitations from team teachers
- 19 Student Led Conferences, details & invitations from team teachers
- 21-22 PIR Days, No School
- 26 Project Connect Training, 8:30am - 9:30am
- 29 Team Elk to The Bowl, 11:25am - 3:15pm
- 11 Veterans Day Assembly, 8:20am
- 20 Speech & Debate Meet 8:15am-3:15pm at BHS
- 24-26 Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
Box Tops For Education
Did you know Sacajawea Middle School is part of the Box Tops for Education program?
It has changed to a mostly digital program. Traditional clip out Box Tops are being phased out but you can still send them to school (make sure it doesn’t say scan) to be turned in to the library.
The new process is so much easier!
1. Get the free new and improved Box Tops mobile app on your phone
2. Buy your groceries and ask for the receipt
3. Get into your car and take pictures of your receipt (within 14 days) with the app.
4. It will find any qualifying products and give 10 cents for each one to the school.
The money adds up and is used to enhance the book selection at our library.
It’s costs you nothing but 30 seconds of your time and you can help ALL the students at your child’s school. Encourage your friends and relatives to do the same.
On the Box Tops for Education website, you can find coupons and special deals.
Thank you so much for giving back to others!
Your PAC Team & SMS Library
School Lunch
All cafeterias will celebrate on Thursday the 14th, which also happens to be National Dessert Day with a fortune cookie alongside delicious Asian chicken and brown rice.
Sacajawea Middle School
Location: 3525 South 3rd Avenue, Bozeman, MT, USA
Phone: 406-522-6400