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November 2022
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Blackhawk Middle School Alumni Spotlight!
This month we would like to begin a new tradition of highlighting a Blackhawk alumni student. We couldn't think of a better student to begin this celebration with more than Sarah Guerrero Gorostieta.
Sarah was promoted from Blackhawk to Fenton in 2020. While at Blackhawk, Sarah made quite an impact with her involvement in many activities and clubs. She was in the BMS band, jazz band, and pep band. She was also a member of the the Book Club and an 8th Grade Hawk. She demonstrated leadership through her involvement in the Student Advisory Council and as a District 2 student representative on the Portrait of a Graduate Committee. She also represented our school as a member of the Scholastic Bowl, Robotics, and Math Club teams as well as participated in Track & Field and Cross Country.
Sarah shared, "I'm forever grateful for the support I received from all of the teachers and administrators that I crossed paths with during my time at Blackhawk. These staff members helped me learn to trust my voice and taught me that my experiences are worthy of commanding the attention of my audiences."
Next up is college for Sarah. Though she is not committed to a school yet, she has attended a "Hoos First Look" program offered by the University of Virginia--which scouts out top-tier college talent. Additionally, since leaving Blackhawk, Sarah has become a member of the National Honor Society, the Rotary Youth Leadership, and the State Board of Education Student Advisory Council.
Beyond all of these remarkable achievements, we are most proud of Sarah's character and continuous kindness she shows everyone she encounters. Good luck Sarah!
Join Team Blackhawk!
Beyond the Classroom...
This month in Beyond the Classroom we want to focus on one of the new clubs at our school: The Podcast club. This is the first year for this club officially in our school as it started out last year as a trial offering to gauge student interest.
How did the concept of the Podcast Club come about?
The initial concept came from when some of our students a few years ago entered an NPR podcast contest. Then Covid hit and there was no way for students to participate in this contest again. The idea then came about to create a club that offered students the same experiences. This was a great opportunity to highlight student interests while developing their written and spoken skills.
What are the goals or the purpose of the club?
The ultimate goal of the podcast club is to give students the opportunity to share ideas and have a voice in the Bensenville community. Our hope is to reach out to other community members to stay current with events within Bensenville.
How have the students reacted or performed or produced in the club?
Students have shown extreme interest and excitement to share their written and spoken skills through movie reviews, teacher interviews, and community or cultural events. They love the process of script writing, voice recording, and editing with peer collaboration and the great technological equipment available at Blackhawk.
Important Dates In November
11/5 Daylight savings time
11/8 Election Day (no school)
11/10 PTO Meeting 6:30
11/11 Veterans’ Day (school in session)
11/11 End of 1st Trimester
11/15 Covid-19/Flu Vaccine Event
11/21-11/27 Thanksgiving Break
11?28/ Report cards mailed home