THE's Weekly eBlast
November 22, 2015
Principal Message
We hope that you have a wonderful week with your children! This is a time most are thinking of all they are grateful for, so please know that the staff at Tuscany Heights Elementary are all thankful to have your children here with us. We are proud of the school and community we have here. Thank you for helping make this possible!
It was a very busy week! We started off Tuesday with a visit from a few Covey leaders. They were complimentary of the leadership environment we have established here for our students. We look forward to watching this strengthen over time and will continue to invite others in to see our student leaders hard at work.
Again, thank you for your kindness, alertness, and understanding with the deer situation that occurred this week. Most unfortunate, but everyone synergized to do what was best for the students and the injured deer.
We also hosted Learning Labs for the first time, and what an exciting experience. We had parents, community members, and staff teaching the students various worldly trades: Ink Art, Sign Language, French, Science Experiments, etc. The students are ready to participate weekly. Please share the success with friends and community members. We would love to increase the community involvement when we host this event in the spring. I have included a picture below.
We wrapped up the week with PTA Presents Drum Cafe. The students loved it and so did the staff and parents. See picture below and don't forget to ask your students all about it!
We will look forward to seeing our students return on Nov. 30th.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 23rd- Friday, Nov. 27th- No School, Thankful Break
Monday, Nov. 30th- Return to School, 5th Grade Musical for School (see attachment for details)
Tuesday, Dec. 1st- 11th- Giving Tree
Tuesday, Dec. 1st- PTA Meeting/ 5th Grade Musical (See attachment for details)
Friday, Dec. 4th- Run for the Heights Registration Kick Off Parade 2pm
Monday, Dec. 7th- Friday, Dec. 11th- Hour of Code (Ask your students if their class will be participating)
Wednesday, Dec. 9th- THE Choir Tours the Community
Friday, Dec. 11th- PE Dance Day (During your child's PE time), Spelling Bee Test Given
Wednesday, Dec. 16th- School Wide Holiday Sing Along
Thursday, Dec. 17th- Stephen Covey Leaders Visit
Friday, Dec. 18th- Winter Parties, End of the 2nd Nine Weeks
PTA News
Toy Drive – Our Toy Drive for East Terrell Hills Elementary will run until December 4th. This is a great way for all of us to synergize and help out the kids at our sister school. Please turn in new, unwrapped toys to our collection box in the entryway foyer. Appropriate gifts should be for the elementary school age, for boys or girls. Some examples- books (English and Spanish), stuffed animals and board games. We know that anything from the heart will be a wonderful treat for these sweet kids. Thanks so much for helping us with this fun drive! -Partners in PTA chairs, Ana Warmke and Sara Holliday
Community Service - Toy Gift Wrapping - It's a Win-Win! You earn community service hours while helping another student! In addition to shopping for toys for our partners at East Terrell Hills, students can earn Community Service hours by wrapping those gifts. Come on Tuesday, December 8, Wednesday, December 9, or Thursday, December 10, to the Library after school from 2:40 pm – 4:00 pm. A parent must be signed up with his/her student(s). Please sign up via our Volunteer Spot link at www.volunteerspot.com/group/35885320036. You may sign up another student if you have that student’s car dismissal tag. If you would like to donate a roll of "kids" wrapping paper, please bring it to the Front Office or with you to volunteer.
PVSA Clarification of Age Guidelines
Many of our students will turn age 11 during our PVSA volunteer year (April 18, 2015 – April 17, 2016). Per the PVSA, volunteers can be awarded for the age they were for the majority of the award year (at least 7 months). As a result, any student who turns 11 after November 18 will qualify at the lower level for ages 5 - 10. See the THE PTA or PVSA website for levels.If you have other questions, please contact Denise Jones @ communityservice@tuscanyheightspta.org.
Check out THE's LOST and FOUND! We have MANY items waiting to be claimed. Please help us find their homes. At the end of the semester, all unclaimed items will be donated.
Also, please label your child's clothing and other items so if they find their way to the LOST and FOUND, we can try to get them back to you. Thank you!!!
T.H.E. PTA ONLINE STORE IS STILL OPEN! – You can still go online donate to Greenbacks and help us reach our goal of $10,000 and join PTA! Go to www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Run for the Heights Website www.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link www.volunteerspot.com/group/35885320036Winter Party Message
Dear Tuscany Families,
It is already time to start thinking about the Winter Holiday parties which will be on Friday, December 18th. The class room reps will be getting in touch with you about the details of your student's party (the time, the activities, and any volunteer needs). The front office needs your help to make the check in process run as smoothly as possible.
Please let your child's teacher or the front office (slight@neisd.net) know in advance that you are coming to the party. We would like to have the lists complete by Wednesday, December 16th. This will give us time to have badges preprinted on the morning of the parties. We will have a check in table in the foyer for all preprinted badges. Anyone who did not RSVP will need to come in to the main office to sign in.
At the party, you will be given the option to sign your student out for the remainder of the day. Please be prepared to show ID to the teacher when you sign the Party Check Out sheet. The teacher will then give you a slip which must be signed and returned to the front office on your way out.
Thank you for helping this day run safely and smoothly for everyone.
Stacy Light
Office Assistant
Tuscany Heights Elementary