Trostle Talk - 32
Episode 32: Vocabulary Instruction Routine
Professional Learning Tidbits for Teachers in About Two Minutes
Prompt for Chat GPT to suggest a vocabulary teaching script
To access a video with step-by-step directions to use the Chat GPT prompt, click here.
Navigate to to watch videos of Dr. Anita Archer using the vocabulary routine with multiple grade levels. Select "Video - elementary" or "Video - secondary" from the left menu.
Effective Practices for Teaching Academic Vocabulary resource from PaTTAN
Visit THIS SMORE for more information about using AI to support instruction and a video with step-by-step instruction for using the Chat GPT prompt.
Past Episodes
Episode 2: Subtypes of Readers
Episode 3: How do I find the reading level of my students?
Episode 4: The Reading Rope - Word Recognition
Episode 5: The Reading Rope - Phonological Awareness
Episode 6: The Reading Rope - Decoding
Episode 7: The Reading Rope - Sight Recognition
Episode 8: The Reading Rope - Background Knowledge
Episode 9: The Reading Rope - Vocabulary
Episode 10: The Reading Rope - Language Structures
Episode 11: The Reading Rope - Verbal Reasoning
Episode 12: The Reading Rope - Literacy Knowledge
Episode 13: Instructional Routines - Elkonin Boxes Basics
Episode 14: Instructional Routines - Elkonin Boxes Phoneme Grapheme Mapping
Episode 15: Instructional Routines - Elkonin Boxes Morphemes
Episode 16: Instructional Routines - Scrambled Sentences
Episode 17: Instructional Routines - Sentence Expansion
Episode 18: Instructional Routines - Blending Lines
Episode 19: Teaching the Word Recognition Strands
Episode 20: Instructional Routines - Morpheme Trees
Episode 21: Instructional Routines - Itty Bitty Books
Episode 22: Rethinking Time Allocations
Episode 23: coming soon!
Episode 24: coming soon!
Episode 25: coming soon!
Episode 26: Morphemes: Why bother?
Episode 27: Morphemes: Finding a common vocabulary
Episode 28: Why do some children write backwards?
Episode 29: A simple way to increase equity in your classroom
Episode 30: Choral responses
Episode 31: Structured partners