The SHARK Alert
Chatham Elementary School Family Update
July Update
Dear CES Families and Friends,
Happy July! I hope your summer vacation is off to an amazing start! I know I am looking forward to a little time off next week after closing out the 2021-2022 school year.
I have a few summer updates for the community and a number of community events and resources to share. Please see below for some of the programming available and make sure to check out the calendar of events from the Eldredge Public Library. They have created a summer of AMAZING activities, the calendar is below and you can click here to learn more about the offerings: Summer at the Eldredge Public Library
At CES, we are already hard at work preparing for the upcoming school year. With every school year comes some changes, and we have a few staffing changes at CES. Our special education teacher, Mrs. Teena Flynn, has retired after a wonderful career at CES. Ms. Amy Wilder will be moving into Mrs. Flynn's full-time special education teaching position and Mrs. Jill (Hart) Sanderson will be joining the special education team. Our school adjustment counselor, Ms. Jill Malinowski, will be moving to Harwich Elementary School. She will be greatly missed at CES! We know Ms. M will continue to keep in touch over the year. Mrs. Sarah Peters has been hired to take on the role of CES school psychologist and counselor. She will be taking on a number of roles previously overseen by Ms. Malinowski.
There is a tremendous amount of work going on in and out of the building this summer, however, we will make sure to have the Main Office open and available to community members on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Please feel free to reach out via email as well.
Look for a second summer update on August 1st and please have a happy and healthy 4th of July holiday!
Be well,
Dr. Kelly
CES - Where we are proud to be SHARKS!
Coming Soon to Chatham Elementary School:
- Wednesday, August 31st - Welcome Back Ice Cream Social
- Tuesday, September 6th- Grades 1-4 First Day of School
- September 6-7th - Kindergarten Classroom Visits
- Thursday, September 8th - Kindergarten First Day of School
Next Meeting:
6:00 CES PTO Meeting
Tuesday, July 12th
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/kzd-mdzz-vjw
Or dial: (US) +1 385-325-0403 PIN: 505 703 922#
Community Happenings:
Summer Programs
Resources for Families
Calmer Choice - Summer Mindfulness Series
Visit the SITE for more information and to register.
Contact us:
Email: jakelly@monomoy.edu
Website: monomoy.edu
Location: 147 Depot Road, Chatham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-945-5135
Facebook: facebook.com/ChathamElementarySchoolPto
Twitter: @ChathamElemMRSD