Board Meeting Summary
June 28th, 2023
General Information
President Snider called the Amended Budget hearing meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Superintendent Kashner shared the amended budget. He commented on how our amended budget showed that we deficit spent, but that was expected with our construction projects being funded by reserves. Overall, it was a $939,228 deficit for FY23. Dr. Kashner complimented and highlighted the work that Mrs. Hartman, District Bookkeeper, does in keeping our budget records, and he commented that she is invaluable. Upon adjourning the hearing, the June regular meeting was called to order. After roll call, the Board approved the June 28, 2023 agenda. The BOE approved the consent agenda consisting of the minutes from the May meeting, bills, and payroll.
During Board input, the BOE was asked to share any input or feedback from the recent State of our School presentation that was held on June 14th, 2023. It was shared that the team received one question and has already contacted that individual to share the response. Dr. Kashner shared that the plan is to re-record the presentation to go along with the slides, Q and A and post each one on our website in early July. President Snider complimented the presentation and shared that he thought the information was presented in an easy to listen to format. Additional board members shared feedback that while they wished the turnout was higher, the information shared was great. Dr. Kashner shared that the plan is to have an annual presentation with the topic varying.
No visitors were present.
During communications, Dr. Kashner shared thank you's received from recent scholarship winners, the PreK board report, and the annual FFA report. Due to an increase in projected PreK numbers, a third section of Carroll County PreK will be added at Eastland. Dr. Kashner shared that this was already budgeted as we have had three sections for several years and is excited that we will not have a large waitlist. Dr. Kashner highlighted and complimented the accomplishments of the FFA. The entire board discussed how proud the district is of their organization and leadership and how it continues to grow.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm.
Old Business
- approved the 2022-2023 amended budget.
- accepted the fuel bid from Carroll Service of $3.09 per gallon for 87 UL/ETH, which is down $1.52 from last year's bid. Dr. Kashner commented that while disappointed that more bids were not received, he is very pleased with the partnership and says that it is going well.
- approved PRESS policies 2:110, 3:40, 4:60, 5:30, 5:90, 5:125, 5:150, 5:260, 6:135, 6:230, and 8:20.
- approved the 2023-2024 school handbook. Dr. Kashner shared that there were no additional changes from last month's first reading. Students in grades 4-12 will no longer be required to use school issued backpacks. This was based on a recommendation from the technology department as most backpacks now include protective padding for devices and this allows students the freedom of choice. Students that would like to still utilize the backpacks from the school will be able to do so.
- approved GASB 54 Resolution for FY24 that regulates fund balance practices. Dr. Kashner shared that this is an annual process for districts and our fund balances are in line.
New Business
- approved a MOU for the Three Circles Grant. This annual process provides a grant for our FFA advisor for the additional hours outside of the school day. To be eligible for this grant, the FFA advisor must document an additional 400 hours. Dr. Kashner complimented Mrs. Feltmeyer on her work and how successful our program is.
- heard the annual Administrator compensation report.
- approved bringing back 7/8 cheerleading to perform at home boys' junior high games at this time. Dr. Kashner thanked Athletic Director Hartman for his work in compiling data, including student interest data, and conference data. A posting for junior high cheerleading sponsor will occur soon.
Superintendent Report
No additional information shared at this time.
Personnel and Job Vacancies
The following personnel options were approved:
New Hires:
- Carly Dorman - 1/2 time PreK
- Deanne Rose - Day Care and Instructional Aide
- Selena Markley - Teacher
- Matt Mott - EPC Junior High Football Coach
- Emily Metzger - Instructional Aide
- Shelby Preston - Instructional Aide
- Sara McAuliffe - Long Term Substitute
- Rebecca Green - Instructional Aide (EES to EJSHS)
- Chelsea Hasken - 4th Grade to Reading Specialist
- Renea Noordhoff - EES Kitchen to EES Library
- Heidi Ditzler - EES Library to EES Instructional Aide
Maternity Leave
- Kelsey Thurman
- Instructional Aide
- Junior High Cheerleading Sponsor
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301