Cougar Community Connection
A weekly newsletter from your principal, Shannon McPherson
We are gearing up for Parent/Teacher conferences next week and are excited to see you all throughout the week up at school. We are doing things a little differently this year for conferences, as you have probably noticed. We have designated the entire week next week a conference week, rather than only offering conferences at night. We have found through the years that folks have needed more flexibility than just the two nights, so we are responding to that need. We have offered two nights, Monday, September 18th and Thursday, September 21st as our conference later nights. They run from after school until 6:30. Teachers have also added times before and during school throughout the week to accommodate all schedules. Our wonderful PTA has also organized a potluck for our teachers that is being put on by our CRUN Families. The links to sign up to send in some food for the potluck are in the section below entitled "Memos From McEachen" as well as in the PTA section. We appreciate our families so much and look forward to the yummy Taco Bar and Game Day Favorites themed dinners during our conferences.
Thank you to Nate Biggs for a great Watch Dog Dads information night on Thursday night, September 14th. We had a good group of dads and male role models showing interest in helping out at school. For more information about Watch Dogs click HERE or if you would like to sign up for dates to be a Watch Dog Dad, check out the link HERE!.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
A Note From PTA
The Fun Run is swiftly approaching! We have raised over $20,000 of our $50,000 goal! Every donation makes a difference!!! Donate today! Our goal is $175 per student.
- Donate on the website: HERE
- Donate on Venmo: @crunpta in the Charity section
- Donate by check: Made out to Cougar Run PTA. Make sure to put it in the envelope sent home, and turn it into your teacher.
- Donate by cash: Make sure to put it in the envelope sent home, and turn it into your teacher.
We also need Fun Run Volunteers! Check out our sign-up HERE
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, September 18 & Thursday, September 21: Parent-Teacher Conferences & Teacher Potlucks!
- Monday: Taco Bar Sign-Up HERE
- Thursday: Game Day Favorites Sign-Up HERE
- Have you signed up for a CONFERENCE TIME? Sign-Up HERE
Did you know?
- What is Milk Caps for Mooola?
- How does the program work?
- Drink Longmont Dairy Milk (All caps from Longmont Dairy products in our glass bottles are eligible)
- Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can—from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.
- Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection box just inside the main lobby doors.
Spotlight on~ The Infamous Cafeteria Team
Yikes, Scary Stuff Going on in our school zone!!!
- It is against the law to text in a school zone and is punishable by a 307.00 fine and 4 point ticket. (CRS 42-4-239 5.5a)
- It is against the law to flip a U Turn ANYWHERE in a school zone. That sign is posted, but most folks don't know that that fine is 161.00 and a 3 point ticket. 42-4-902 (3)
- There are posted signs that the speed limit while the school zone lights are flashing is 15 MPH. Depending on how fast, the fine can be up to 485.00 and up to 12 points and mandatory court appearance. 42-4-1101
- Failure to yield right of way to pedestrian in the crosswalk is a 73.00 fine and 4 point ticket. The crossing guard is considered a pedestrian so cars should not enter the intersection while the crossing guard is there. CRS 42-4-802
We have had some VERY close calls while our crossing guards are out there risking their lives to keep our kids safe. Please pay attention, abide by the laws and help us keep each other safe on our way to and from school.
Counselor's Corner
World Day of Bullying Prevention - Embracing “Unapologetically Kind” is October 2, 2023. If you are interested, here is the link to order the shirt for this year.
Enrichment topics/lessons this week (Silver 9/11 - 9/15)
K: Self-awareness in the classroom
1: Setting Simple Goals
2: Responsibility 1
3: Growth Mindset 1
4: Executive Functioning 1
5: Grit 1
6: Executive Functioning 1
Why do we need a bond/mlo to pass?
Memos From McEachen~Your Volunteer Coordinator at Cougar Run
Help us treat our teachers to dinner!
It’s Parent-Teacher Conference time, again! Help show our teachers some extra love during conferences by bringing in items for potluck dinners on Monday, 9/18 & Thursday, 9/21.
Sign up and more details below:
Monday, 9/18: Taco Bar
Thursday, 9/21: Game Time Favorites
Please reach out to Beckie.McEachen@dcsdk12.org to start volunteering.
Why Does Attendance Matter?
HRHS Haunted House Event
A note from our office team
Have you completed your Express Check In? This is the best way to ensure that your contact information, emergency contacts and your child’s health concerns are up to date for school staff.
Through Express Check In, you will be guided to My School Bucks, where you can pay your student’s yearly school fees which were assessed to each child’s account in July. Please note that as field trips and other activities occur through the year, these will be added prior to those activities and are not reflected currently as a fee. However, you will also see any fees that are past due.
We continue to encourage all families to fill out their FREE and REDUCED applications as it allows them to get school/bus fees waived and ties directly to our school/District funding.
This benefit is so much more than a free lunch.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
September 18-21-CRUN Bus Canceled
September 18-21-Conferences will occur all week, but two designated nights for those who need nights.
September 18-4:00-6:30 Parent/Teacher Conference Night
September 18-HRHS Blue and Black Spirit Day/ Homecoming Pep Rally 8:45 a.m. Upper Black Top
September 21st-4:00-6:30 Parent/Teacher Conference Night
September 22- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS- District Staff Professional Development Day
September 26- 9:00 CRUN SAC Mtg
September 30-HRHS Haunted School Event
October 9-13 Spirit Week (More info to come.)
October 16-20- No School Fall Break
October 30-November 3- CRUN Bus Canceled
December 11-15- CRUN Bus Canceled