Wildcat Newsletter
January 23rd, 2024
Hello Wildcat Families,
A few reminders and important dates to remember for the next few weeks as we close out the first semester of the 23/24 school year.
No School Days
Friday, January 26th- Grading Day
Friday, February 2nd- Teacher In-service Day
Monday, February 19th- Presidents' Day
Report Cards- Semester 1 report cards will be sent home with your student next week! Please see individual communication from your student's teacher regarding specifics.
What is going on in the gym? Thanks to collaborative work between the District, our amazing PTC, and the school we are making updates and improvements in the gym! Currently, it's been painted and the bleachers have been removed. We're looking forward to new bleachers, sound dampening panels, and new signing as the year progresses.
Wildcat Apparel- We still have apparel available for sale in the Middle School office!
Youth Tshirts (S-XL)- $12
Youth hoodies (limited sizing)- $22
Adult crewneck sweatshirts (S-XL)- $20
Adult hoodies (S-XL)- $25
Community Information and Events
Hello Sublimity Families,
We have some exciting things to share!
Sublimity PTC has been approved for the Blue Bag Program with Bottle Drop. If you would like to get blue bags for your recyclable cans, they will be available in the offices. All you have to do is fill your bag with cans/bottles and either return to a BottleDrop location or drop off at the school and it will be turned into BottleDrop. This is an easy way to help out and we would really appreciate it!
We are so excited to start planning this year's Family Fun Night! If you would like to have a say in what we will have at Family Fun Night this year for entertainment, activities, and food, please come join us! We will be meeting in the Library on February 1st at 5:30. We would love to hear all of your ideas. The more help we have, the more we can do!
P.S. Mark your calendars for May 17th and join us for a great evening of Family Friendly Fun.
Below you will find the minutes from January's PTC meeting. We have definitly dropped off in our attendance and we would love to have you join us. This is a great time to learn what new things are happening in the school, what activities are coming up and learn how our organization uses funds to best serve our school, teachers and students. We really try to keep the meetings short and efficient. If you can make it, we'd love to see you on Tuesday February 13th at 3pm in the Library. Feel free to bring your children along as well.
Sublimity PTC
NSYA Spring Sports Registration