22-23 SMHS Cheer Weekly Preview
wishing all of our SMCT Families a Blessed Thanksgiving Holiday!!
november CAlendar
MONDAY 11/21/2022
TUESDAY 11/22/2022
WEDNESDAY 11/23/2022
THURSDAY 11/24/2022
FRIDAY 11/25/2022
SATURDAY 11/26/2022
Basketball Season TENTATIVE Schedule
Join the Band!!
SMCT Community Outreach Project 2022-Below you will find opportunities to earn community service hours as well as promote our program's philanthropy!
11/09-12/05 Giving Tree Project
Please consider clicking on the above link and/or QR code and donating to our SMHS students in need! Items can be delivered to me at the school or given to ASB room in the SMHS Student Union.
Items Needed:
Reusable Water Bottles
Body Wash
Gift Card Walmart ($10-$25)
Gift Card Target ($10-$25)
Gift Card Amazon ($10-$25)
Gift Card Starbucks ($10-$25)
Gift Card Gas ($25-$100)
Gift Card Grocery ($50+)
Light Blue Queen Size Blanket
Light Blue Twin Size Blanket
Pajamas (Sz L)
Running Shoes (Sz 9.5)
Roller Blades (Sz adult 8.5)
Girl Shoes (Sz adult 8.5)
Girls Pants (Sz 14/16)
*FUNdraising EVENTS*
We need ALL hands on deck for this event.
ALL team members are expected to participate in the event.
Varsity competition team updates
november birthdays!!!
November is an especially cozy month for a birthday, perfect for daylong fires in the hearth, soul-warming soups, stews, and especially rich late-harvest cakes, and pies. This month marks fall in full bloom, an important time of transition and tradition, characterized by the drawing near of friends and family — due both to lower temperatures and the closeness of the holiday season. Perhaps best of all, the end of daylight saving time on Nov. 7 gifts us all a much-needed extra hour of sleep. November birthday babies also happen to be recipients of some remarkable personal characteristics and birthday benefits.
People with November birthdays are strong and athletic. Most November babies are Scorpios (Oct. 23 and Nov. 22), natural truth-seekers known for utilizing a unique blend of creativity and intelligence to fight for what they believe in. A Scorpio’s ambition can sometimes feel intimidating, but their efforts aren’t all about personal gain — a Scorpio lives to advance causes they believe will benefit everyone, and are well known for displaying bravery to help close friends. Also quite charming and adventurous, Scorpios love displaying their professional capabilities via highly visible accomplishments. Those born after Nov. 22 fall under the sign of Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21), a philosophical, open-minded bunch with grand, but considerate, senses of humor.
Coach Heather 11/16
Ali A. 11/27
THE following is in effect and will be strictly enforced
If you leave practice early: You will sit out for the same amount of time you leave early and collectively this can add up over time.
If one practice is missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and sit out a portion of a game with her/his coach. However long will be up to discretion from the coach.
If two practices are missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and will sit out the entire game and meet with the athlete and parent to discuss disciplinary action, probation, and action plan.
Continuous absences will result in removal from the program. Please do not commit to our team if you can not attend practice regularly
Cheerleaders must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher in order to participate in our program. Any member failing to meet this standard will be put on academic probation for 6 weeks. During this time the member is not eligible to perform at any event, but he/she must still attend all events to support their team. Once the 6 week probation is up, if the student’s grades are above a 2.0, they may rejoin the team's activities. If not, the cheerleader will be removed from the cheer team.
SMHS CHEER SPOTLIGHT: Cara Veljovich-Varsity
Cara is a sophomore member of the varsity cheer team and this will be her second year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Cara:
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Sushi
Hobbies: Snowboarding
Favorite sport(s): Cheer
I look up to my brother
When I grow up I would like to be a Social Worker
Awards/Accolade(s): Multiple Cheer Awards
Two words that describe you: Adventurous and Dedicated
SMHS CHEER SPOTLIGHT: Irene Ramos-Junior Varsity
Irene is a sophomore member of the junior varsity cheer team and this will be her first year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Irene:
Favorite color: Pink and Gray
Favorite food: Sushi
Hobbies: Dance, Cheer, and Listening to music
Favorite sport(s): Football and Soccer
I look up to my mom the most because she is my biggest supporter and my inspiration
When I grow up I would like to be a kindergarten teacher or a vet
Two words that describe you: Fearless and Exciting
What goes into a cheer competition?
It really all depends on the type of show you want. A cheer event can be done in a high school gym, which is great for smaller, more regional one-day events. You have to look at the number of teams and gyms in a certain area and then do the math on how many you think you could get to your event, knowing how much the cost of the venue is and everything else. I’m not going to go and rent out the Staples Center in Los Angeles if I know that I’m only going to get 10 teams.
How do you get teams to register for a cheer event?
You very much have to convince cheer teams to come to your event. You have to convince gym owners and directors to try new and different cheer events, especially in new markets. It’s important to give them things that they’re actually looking for and that cheer parents and athletes look forward to.
What goes into the production of a cheer event?
Like the venues, it depends on what product you want to put out. Smaller, one-day events have a basic production, where we hang up the backdrop and have a couple of flashy lights. It’s not a huge logistical hurdle because there’s not that much involved. When you get into the larger events, companies will go all out: think LED walls, LEDs on the ceiling, and all kinds of crazy bells and whistles. You want to build the production so that it makes people’s jaws drop and that they remember it and they can’t stop talking about it.
Hey There Knight Cheer Fam!
Welcome to Week 15!!! I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving break with family and friends! I am truly grateful for this program and all of the wonderful kiddos that I get to work with each day!
CIF competition is just around the corner! The SMCT will be hosting this grand event on 12/3....Hosting such a large event requires the support of our amazing parents and kiddos. Please look at the sign up genius above and let us know how you can support! The San Diego CIF cheer competition is a great opportunity to raise money for our program.
Basketball season is HERE!!! Please look at the linked schedule above...We will be cheering for all levels this year. We will also be cheering for both boys and girls teams! The teams will only travel to a few away games which will be announced in the near future. All home games will be attended. Please see the calendar for our first home game!
Cheers to a great week of THANKS!!
Remember to Keep it Classy and GOOOOO KNIGHTS!!