Peirce Update
April 16, 2020
Greetings Peirce!
We are done with week 1 of remote learning and I want to acknowledge that remote learning is not the same as children being in their classrooms. Thank you for working through the challenges and shifts, helping your children become tech savvy, supporting their learning, muting microphones, figuring out the daily schedule, managing lunch and recess and so much more! Remote learning is new to all of us - please give yourself a pat on the back and know that you are doing the best you can with what you have today. Our teachers are learning a lot and have been asked to overhaul their teaching approach - this is not easy for any of us. Each of them will be seeking feedback on ways that they can continue to support students and families in their classroom.
Please also consider providing feedback here to let me know how things are going and what might be helpful moving forward.
I hope that through all of this, you are recognizing the good that is happening around you - I like to focus on the good that comes from difficult situations. Today I celebrate the time that I have had with my daughter, the slowing down of life, the ability to adapt to change and a deeper appreciation for our school community.
The rest of this email has information regarding quarter 3 grades and report card day.
In good health and spirits,
Lori Zaimi
No School Days
Quarter 3 Grades, Report Cards & Report Card Day
Quarter 3 Grades & Report Cards
Today is the last day of the 3rd quarter, all grades will be entered by 5pm on Friday, April 17th. CPS will be mailing report cards and IEP report cards home to the address that you have on file. In the meantime, you can check parent/student portal to review final quarter 3 grades. Students grades cannot be negatively impacted as a result of the school closures, all teachers are aware of this.Report Card Day
Well this is a first - virtual Report Card Day! Who would have thought? Teachers will be reaching out to schedule virtual conferences to be held on Wednesday, April 22nd. Stressed? Don't worry - we have until May 1st to have these conferences completed. If April 22nd does not work for you, just let your child's teacher know and they will find a time that is mutually agreed upon.
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440