Troop 466 Fall Update
November 9th, 2023
Upcoming Fall Dates
11/11 at 9am - Cadette Take Action project at Elwood House
12/7 from 2:15-4:15pm - Daisy bowling field trip to Mardi Gras Lanes
12/7 from 2:15-4pm - Junior meeting at Saint Mary School*
12/17 from 4-5:30pm - Junior horseback riding field trip at Tower Hill Stables
*We need your help! Can you be our second safety-wise adult at the Junior meeting on 12/7? Let Nicole Tiknor know if you can help her out!
It has been a fantastic Fall for the troop! The Juniors' top choices in badges were Gardening and Horseback Riding, both of which sounded intimidating with Fall weather in Illinois, but with some help from DeKalb County Community Gardens and an indoor horseback riding arena being available in December, everything fell into place. We were even able to knock out the whole Daisy Flower Garden journey by doing some of the same activities as the Juniors because DCCG had us plant strawberry plants that people who need food will be able to eat from in the Spring -- making it a community service project that takes action in an ongoing way. Even with their extremely limited availability as busy middle schoolers, the Cadettes knocked out a journey this Summer/Fall and are excitedly planning for future adventures, travel, and a Silver Award!
I sincerely appreciate the commitment, flexibility, and help of the parents in our troop, which allows us to keep our activities girl-led. Our goal is always to allow the girls to plan their own year to the greatest extent possible. Sometimes I get really frustrated with all the paperwork, scheduling, and fundraising it takes to achieve this, but when I look back at the photos on the Facebook page it always makes it worth it! Thanks for bearing with the chaos during the Fall and here's to a great Spring!
-Miss Sylvia
What's Going On?
Join the Cadettes as they tackle invasive plants
The Cadettes are joining the DeKalb Park District to weed out invasive plants around the Elwood House as part of their Take Action project! Meet us at the Elwood House (420 Linden St, DeKalb, IL) at 9am this Saturday if you would like to help out!
Bowling Field Trip
The Daisies are going bowling at Mardi Gras Lanes in DeKalb with their Fall Product Sale money during our 12/7 meeting! Sylvia and Kristen will transport the Daisies. You can pick up at Mardi Gras (1730 Sycamore Rd, DeKalb, IL) by 3:50pm or at Saint Mary School at 4:15pm.
Horseback Riding
The Juniors are using their Fall Product Sale money to go horseback riding in the indoor arena at Tower Hill Stables (12N254 Tower Rd, Hampshire, IL) on 12/17 from 4-5:30pm! If you need help transporting your daughter to or from the field trip, contact Nicole Tiknor. Please remember to complete the Girl Scout Form and Tower Hill Stables Form and return them to Nicole by the 12/7 meeting.